Chapter Four

Five Months Later

Jack, Fabrizio, Tommy, and Christina's friendship grew. They always hung out at the Pub and Underground. Mainly, the guys went to the Pub to see Christina. The four of them became best friends.

Christina was cleaning tables. She had so much in her head. Five months she's been close with the guys. Close with Jack. Nothing happened, though. They always flirted. They always played around with each other. Jack often drew pictures of her. She sometimes fantasized about him drawing her naked.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the guys coming in.

"Hey, toots! Get your sexy ass over here!" Fabrizio shouted out.

Christina came over to the their table. "Fabrizio, dear, honey, it's not appropriate to hit on the waitress!"

"Give me a break. You know you're hot!" Fabrizio replied back.

"Saint Patrick's Day is coming up." Tommy stepped into the conversation. He was so excited to spend his first Saint Patrick’s Day in America with his three new best friends.

"I'm gonna wear an all green dress." Christina sat down, taking her twenty minute break. She noticed Jack was quiet. She had no idea why.

"All green? Ha!" Fabrizio poked fun at her.

"I think it's cute," Tommy said. He smiled at her. For the first time in five months, Christina realized how cute he was. She just thought not as cute as Jack.

"Jack, what's wrong?" she asked.

Jack looked at her. "Nothing. People can't give me a fucking break!" He snapped at her, and wished he could take it back. Christina was in shock. Her eyes were wide open and full of pain. Tommy and Fabrizio had their jaws open. They never seen Jack go so hard on Christina.

"I'm going to go take my break outside. I could use a cigarette." Christina got up to leave.

"Christina, wait!" Jack called after her. "Shit!" He dropped his head on the table, cursing.

"Damn, Jack. What's up your ass?" Fabrizio asked. Tommy just looked after her.

Christina stood outside, smoking her cigarette. She couldn't believe Jack yelled at her. Of all people, Jack. Tears were starting to form in her eyes. She wouldn't let them out. She didn't want to stand outside crying while the people of New York were watching.

She loved Jack so much. She wished they were more than friends. She saw no chance of it now.


"Jack, go talk to her," Fabrizio said. "You guys are like best friends. Don't let that get ruined because you yelled at her."

Tommy was quiet. He just looked down at the table, playing with his lighter.

"What do you think, Tommy?" Jack asked.

"Go talk to her. She looks sad outside, standing by herself."

"If that's what you guys think, I will go talk to her."

Jack stood up and went outside. Christina saw him and turned around.

"Christina, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I love you too much to hurt you like that." Christina didn't turn around. She just tapped her foot and smoked.

"Christina. Come on. You can't not talk to me. Come on. Who’s going to stay over at my apartment when I'm too drunk to make it there by myself and don't wanna be alone? Who’s gonna be the one to help me vomit?" Jack put his arms around her shoulders. "You have to forgive me. This whole thing is stupid."

Christina started to smile. She couldn't stay mad at him forever. "You're lucky this time, Dawson." She turned around, and they hugged each other. Jack smelt her hair. It smelt like roses. He wanted to stay like this forever. He kissed her forehead.

"Come over tonight. Just you and me together." Christina shook her head yes. He held her face and kissed her forehead again. "Let's get you back inside. You have work to do." She just nodded.

As they were going inside, Jack noticed a red-headed girl with what appeared to be an older woman. They seemed to be arguing. Jack was staring at her while she fixed her shoes. The girl turned her head and noticed him staring. Jack immediately turned his head and went inside.

"Jack, what's wrong with your face? You looked like you saw a ghost," Christina said.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Jack lied. He saw a heavenly creature.


Tommy watched Jack trying to comfort Christina. The five months he knew his three friends, he grew a very strong liking for her. He knew that she had a big crush on Jack. The way she always flirted with him, played around with him. How hurt she looked when he yelled at her. Tommy noticed everything about her. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Christina started to look happy again. He then saw them hugging. Jack, along with Fabrizio, was his best friend, but he couldn't help but feel jealous. He wished Christina saw more to Tommy than just a friend.

"Christina, what are you doing after work?" Tommy asked.

"Jack and I are going to hang out for a bit." Christina's face lit up when she said that. He noticed Jack blushing. Tommy felt himself getting jealous.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to we can go find some stuff for Saint Patrick's day. I thought maybe I could use a girl’s touch."

"Maybe tomorrow. I'd be glad to."

"All right." Tommy smiled.

When Christina left and Jack wandered off to the bathroom, Fabrizio laughed.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy loves Christina!" Fabrizio made fun of him, making kissing noises.

"What? No, I do not!"

"Yeah ya do! Why is your face all red?"

"I'm drinking here. The beer makes my face hot."

"What a crock of shit! Admit it. You like her. I saw your face get all red when she said she was hanging out with Jack tonight."

"Yeah, so?"

"Your face always gets red when you know only them two are hanging out together. I gotta give ya props though. Finally getting some balls to ask her out. Knowing Jack has a thing for her also."


"You know he does. They always flirt with each other."


Jack came back to the table. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Bras!" Fabrizio yelled out. His two best friends liked the same girl. He wasn't really gonna say what was going on.

Tommy had a wide expression on his face. "Yeah. I think the best bra size is a 36D. Our Italian friend here thinks 36B is good."

"It doesn't matter to me," Jack said.

"Yeah, well, I'm going home," Tommy said.

"Why so early, Tommy?" Fabrizio asked.

"I'm tired. Bye, guys." Tommy gave them a pound good-bye and made his way to Christina.

"Tommy, babe! Don't go home now! I get off work in an hour."

"I'm tired."

"Well then, good night. Call me tomorrow so we can go get the Saint Pat stuff."

"All right. Night, cutie," Tommy said. Christina leaned over the bar to hug him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Tommy left and walked around the city. He really wished Christina and him could be more than friends.

Chapter Five