Chapter Two

Rose DeWitt-Bukater sat at dinner with her mother and her boyfriend, Cal Hockley. Rose couldn't stand the stand the sight of Cal. Every time she tried to break it off, she could never go through with it. They were fine the first six months, but she realized what an asshole he was. It was more like a seven-month itch.

"Rose, pass the potatoes, please," her mother said. They never really spoke at dinner. They never really spoke at all.

"Here, Mother."

"Rose, I made reservations to Salvatore's for tomorrow night. Dress elegantly."

Rose hated dressing elegantly for dinner. The dinner where Cal chose what dress she wore. He chose what she ate and what she drank. She was only eighteen years old, and here her future was planned out by a twenty-four-year-old billionaire.

Rose could only stare at her food that was half eaten. She didn't want to touch it. She excused herself and went up into her room.

She laid down on her bed for a few minutes when she heard a knock on her door. She got up and answered it. There Cal was, with his coat on.

"Sweetpea, I must get going. I'll call you tomorrow evening."

"Bye, darling," Rose said. Cal kissed Rose on her cheek and left.

Rose sank down in her bed, wishing she could get away from it all. Away from her mother. Away from Cal. Away from all the rich and beautiful. Away from life.


Jack waited for the pub to close. He saw Christina walk out of the pub. Jack ran up to her and tapped her on back.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked fiercely. Jack loved the way her dark, mysterious eyes looked at him.

"I was walking around with my friend. He went home. I stayed around."

"Don't tell me you're the stalker kind."

"Not at all."


"Can I walk you to wherever you're going?"

"Well, I am actually taking the train. If you'd like to ride with me, then come along."

"Sure. Where are you going, anyway?"


"Really? Where in Brooklyn?"

"Brighton Beach."

"No shit. I live in Sheepshead."

"Oh, cool. We're neighbors, then. What the hell is your name, anyway?"

"Jack Dawson."

"Cute. What about your friend?"

"Fabrizio di Rossi."


"Yeah." Jack couldn't help but smile. He got her number, and now got to ride home with her.


Christina had a huge smile on her face from the night before. She still didn't know anything about Jack. They only really spoke about old movies.

She was getting ready to hang out with Jack and Fabrizio. She couldn't stop thinking about Jack. He was so hot. She had never thought she'd see a guy as hot as him.

She wanted to show a lot of cleavage, so she wore a v-neck shirt and a leather skirt. She quickly applied her lipstick and eyeliner.

She hoped to get to know Jack better. He had called right after he got off the train. He asked her to hang out with Fabrizio and him at a club in the Village.

Thoughts of Jack kept running through her mind. The last time she had had a crush was in junior year of high school. The ringing of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts.

She opened the door to see Fabrizio and Jack at her door. They were both holding white roses. Fabrizio had one in his mouth. Jack moved his hair out of his face and winked at her. She felt as if her heart was melting.

"Hello, senorita," Jack said.

Fabrizio took the rose out of his moth and kissed her hand. Then he handed her the rose, and said, "Che bella e` la ragazza!"

"Thank you, gentlemen!" Jack handed her the roses.

"Shall we be on our way?" Jack asked.

"Well, there’s nothing else we can do!" Fabrizio answered.

"Then we're off" Christina said. They both held out their arms for her to hold onto, and left her apartment.


"Rose, you look magnificent in that dress!" Cal said to her. He picked her up in his Jag. He looked gorgeous in his suit, Rose had to admit. She even agreed with the dress Cal picked out for her to wear.

It was a beautiful dress. A black dress that had an open back. It had a slit on the side of her dress high enough to show her legs. Her red curly hair was up. Her lips were red. Her perfume was sweet.

Rose went to go to kiss Cal, only to notice a box that he was holding.

"I bought this for you, Rose. I don't know if you remember, but today is our seven-month anniversary." Cal opened the box, and there Rose saw a beautiful diamond necklace that sparkled. In this box was also a matching bracelet and earrings. Rose gasped. Cal put the necklace on her. She touched the necklace to feel its coldness on her skin. He took the earrings off that she was wearing and put on the new ones. He carefully placed the bracelet on her wrist.

"Thank you, darling. I love it! It's so beautiful!"

"I thought you'd like it!" He gently kissed Rose on her lips.

Ruth came into the room.

"Hello, Ruth! How are you today?" Cal asked her.

"I'm doing fine, Cal, dear. Rose, where did you get this jewelry?"

"Cal gave it to me, Mother. For our anniversary."

"Oh, dear, it’s beautiful."

"Yes. From the finest jewelers," Cal brought up.

"Well, then, you two should be off. Good night, Cal."

"Good night to you as well."

"Good night, Mother."

"Night, Rose. Keep a close eye on my Rose. You hear, Mr. Hockley?"

"No doubt in my mind in I will."

Rose and Cal left arm-in-arm. Cal smiled at Rose, and Rose tried giving her best smile.

Chapter Three