Chapter Forty-Five

Thursday, June 5, 2003

Pitch black to blurry vision. That's the way it seemed to Christina. She took her hands and rubbed her eyes with them. She was able to see a little bit more clearly. However, she felt a little lost. Where am I? she asked herself.

She sat herself up, with a little weight on her. She placed a hand on her forehead, simply confused. The last thing she remembered was being in her apartment listening to the sound of Mariah Carey's booming voice depressing her. Feeling something move on her, she looked down to see a sleeping Tommy. His head lay on her stomach. She reached over to touch his face, feeling something on her hand. It was an IV. Oh, God, why did I do that? She remembered her attempt.

"Tommy? Tommy?" she said, running her fingers through his hair. She looked at him and a little smile appeared, then went away. Here he was at the hospital with her--again.

Tommy moved around a little. His eyes slowly opened. They were a little watery at first. He saw the shape of his love staring down at him. He smeared the palm of his hand on his eyes and saw her clearly now. She seemed pale and beautiful all at once. He sat straight up.

"Morning, Sunshine!" he said to her. He threw his arms around her. She returned the hug. He pulled away from her, only to press his forehead against hers, both their eyes closed, cupping her face with his hands. "Thank God you're awake."

Christina had her hands placed on his shoulders. Slowly, she took her breaths. "Happy that you're happy to see me."

"I'm always happy to see you. Just don't try leaving me again. You had us worried sick about you!"

"You're not gonna hassle me with that stupid why question, are you?" she asked. Tommy pulled his face away from hers, his hands still holding her face, and looked at her with the same glow he always had when he looked at her that was now even brighter in his eyes.

"No, I am not gonna hassle you. Until you're ready, my ears are open to listen," Tommy told her. Christina smiled at him, thankful that he was understanding. They hugged each other for a few good minutes. Christina was glad to have him as comfort. Tommy was glad to just be able to hold her in his arms.

Tommy moved closer to her and held her hands. They were much warmer than they had been the night before. He cracked a joke, causing her to laugh. It was best to keep her mind on something else. Sure, it was a matter that couldn't be ignored and she would need to go to help, but at least he’d let her live her normal life.

"You are too good to me, Tommy. Why is that?"

"I don't know," he lied. "Maybe it's because…" He stopped himself and looked down. He moved closer to her.

"Because what?"

"Because…" He moved closer to her again.


"Because…" He moved closer just one more time. He took his hand and caressed her cheek. "Because…I…" His face was inches away from hers. He brought his face closer. Christina closed her eyes, as he did. His lips parted as he brought them closer to hers, and then…

"Yo!" The booming voice yelled. They jumped away from each other and turned to see Fabrizio. He leaned against the door with his arms folded and a smile spreading across his face.

"Fabri!" Christina yelled in excitement. He walked over to her and gave her a big hug.

"How's my signorina doing?" he asked.

"I'm doing okay. I got my two best boys here with me!" Christina replied. Fabrizio looked over at Tommy, who was scratching his head, with a small smirk.

"I'm gonna go! I've been here all night!" Tommy said.

"So soon?" Christina pouted.

"Yeah, I have to clean myself up. I'll be back, though!"

"You better!" Christina shouted. Tommy went over to her and gave her a kiss just by the corner of her mouth, the same spot where Jack had kissed her the night before.

"See ya later, man!" Tommy said to Fabrizio, giving him a pound on his shoulder.

"Later…" Fabrizio said back. Tommy made his exit out the door. Fabrizio sat on the bed next to Christina and placed an arm over her shoulder. "You guys looked pretty close there!" Fabrizio grinned devilishly.

"What are you talking about?" Christina played dumb.

"Oh, nothing. Just glad to see you, kiddo!"

"I'm glad to see you also, Fabri!"

"This has everything to do with Jack and Rose, doesn't it?" Fabrizio asked.

"Why are you always right?" Christina asked, dropping her head on Fabrizio’s shoulder.


