Chapter Twenty

Jack stared out at Tommy's car speeding down the street. He couldn't believe this was happening. He only had himself to blame. He suddenly remembered Rose still up there. He saw that the elevator was stuck on the second floor so he had to go up the stairs.

He got up to where she fell. His stomach felt sick when he saw the puddle of blood on the floor. He ran right past it and went to his floor. He wondered what she was going to tell him before Rose came into the room.

When he got to his door he saw it was closed but unlocked. He went in and saw Rose sitting on the couch with the clothes she had on the night before. She turned to see Jack standing there. She got up and her mouth opened wide when she saw the blood on his pants. She rushed over to him.

"What happened?" Rose asked. Her face worried. Her forehead had wrinkles.

"She fell down the stairs. She started to bleed from the back of her head. Tommy was there. He started to yell at me. He picked her up, ran outside. I opened the car door and he placed her in there with his jacket on the back of his head. He drove off to Victory Memorial."

"Oh, my God, Jack! I am so sorry!"

"It would have never happened if it weren't for me!"

"Don't blame yourself!"

"I'm all I have to blame. She lost her balance because of me!" Jack started to cry, letting go of all of his pride. He didn't care. All that matter was that Christina would be okay. Rose hugged Jack. That was the only comfort that she could offer. Jack hugged her back but only for a brief amount of time.

"I have to go take a shower. I have to rush over there, see what's going on."

"I'll go with you."

"No, you go home!"

"I want to go."

"You sure?"

"Yes. I feel horrible!"

"I'll go take a shower then. Take a cab over there. Faster that way." Rose nodded. Jack went to go take a shower. He was so thankful that she wasn't gonna let him go alone.

Chapter Twenty-One