Chapter Thirty

"I don't know! I hope everything goes smoothly." Christina was talking to Fabrizio on the phone half hour before Jack was to come pick her up. It was already Friday. Christina seemed to feel uncomfortable and nervous to hang out with Jack. They spoke on the phone, but it wasn't their usual phone conversations. There were pauses and silences when they spoke.

She had spent most of the week talking to Fabrizio on the phone and hanging out with Tommy. Tommy and Christina were getting closer day by day, as close as she was to Jack.

"Listen Christina! I'm sure It's gonna be alright." Fabrizio said on the other end.

"I hope you are right."

"When am I wrong?"

"Um...let's see. There was the night at Underground when you said it was only going to be the four of us."

"Oh right. Then you almost ripped my ear off. You know that was exactly a month ago today. I could have gone without an ear for a month." Christina laughed. Her door buzzed. She saw her clock. It was 7:05. Jack wasn't supposed to pick her up until 7:30.

"Fabri, I got to go. Jack seems to be early."

"Alright. Bye babes." Fabrizio hung up the phone and Christina pressed the button to let Jack in the building.

A few minutes later there was a knock on her door. She answered it and was surprised.

"Tommy! What are you doing here?" She hugged Tommy, happy to see him. Tommy had a bouquet of daisies. "Those for your date with Fabrizio tonight?" She joked.

"Carnations are more his style." Christina laughed. That is all that she needed. "I bought you these for a beautiful women from Spain." Tommy handed her the daisies, and she brought them into the kitchen. Putting the daisies in a vase.

"You certainly are the sweetest Irish man I know." Christina said.

"I have lucky charms." Tommy looked at her. She looked absolutely gorgeous. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you! You are looking good yourself. Where are you and Fabrizio going tonight?"


"Without me?"

"I know it's not gonna be the same. We will make it up to you."

"You better."

"I surely will."

7:30, Jack came. He had spoken to Rose on the phone before he left. When he got there Tommy answered the door.

"Hey Jack!"

"Hey Tommy." Jack saw Christina come into the living room. She still was beautiful to him, even with the bandage on his head. "Hey Chris. You look good."

"Jack, so do you."

"I better go get Fabri now. Bye Jack." He went to Christina giving her a strong hug. Jack looked at them, wishing he could hug Christina the way he used to.

"Bye Tommy. I'll call you tomorrow!" He just nodded and left.

"So, are you ready?" Jack asked her.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Where are we going?"

"I was thinking maybe Hong Kong City. We haven't been there in so long. Then walk on the bay. Watch a movie at my house."

"Sounds great."

"So we're on our way." Jack followed Christina out the apartment. Hoping the evening went by smoothly.

Chapter Thirty-One