Chapter Thirty-Five

"You guys are talking now?" Rose asked. They had gone to the movies and now were eating pizza.

"Yeah. We were quiet most of the night. She kind of hung up on me after I told her I wasn't hanging up." Rose laughed. "I still love her. She still is my best friend."

"I hope so. I hope it turns out for the best."

"She said she'll try not to act out in front of you when we're together. Hopefully when I'm not around as well."

"I'd hope so. You realize we've known each other for two months Jack."

"I certainly have. I'd never forget. Especially now since you're all mine." Rose blushed and kissed him.

"Now look I got pizza sauce on your face." Rose licked it off.

"All gone." Jack smiled. He was crazy in love with her despite the fact that he only had known her for two months and they'd only been dating for a week. It wasn't hard to fall in love with her.

"Wanna come over?" Jack asked her.

"I don't see the harm in that."


Jack and Rose went to his place. He enjoyed spending all his time with her. Jack checked his answering machine. He had a message saying not to come to work tomorrow morning and one from Christina. He played it:

"Hey Jack. Sorry for hanging up on you like that. I'm at Tommy's right now. We're all going to go bowling tomorrow at Mark Lanes. If you want to come, do so. You could bring your girlfriend as well. I'm willing to try to work things out. Tommy will drive us there. Since Fabrizio lives right b he'll meet us. So come! I love you! I know that's what you wanted to hear."

That was the message. It had brought a smile to Jack's face.

"So my lady, will you have the pleasure in bowling with us tomorrow?" Jack asked smiling at her.

"I don't know," Rose said.

"She said she'd be willing to make it work. She said I could bring you. You heard her."

"You think that's such a good idea?" Rose asked. She was cautious about Christina's motives.

"Would she have invited you if it wasn't."

"Maybe I should stay home." Rose said. Jack pouted. "Don't you give me that look." Jack smiled and kissed her.

"You know that just may have convinced me."

"So you'll come."

"Fine!" Jack hugged her.

"Just give me a kiss." Jack did as she said and kissed her.

"That's more like it."

Chapter Thirty-Six