Chapter Fifteen

Christina walked into her apartment, smiling when she saw Tommy still standing there. He had been with her the whole way through. She had never turned around when they were walking, but she had felt his presence. He smiled back at her and waved, waited until she closed her door, and left.

Christina was home early. It was only 11:30. She looked in the mirror. She looked sick, her makeup completely smudged from her tears. Her hair was messed up from when she took the rose out of her hair. She couldn't bear to turn around when Jack had called for her. She had had to leave.

She got into the shower. She was in there for forty-five minutes. She scrubbed her face hard, making sure she got all the makeup off. She washed her hair. Even if it wasn't dirty, she wanted to be clean from head to toe.

When she got out of the shower, she threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, dried her hair with the towel, and brushed it. She popped a movie into her DVD player and made some popcorn and ice cream out of the freezer. She was so upset, she had to eat.

By the time the movie was done, it was three o’clock in the morning. She continued to eat her popcorn. The TV was off. She turned on the radio, and on came a song that stung her heart.

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem
You love me no longer, I know
And maybe there is nothing
That I can do to make you
Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
That I ought to stick to another man
A man that surely deserves me
But I think you do!

So I cry, I pray, and I beg
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you...

Lately I have desperately pondered,
Spent my nights awake and I wonder
What I could have done in another way
To make you stay
Reason will not lead to solution
I will end up lost in confusion
I don't care if you really care
As long as you don't go.

So I cry, I pray, and I beg
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you...

Her face was drenched with tears. She couldn't stop them from rolling down her face. She couldn't stop thinking about Jack. She turned the radio off right after the song ended.

Someone knocked on her door. No one even buzzed to let them in the building. They just knocked on her door. She wondered who the hell it could be at the this time.

She got up, looked through the peephole, and opened the door.


"Hi," Jack said, as Christina opened her door. He could tell that she had been crying.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I brought you this." He took her black rose out of his pocket, took her hand, and placed it on her palm.

"Thank you." Christina started to tear up again. Jack pulled her into a hug. She started to cry on his chest.

"I love you, Christina. You're my best friend. I am so sorry." They continued to hug for a few more seconds. "Let's go inside." Christina pulled away from him, and he closed the door behind him. He followed her as she went into the bedroom and lay down on her bed. He lay down next to her.

"You hurt me, Jack."

"I know. I am sorry. We always hurt the ones we love." They turned to look at each other. He wiped the tears from her eyes, touching her cheek. He still loved her just as much as usual. She was still his beautiful best friend. She moved closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around her body. She held him back. He held her throughout the rest of the night. He watched her fall asleep and continued to hold her. He gently kissed her forehead. One last thought in his mind before he fell asleep--he'd always love her.


After Jack walked her home, Rose ran to her bedroom. Her heart pounded fast. She had had a fun time dancing with him. She had had fun her whole time with him, except for the part after they danced. The way Christina acted towards him and Rose--his friend Tommy had left and it was just her, Jack, and Fabrizio.

They didn't talk much, still disturbed by what had happened. On the walk home, they barely spoke. All that he said was that he'd call her and good night.

She hoped he'd call soon, like later today. It was 2:30 in the morning. She tried to get to sleep. She couldn't, though. She kept thinking of Jack. She didn't know if they would just stay friends, or if it would turn into a relationship.

She just wanted to know Jack more. She didn't care who stood in her way. She was determined to get closer to him. She didn't care if her mother tried to stop her, Cal, and especially Christina.

Song: Love Fool
Artist: Cardigans

Chapter Sixteen