Chapter Thirteen

Looking in the mirror, Christina realized she had dark circles under her eyes from crying. She had been too upset to even be at the pub last night. She just had to leave. This girl had only been in Jack's life for two days, and Christina felt like she was being replaced. She thought to herself that she'd have fun tonight. It'd be just her and her boys.

She covered the dark circles with makeup. She knew they wouldn't stay there permanently, but she didn't want them to be shown. She wanted to look perfect tonight, so she found a black skirt and a black short-sleeved shirt. She put on her knee-high black leather boots. She curled her hair again and placed a black rose in her hair. If Jack wanted a rose, she'd give him one. She almost cried when she thought about the first night Fabrizio, Jack, and she hung out at Underground. They had come to her door with white roses. The same night they met Tommy. Five months had passed, and they had formed a close circle of friends. Jack and her had grown to be best friends. It wasn't until a few nights ago that they had shared their first kiss. They had almost again last night, but there was a minor interference. Two to be exact. When Rose had come unexpectedly.

Christina shook these thoughts out of her head. She didn't want to ruin her makeup. She knew the guys would be here any minute, so she threw everything she needed inside her purse, perfumed herself, and applied lip gloss to her lips. Then she heard the door buzz. She went to the living room and pressed the button to let them in the building. She checked her room to see if she was missing anything but she wasn't. She heard three knocks on the door and answered it.

"You boys are looking hot tonight!" she said, looking at her three best friends.

"And so do you, my lady," Jack said, kissing her hand.

"You're a prima donna tonight." Fabrizio kissed her on her cheek.

"Hey, sunshine! You look fantastic!" Tommy gave her a hug.

"Oh, you boys flatter me too much!"

"We can't help it!" Jack said.

"Any man would love to walk side by side with the Spanish princess." Fabrizio smiled at her. He was happy to see her smiling.

"Not every day you see a beauty walking around with three young men. We await for your departure. Are you ready, miss?" Tommy asked. Christina grabbed her leather jacket and put it on.

"I am now." The four friends left her apartment building. She felt happy again. Just her and her three boys. She didn't feel like shit like she had for the past three days. She was happy for now, but she was in for a whole lot more drama.


"Rose, I don't want you to leave! I command you not to!" Ruth said to her daughter.

"Mom, I am leaving now! I will personally call Cal myself and apologize for not being present for dinner this evening."

"Fine. Go."

"Thank you. Good night, Mother." She kissed her mother’s cold cheek and went downstairs. Ruth meant it when she said she wasn't gonna let Thomas drive her. She gave him the night off.

Rose went downstairs and waited for a cab to come by. It was chilly, so she decided to wear red leather pants with a black sleeveless shirt. Her feet were killing her in her stiletto heels and they were kind of getting cold. At least she wore her jacket. She was so nervous about seeing Jack again. It had been two nights since she met him and she already felt close to him. She really liked him. She hadn't had a crush this big since her senior year of high school.

Rose waited ten minutes until she saw an empty cab. She hiked her hand for him to stop and she got in the cab. She told him the address and was on his way. She felt so nervous, unaware of what was gonna happen tonight.


Christina had been dancing happily with Jack for the past twenty minutes. The first thing she did when they got to the club was drag him to the dance floor. Fabrizio was trying to talk to these girls and Tommy just sat at the bar.

"I'm gonna go dance with Tommy," Christina said, as loud as she could, to Jack. She let go of his hand and went to Tommy.

"Come on, Tommy! Dance with me!" she said.

"I don't know."

"I like dancing with you! You're an amazing dancer!" She grabbed Tommy's hands and went to the middle of the dance floor. She placed Tommy's hands against her stomach and start dancing against him. He was going along with it and she felt great. She turned around to face him and she felt a strange attraction to him. She just thought it was the music getting to her, because she could have sworn she wanted to just make out with him. Five minutes later they joined Tommy and Fabrizio at the bar.

"It looked like you two were having sex with your clothes on," Fabrizio said. Jack laughed and took a sip of his beer.

"Shut up, Fabri! Hey, I haven't danced with you in a while."

"What? Ya wanna dance with me?" Fabrizio asked.

"Why not?" Fabrizio just shook his head and put his drink down on the bar. He followed Christina onto the dance floor. Fabrizio was dancing like a jackass on purpose. Christina couldn't help but laugh. She knew Fabrizio was just being a good friend. He just wanted to make her laugh. They danced for a while, then went back to talk to Tommy and Jack.

"You're a fucking dick, Fabri! You get the prize for the best-looking dildo on the dance floor," Tommy joked and gave those guyish hugs to Fabrizio.

"Yeah, you certainly are, and that's why we love ya!" Jack said, continuing to sip his beer. Tommy got off the stool next to Jack's for Christina to sit down on. She leaned her elbow on his shoulder.

"Who doesn't love me?" Fabrizio said.

"I don't love ya, Fabri! I abso-fucking-lutely love ya!" Christina said. Fabrizio went over to hug her.

"That's my girl!" Fabrizio said.

"Damn right I am!" The four friends continued to joke around. Christina felt even more happy because of her and Jack flirting again.

"Hey! Jack!" She heard a familiar voice yell. She wished she didn't turn around. But she did. To see her. Rose.


"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Fabrizio yelped, as Christina pulled his ear, dragging him by the bathroom doors where it was quiet. "You're fucking ripping my ear off!"

"Good! I'm glad. What the fuck is she doing here?! What happened to just the four of us? Why is she here? You told me she wasn't gonna be here!" She punched Fabrizio's arm.

"Ouch! Stop hitting me! I didn't know she was coming. Jack must have invited her. I certainly didn't know she was coming. Tommy didn't know, because he would have told me and I would have told you!"

"Get rid of her!"

"I can't do that, Christina!"

"God, I don't even wanna go back there."

Fabrizio hugged his friend, who was on the verge of tears. "Don't worry! You still got me and Tommy! Let's just go back out there and have ourselves a good time! Pretend she's not there. Can you do that?" Fabrizio's hands were holding her face. Christina nodded her head yes and Fabrizio hugged her. He felt so bad. "Now be a good girl and don't start crying." She just continued to nod. "Good. Now let's go back out there." He put his arm around her shoulder and went back to the bar. He thought maybe he helped and the rest of the night was gonna go smoothly. But he was dead wrong.

Chapter Fourteen