Chapter Fourteen

Jack was happy to see Rose. He was just confused on why Christina would pull Fabrizio's ear. He saw Fabrizio with his arm over her shoulder. She had a weak smile on her face.

"Why did you nearly pull Fabrizio's ear off?" Jack asked her the minute they came back from wherever they went.

"Um…uh…just a spontaneous thing. Sometimes he trips me on the floor and I bite his arm!" Christina and Fabrizio laughed. Jack just found it a bit odd.

"Anyway, Rose here was just telling him about her pottery stuff," Tommy said, trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah." That was all Rose could say.

Christina just stood there, still having Fabrizio's arm over her shoulder.

"So, anyway, Rose, wanna dance?" Jack asked. He was kind of weirded out by the silence in the group. He saw Christina staring at them as they got up to go dance.

Rose and Jack left the bar. They laughed and talked while dancing. One point he pulled her closer. He felt her trying to adjust to their position. Then he twirled her and she screamed but still laughed. After a few minutes they went to go rest with the others.

"Jack, you are a great dancer!" Rose commented and he just had to blush a little.

"I guess you can say that. So anyway, what ya guys talking about?"

"Breasts!" Christina blurted out. Jack and Rose just gave her a strange look. "What? A girl can't talk to her two best buds about boobs? Rose, it’s normal to say the word boob. Get use to it." Tommy and Fabrizio laughed a bit. They stopped when they saw Jack's expression. "You guys can continue laughing if you want. Don't stop because of the look Jack's giving you!"

"I'm sorry, Rose. My friend here seems a little bit on the drunk side!" Christina gave him a cold stare.

"I'm not drunk, Jack! You forgetting that I'm not allowed to drink yet? I don't have the I.D. to drink!"


"Anyway, Tommy, Fabri, we can all go to my house and watch porn after this! Make fun of the titles of their lame movies!" Christina said. Tommy and Fabrizio ignored Jack's looks and kept laughing.

"Armagetiton! That was the greatest!" Fabrizio said.

"How about A Low Down Dirty Pain?" Tommy said.

"Shut up!" Jack said.

"God, Jack, we were just trying to have fun!" Fabrizio said.

"We didn't mean anything bad by it," Tommy said.

"Don't feel sorry. We were just having fun, Jack! What's up your ass?"

"You're fucking embarrassing me!" he yelled out.

"Oh, you want to impress your lady friend?" Christina asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Yeah. I'm not gonna discuss this here." Suddenly, Jack grabbed her arm. Rose, Tommy, and Fabrizio just stared at them.

"We'll just be a minute, Daisy, or whatever your name is! You'll have him back as soon as possible," Christina said, laughing. Jack shot Rose an I'm sorry look. She just smiled. Fabrizio nudged Tommy to follow. He had a feeling Christina wasn't gonna come back because it was gonna be an ugly turnout. He would've gone himself, but because Tommy was practically in love with her, he sent him instead.

Once Jack and Christina got outside, he started to yell at her. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I'm just having fun! Sorry if I'm trying to be friendly to your flower there!"

"Friendly? That's a bunch of horseshit! What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you being such an asshole?"

"I'm being an asshole?" Her eyebrows arched. Her eyes got darker then usual.

"Yes, you are!" Then he knew he had pushed her buttons too far. He knew she was gonna explode.

"Well, fuck you Mr. I'm So Embarrassed By You! I'm not the one whose been ignoring their so called best friend! You've been ignoring me ever since little miss I’m so perfect rich ditzy flower girl showed up! What about that? And I am being the asshole? I'm the bad one? Because you want to impress some girl you've known for five minutes? Well, I've known you for five fucking months! I've never felt so shitty since my parents divorced until now! I never thought you could make me feel so fucking low!" Christina pushed Jack roughly.

"Look, Christina, I am sorry!"

"Forget it! You want a damn rose? I'll give you a damn rose!" She took the rose out of her hair and threw it at him. Then she started to walk in the other direction. She couldn't fight her tears anymore. They started pouring out, and she wiped her face, which smudged her eye makeup.

"Christina, I am sorry!" Jack yelled after her, but she didn't turn around. He looked down at the rose and picked it up. Then he saw Tommy next to him.

"I'll go with her," Tommy said. Jack just nodded his head and turned back around. He saw Tommy run up to her. He caught up to her but stayed a few inches back. He watched them walk off and then went back into the club.


Tommy followed Christina home. He had never seen them go at it like that. Just little stuff like what happened a few days ago. He never expected this.

Sure, Jack was one of his best friends, but lately he couldn't stand Jack. First off, he felt inferior to him whenever it came to Christina. Wishing that she would just let Jack go. Give herself a chance to see that Tommy was in love her. There was nothing he could do, though.

They went down to the subway, and right away a train came. Christina didn't say word the whole ride home. She just stared out the window, her face tear-stained. Her eye makeup was dripping, messed up from crying. His heart broke watching her cry. Not only because she was one of his best friends, but also because she was crying over Jack.

He continued to walk after her on her way to her apartment. She never turned around, but she knew he was there.

Chapter Fifteen