Chapter Seventeen

Fabrizio and Tommy had gotten really drunk at the party the night before. They had gotten up on stage and sang I’ve Got You, Babe to each other. After the party, Jack had walked home with Rose. Christina was the only one who hadn't gotten drunk so she, Fabrizio, and Tommy took a cab to Tommy's apartment, where they slept.

Christina woke up first while the guys were still sleeping in the living room. They had crashed in the living room and Christina slept in Tommy's bedroom. It was too late to go home. She woke up wearing a small shirt Tommy had and his sweatpants. She left the house to go home. It was one o’clock in the afternoon.

When she had gotten home she had brushed her teeth and took a shower. She had a lot of fun the night before. She was so happy to spend the few minutes with Jack. Even happy that it was just the four of them on stage. Fabrizio, Jack, and her singing happy birthday to Tommy.

Around 4:30 Fabrizio came by to hang out. Tommy had to work late and Rose and Jack went to hang out somewhere, which got on Christina's nerves.

"Babe, I rented Scar Face. No need to watch any of your chick flicks," Fabrizio said.

"Whatever," Christina said sitting on her couch eating popcorn. "Jack could have hung out."

"What you don't enjoy my company?"

"Of course I do! It seems as though Jack doesn't have anymore time for his friends. He gives it all to her."

"Yeah, well, we still have each other, you, Tommy, and me. Besides, Jack wanted to check out some art exhibit."

"Boring! Just like Rose. Boring!" Christina said popping popcorn into her mouth.

"She's not that bad," Fabrizio said.

"Yeah right! That girl is flakier then a bowl of Frosted Flakes!" Fabrizio laughed at her comment. Fabrizio sat on the couch after putting the movie into the DVD player.

"Why don't you tell him how you feel?" Fabrizio asked.

"Why should I? Probably ignore me while telling him anyway?"

"You may never know."

"I guess you're right."

"What do you have to lose?"

"You are right. Tomorrow morning I'll go and tell him. Ten thirty A.M. I will tell him. I, Christina Castillo, am in love with him, Jack Dawson."

Christina couldn't believe the things she was saying, but she knew what she had to do. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?


Jack and Rose went to her house after going to the art exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art.

"Are you thirsty?" she asked him.

"No thank you." Rose excused herself and went into her bedroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She had a lot going on in her head. Thought s of Jack running through her head 24/7.

She looked in her drawer, searching for something. She threw the clothes all over her room. Then she saw it. The heart shaped diamond Cal had given her the night she broke things off. It sparkled. She took the diamond out of the draw and went to the sitting room.

Jack was looking at a painting by Monet when she came into the room. Jack turned to see her standing there and smiling.

"This is an awesome painting you got here!"

"Yeah I practically talked my mother into buying it."

"Where is your mother anyway?" He asked. He had met her mother before. They had went out to dinner at some fancy restaurant. Ruth, her mother, made Rose come out to dinner with her and some business colleagues. She was allowed to bring a guest so she brought Jack. It wasn't so pleasant. Her mother had been so rude to him.

"She is at the country club. We won't be expecting her anytime soon. I wanted to show you this." Rose held out her hand. Jack's eyes almost popped out.

"Is it a sapphire?"

"It's a diamond.  A very rare diamond. It was given to me by my ex the night we broke up. He insisted that I keep it. It was an anniversary present."

"Wow. It certainly is beautiful." Jack had the diamond in his hand staring at it in amazement.

"I never wore it."

"I'm sure it'd look great on you."

"Actually, I was wondering if you could draw me, wearing this."

"Alright." Jack inspected the diamond even more closely.

"Wearing only this." Rose said. Jack looked at her. At first he didn't understand but it caught up to him.


Rose took her hair out of the tight ponytail. She took off her clothes and slipped on a robe. She came back into the sitting room to see Jack sharpening his tools. Jack looked up at her. His eyes glowing.

"The last thing I need is another drawing of me looking like a porcelain doll. I expect you to do your best work." Rose took her robe off revealing her naked body. Jack stared at her in amazement. He has never seen a body more beautiful. Rose stared at him waiting for him to say something.

"Um...uh...sit there on the bed...I mean the couch." Jack corrected himself immediately. Rose almost laughed but she just smiled. She laid down on the couch. Jack instructed her on how to pose.

"Perfect. Just try to hold still." Jack said. Jack was nervous but he started to draw. Here she was laying naked in front of him. Her perfect body that he wanted to touch so badly.

He first drew her face. The face he loved to look at. He drew it so perfectly. Then he drew her hands. The hands that he loved to hold. Then he focused on her breasts. Drawing them perfectly, better then he drew any one else. When he was done, he looked at the picture. He thought to himself, this was the best he has ever drawn of anyone.

"All done!" Jack said. Rose got up to put on her robe and went back to her room.

He stared at the picture. It was pure perfection. About twenty minutes later Rose came back into the sitting room wearing a pair of jeans and a pink shirt. Her hair was let out loose. She went in back of Jack who was still sitting in the seat. She stared at the picture.

Jack signed his name and date. It read J.D., May 11, 2003.

"Thank you Jack." Rose said. Jack stared into her eyes. Their lips almost met but then they heard the front door to her apartment close. They heard her mother's voice.

"Oh shit! I didn't think she was going to come back until tomorrow!" Rose said. Then they heard Cal's voice. "Not him to!"

"Rose!" Ruth yelled. "Are you home?"

"Come on!" Rose pulled Jack off the seat and ran out the sitting room, his art portfolio still in his hands.

"My art supplies!" Jack whispered loudly.

"We need to get out of here!" Rose yelled. She ran into her room and grabbed her purse and sweater. She ran out quickly. She grabbed Jack's hand and led him into the kitchen. "There is a door next to the fridge. Go!" Jack opened the door and went down the stairs and Rose followed.

When they got out the building they were out of breath.

"I can't believe she brought him here." Rose said.

"Well we could go somewhere else."

"Well you lead the way!" Rose said.

Chapter Eighteen