Chapter Eleven

"Christina, why don't we dance?" Tommy asked her. Christina sat at the bar next to Tommy. She was watching Jack and Rose talk. They were laughing with each other. "Christina!"

"Sorry, Tommy. What were you saying?" Tommy knew that she was looking at them. He tried to cover up his jealousy.

"Forget it! Can I get another beer here?" he asked the bartender. Christina felt bad.

"Let's go dance, Tommy!" She thought maybe it would help her get her mind off of things. She grabbed Tommy's hand and led him to the floor.

Tommy and Christina got close together. Christina was starting to enjoy herself. She realized what a great dancer Tommy was. They'd danced before at Underground but not this close. She actually kind of felt a closeness to him. They were close friends but now she felt closer to him than before.

When they stopped dancing, they went back to the bar.

"Wow, Tommy! You are a great dancer! We should dance together more often!" Christina was breathless. She couldn't believe how good he was.

"Yeah well, what can I say?" Tommy had a bright smile on his face. Christina smiled back at him as she hugged him.

"This night couldn't have been better without you." Christina meant it. For the first time in five months, her mind wasn't focused on Jack. Just then, Fabrizio came to the bar.

"Whatcha guys doing?" he asked. He had seen them hugging and it brought a smile to his face. He kind of wanted Tommy and Christina together. Especially since Jack wasn't going anywhere after kissing her. She might as well move on to someone else. Someone who always appreciated her. He wished that Tommy could get some balls to ask her out on a date.

"We just finished dancing. Tommy is such a great dancer!" Tommy was flattered.

"Well, I taught this kid very well at our many nights at Underground."

"Shut up, Fabri! Weren't you talking to that hot blonde across the room?"

"Yeah, I was, but then this big dude comes up to us and tells me to back off from hitting on her."

"Sucks for you! Hey, let’s go back to the table!" Christina made her way back to Rose and Jack. Fabrizio and Tommy followed. They saw Jack and Rose flirting with each other. Christina's heart dropped. Her face began to feel hot and her hands were beginning to feel clammy. Her mind was set back completely on Jack.


"So, anyway, I haven't had a girlfriend in a few years. I just meet girls and talk to them. Lately, it's just been Christina hanging around me," Jack said. He couldn't believe how well his conversation with Rose was turning out to be. He had forgotten everything that had happened between him and Christina until…

"So you and Christina never had a relationship before?" Rose asked. Jack suddenly remembered what almost happened when they were dancing. He almost kissed her for the second time. All those feelings started to rush again to his head.

"Nope. Just strictly the best of friends!" Rose smiled. Jack smiled back. He thought she had such a lovely smile.

"Well, that's lucky for me, then," Rose said flirtatiously. Jack was starting to feel a strong crush coming on. He started to like Rose a lot. He felt so comfortable with her.

"Hey, guys," Tommy said. Jack turned to see Tommy, Fabrizio, and Christina, who seemed to have an unhappy face.

"Hey." Rose just smiled at them. Tommy and Fabrizio sat in the seats they were sitting in before. Jack forgotten he was sitting in Christina's seat.

"Here, Christina. You can have my seat," Tommy said. He got up and Christina sat down. Tommy pulled a chair from another table and sat.

"Thanks, Tommy. At least some men have some decency around here," Christina said, not in such a nice tone. Fabrizio's mouth formed a big O. Jack shot a look back at her.

"Sorry, Chris. I forgot." Jack turned quickly to continue talking to Rose.

"You know what? I'm calling it a night. Adios!" Christina grabbed her purse off the table and left. Jack excused himself from Rose and went after her. He yelled her name and ran quick enough to catch her hand.

"Christina! Why are you leaving?"

"I'm tired. I should go home. You guys have fun." Jack didn't buy it. However, he didn't know why she was going home.

"All right, then. Good night. You sure you wanna go home by yourself? You don't want Tommy or Fabrizio with you?"

"No. I'm fine. Bye, Jack." She was about to walk off, but was pulled back by Jack, who still didn't let go of her hand. "What?" she asked. Jack pulled her into a warm embrace, stroking her hair. When he let go, she just smiled and turned around. He watched her walk up the block, and turned back to the pub. He hoped she was okay. He knew she'd be fine in the morning. What he didn't know was that she had tears coming out from her eyes the whole way home.

Chapter Twelve