Chapter Twenty-One

Tommy carried her into the hospital.

"Someone help me here! My friend here is bleeding from her head!" Tommy yelled. The jacket was soaked. A doctor rushed to Tommy.

"How long has she been bleeding?" the doctor asked.

"About thirty minutes." Tommy was breathless. He rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. The doctor stopped a nurse.

"Get some help here! We need to rush her into the emergency room. She is losing a lot of blood from her head."

Five minutes later some EMT's came by with a stretcher. They took Christina from Tommy's arms and placed her on the stretcher.

"What relation do you have with the patient?" the doctor asked.

"Close friend," Tommy answered.

"Where is her family?" the doctor asked.

"They live in Connecticut," Tommy said.

"All right, then. You know any of her information? We'll need you to fill out some paperwork."

"I'll see what I can do."

"All right, then. Here, fill these out in the waiting room. Return them to the desk when you've completed what you know."

Tommy took the clipboard and sat down. He knew her name, address, and phone number. For her emergency contact he put himself down. He didn't know her social security number or if she had any insurance. That's all he really knew and other stuff, like gender. He handed the clipboard to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry. That's all I know." The receptionist just nodded her head and took the clipboard. Tommy could only sit there and wait.


Fabrizio came to the hospital as soon as he found out about Christina. Tommy just said to be there. Fabrizio didn't live so far away so he came in ten minutes.

He sat there wondering what happened. Tommy had went to go get some coffee for them. Fabrizio looked down on the floor. He heard Jack's voice. He looked up and saw him with Rose.

"Fabrizio!" Jack yelled.


"Do you know how she is doing?"

"Tommy said they rushed her to the emergency room."

"Oh, my God! This is all my fault!"

"What happened?" Fabrizio was concerned. He knew something had gone terribly wrong when she went there. He knew it had to do with Rose.

"Excuse me Rose. I have to talk to Fabrizio." Rose nodded and he pulled Fabrizio to the side.

"So what happened?"

"Last night, Rose and I went to my apartment. We kissed and one thing led to another. I wake up and Christina knocks on my door. She said she had to talk to me about something. When she's about to tell me Rose comes out wearing nothing but a shirt of mine. Christina looks at me. She looked so mad and sad. I told her I could explain but she just ran out the apartment. I ran after her. She went to the elevator pounding on the buttons. But for some stupid reason the elevator is stuck on the second floor. So she runs down the stairs and I'm after her. She lost her balance and fell. I ran to her and have her head on my hand. It was so warm and sticky. I pulled my hand out and there is nothing but blood. Tommy came and pulled her away. He pushed me out the way practically and put his jacket under her head. She bled so much. Tommy rushed her to his car. Which I had no idea he had. He blames me. He very well should, this would have never happened if it weren't for me."

"Yeah. He just bought that car, but that's not important. Don't blame yourself!"

"It is my fault! But anyway, I brought her purse. She left it there. Have to call Mr. Smith, tell her she can't come in tonight."

"Yeah." Fabrizio talked some more. They didn't even realize that Tommy stood there and heard everything.

Chapter Twenty-Two