Chapter Twenty-Two

"You bastard!" Tommy yelled. He handed Fabrizio the cups of coffee. "You are the reason why she fell!"

"I know, Tommy! I am sorry! If I could take it back, I would, and it would have been me falling down those steps."

"Asshole! Running around with that slut!" Rose heard him, and her face red grew with shock.

"Tommy, calm down. Rose had nothing to do with this!" Jack yelled back. Tommy's face was red.

"You're right! It was both of you!" Tommy punched Jack right in his eye. Jack fell back onto the floor. Fabrizio handed the coffee to Rose, who was shocked by what had happened.

"Tommy, relax. It's gonna be okay. Christina will pull through." Fabrizio pulled Tommy away from Jack, who was holding his eye. Tommy picked up Christina's purse that he spotted on the floor.

"Yeah, whatever! I'll see if she has anything in here to help me fill out the rest of the paperwork." Tommy went up to the desk and asked for the papers he filled out for Christina before. He looked through her purse and saw everything he needed to know to fill the papers out. Her medical insurance card, social security, everything.

He sat down a bit on the other side of the waiting room, wanting to be as far away from Jack as possible.


Two hours later, they still sat in the waiting room. Tommy couldn't believe the indecency Jack had to bring Rose here. In his opinion, it was their fault.

"Why don't you go talk to Jack?" Fabrizio asked. He was the only one remaining neutral. "He didn't mean anything by it."

"Why should I? That asshole! Lucky I came when I did. How could he even bring Rose here?"

"Rose is here because she cares."

"Whatever. She knows that Christina despises her." Just then Doctor Spencer came in, the same doctor who had first helped Tommy with Christina.

"Mr. Ryan, I'll speak to you now." Tommy got out of his seat, Jack watching them.

"How's she holding up?"

"She is fine. Lost some blood. She'll live. Nothing serious. She has a cut on her forehead, bandaged it up. We had to give her five stitches. We are going to keep her here overnight. You'll be able to pick her up, I assume."

"Yeah, of course. When will I be able to see her?"

"You can go see her now. She is in room 314."

"Thank you doctor." Doctor Spencer nodded and retreated.

"What did he say?" Fabrizio asked.

"Cut on her forehead, five stitches to the back of the head. She'll be out tomorrow. I will pick her up."

"Will we be able to see her?" Fabrizio asked.

"Yeah, I'm going up there now."

"I'll go with you," Fabrizio said. Tommy had the purse in his hand still. He caught the elevator with Fabrizio.

They went into her room. She lay on the hospital bed with her eyes still closed. Her forehead had a small white bandage on it.

Tommy sat on the chair next to her bed. Fabrizio stood there. They waited for her to open her eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Three