Chapter Nineteen

Tommy called Fabrizio on his cell phone. He had a lot in his head these days. He wanted to tell Christina how he felt about her.

"Hey, Fabri!" Tommy yelled. He knew Fabrizio didn't like being woken up in the mornings. "Did I wake you, bud?"

"Not really. I just woke up ten minutes ago." Tommy looked at the clock. It read 10:15 AM.

"Shocking. This makes a record for you!" Fabrizio laughed on the other end.

"Hey, so what makes you call this early?"

"I got a car, man! I've been looking at it for weeks! I got a Nissan Ultima! A brand new one, color silver!"


"Yeah. I actually wanted to pick up Christina. Give her a ride. Tell her today that I am in love with her. She doesn't seem to be home, though. I know she doesn't work this early. Have any clue where she is? She's not picking up her cell phone, either." Tommy thought the whole thing out last night.

"That's great Tommy." Fabrizio was trying to avoid telling Tommy what she went to go do this morning.

"Yeah, it is. So, do you know where she is?" Tommy asked. Fabrizio decided to come out with it.

"Sorry to tell you this, man. Christina went to Jack's. She is going to tell Jack she is in love with him." There was a long pause. "Tommy, you still there, bud?"

"Yeah, still here. I'll talk to you later. I have to go do something."

"All right. Sorry man. I'll see you tonight." Tommy clicked his phone off.

He knew what he was gonna do. He pulled his car into reverse and made a U-turn.  He wasn't going to lose Christina just yet. He drove towards the direction of Jack's apartment.

It was 10:40 and he didn't find parking for another five minutes. Someone pulled out across the street from Jack's building, so Tommy parked his car there.

He ran across the street and into the building. He pressed the elevator button. He pressed it hard, but still nothing. The elevator appeared to be stuck on the second floor. He ran up the stairs. When he reached the top of the first floor he stopped.

He saw something frightening. He couldn't believe his eyes. It felt like his heart dropped out of his chest. There he saw Jack holding Christina, who was not moving. Jack's hand was covered with blood. There was blood all over his pants.

"What did you do to her?" Tommy yelled.

"Nothing! She fell."

"You obviously did something to hurt her!" Tommy's face was getting red. His eyes started to tear up.

"I did nothing!" Jack said. Tommy took his jacket off and put it behind her head. He picked her up off Jack’s lap and held her in his arms, his hand holding the jacket to make sure it secured the bleeding.

"Stay away from her and don't move an inch!" Tommy yelled. He held her tightly to make sure she didn't fall when he went down the stairs. Jack followed. Didn't care if he didn't have a shirt on and if his pants were drenched with blood.

Tommy ran out to his car. He saw Jack behind him.

"Since you're here take my keys out of my pocket and open the door. I'm gonna place her in the back!" Jack looked puzzled when he saw the car, he wasn't gonna ask questions now though. He did as Tommy said and opened the back. Tommy laid her out in the back making sure the jacket was still on the back of her head. He didn't even care if she got blood on the seat. Jack gave the keys back to Tommy.

"Where are you taking her?" Jack asked watching Tommy get in the driver's seat of the car.

"Victory Memorial!" Tommy answered.

"That's all the way out by Bay Ridge! She'll lose a lot of blood by that time!" Jack said.

"I don't care! As long as she gets there and makes it through alive. If she doesn't I'll come after you!" Tommy had so much anger in his eyes. His face was red. He started the car and pressed on the gas hoping he'd make it on time.

Chapter Twenty