Chapter Twenty-Five

Tommy came to the hospital at twelve o'clock on the dot. He didn't waste any time. After leaving the hospital, Fabrizio and he went to Christina’s apartment to pick up clothes.

"Hey, Tommy!" Christina sat in the seat next to her bed.

"You eat anything?"


"We'll go get something after. I brought you clothes. I found my shirt and sweatpants there."

"Oh, sorry. I took them when you were sleeping Saturday morning."

"It's all right. You can keep them. They don't fit me anymore. I brought you a pair of sweats and a shirt."

"Thank you," Christina said. She looked in the bag. "Oh, my favorite sweatpants and tank top."

"It's pretty nice outside. Brought you a jacket also."

"I love you! You're the best, Tommy."

"No problem. You doing okay?"

"Yeah. My head just hurts a little. My body doesn't ache anymore."

"That's good. I'll just step outside for you to change."

"All right." Tommy stepped outside. He was glad that she was doing fine. Five minutes later, Christina came out of the room. "Ready?"

"Yeah. You got my keys?" Tommy dangled them in front of her. "All right. Check me out of here."

Tommy consulted the doctors. Christina just had to fill out some more paperwork, and then they were off. Tommy made his way to his car.

"This is nice, Tommy!" Christina said.

"Really? You like it?"

"I love it!" They were both seated in the car. Christina was switching the radio stations.

"Maybe I'll let you drive it one day."


"Yeah. Anything for you!" Christina smiled. Tommy was happy that for once he was the cause for Christina's smiling, and not Jack, hoping that one day she'd see him as more then a friend, if not soon.


Tommy walked Christina up to her door.

"You want to come in?" she asked.

"I can't. I called in late for work. I have to get there now. I'll call you later and we'll do something."

"Okay, then. Thanks again, Tommy. Thanks for the daisy." Christina held the daisy in the her hand. Tommy had gotten it for her when they left the hospital.

"No problem." Christina hugged him and watched him walk to the elevator.

When he was gone, she immediately went into the shower. She washed her hair, thinking that some blood could have been in it. Her head stung a bit, but she managed.

She changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt and made herself hot chocolate. She lay down on the couch and played some music.

How many times have you told me you love her
As many times as I've wanted to tell you the truth
How long have I stood here beside you
I live through you
You looked through me.

Ooh, Solitude,
Still with me is only you
Ooh, Solitude,
I can't stay away from you.

How many times have I done this to myself
How long will it take before I see
When will this hole in my heart be mended
Who now is left alone but me.

Ooh, Solitude,
Forever me and forever you
Ooh, Solitude,
Only you, only true.

Everyone leaves me stranded
Forgotten, abandoned, left behind
I can't stay here another night.

Your secret in my heart
Who could it be.

Ooh, Can't you see
All along it was me
How can you be so blind
As to see right through me.

And Ooh, Solitude,
Still with me is only you
Ooh, Solitude,
I can't stay away from you.

Ooh, Solitude,
Forever me and forever you
Ooh, Solitude,
Only you, only true.

Christina had tears coming down her face. The song was reminding her of Jack. She was still very much in love with him. She knew she had lost him to Rose. She didn't want to face him. Especially after yelling at him the way she had at the hospital yesterday. She didn't think she ever wanted to see him again.

Song: Solitude
Artist: Evanescence

Chapter Twenty-Six