Jack could barely sleep when he got home. The most he got was two hours sleep and the little nap he took at the hospital. Most of the night he watched Rose curl up in his arms as she slept, while all he could think about was Christina. God was surely on his side for letting Christina live.

He got up from his bed, after removing Rose's arm off of him, and stretched his arms out. He looked at his clock, reading 9:23 AM. He might as well go take a shower now and see Christina at the hospital.

He bent over a sleeping Rose and kissed her shoulder. "Babe, wake up," he whispered in her ear. He kissed her gently on the mouth and she smiled sweetly at him. He kissed her again, this time on her nose, then her eyes, and then her forehead. She blinked her eyes, and then opened them widely, her smile sticking to her face.

"Hello there, angel face," Jack whispered to her.

"Mmm…I love when you kiss me."

"Feeling is mutual."

"Stay here with me all day!" Rose said, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.

"I would love to, but I have to go to the hospital. I have to go see Chris." He pulled away from her and went to go look out the window. Rose sat up in the bed, staring at Jack's back, frowning. "I'm going to go take a shower."

He grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and looked into the mirror. Looking closely, he could see his skin crawling. It made him feel dirty, so he splashed some cold water on his face. Feeling a little refreshed, he jumped into the shower and turned the faucet on.

He scrubbed himself with the soap, trying to get in deep to dirt beneath the surface of his skin. For some reason, he had a guilty conscience. He didn't have a clue why that was.

Think happy thoughts, Dawson! he told himself. Think of Christina when you first met her. Jack began to blush, remembering how beautiful she was. It was like she was an angel coming down from heaven, if there was such a place. He then thought of the first night they went to Underground together to their first kiss.

After that, he started to think of the bad memories with her. When Rose came to Underground the first time. His argument with Christina they had that night. The tears that streamed down her face. He went to apologize at her apartment and held her the whole night. Two months later he started his relationship with Rose and Christina saw Rose the morning after. He remembered seeing her fall down that horrible flight of stairs. He held her in his arms while the blood seeped out of her head.

Hot tears began to fall down his face. Through all the good and bad with Christina, it would be too hard to ever let her go. She was a big part of his life. Christina would always hold a place in his heart.


They walked in the hospital hallway together, their hands clasped. Despite the hot weather, it felt terribly cold. Rose rubbed Jack's hand with hers. She looked at his face, noticing the tear stains. He remained quiet, like yesterday, on the way over to the hospital. There was so much sorrow in his face, Rose could feel his pain and it broke her heart to see him this way. At the same time, Rose was jealous of how much love Jack had for Christina. She began to feel like it was more love than he had for her. She shook her head and tried to remain calm.

They entered the wing where Christina's room was. It was like a maelstrom of emotions running through Jack's head. He hoped she was awake. He longed to hear her voice. One smile from her and all would be good.

Jack could hear her beautiful laugh already. He practically ran to the room as he dragged Rose along with him. He watched her laugh with Fabrizio. She was beautiful, as always. Her long hair was let out, looking wild in its disorganized fashion, but it didn't matter.

He knocked on the door. Christina jumped, turned her head, and looked straight at Jack. A shocked face spread into a wide smile.

"Hey, Chris," Jack said, close to a whisper.

"Jack!" she yelled to him with enthusiasm.

Jack let go of Rose's hand and ran inside the room. Fabrizio moved out of the way, his arms folded across his chest. Jack wrapped his arms around Christina's body, and she did the same. Rose looked on as they held each other tightly. She leaned against the door, wrapping herself with her own arms.

"I'm gonna go get coffee! I'll be back, kiddo!" Fabrizio said to Christina. He patted her head, messing her hair up even more.

"All right, Fabri. Don't take too long!" Christina said to him.

"I'll go with you!" Rose said to Fabrizio.

"Okay." Rose left with Fabrizio, figuring Jack might want to be alone with Christina. Christina didn't even seem to notice that Rose was there with him in the first place.

Jack hugged Christina again when they left and stroked her hair. "Wow, Jack. I don't think anyone has hugged me tighter than you have!" Christina joked.

Jack pulled away, his hands touching her face as Tommy did before, and kissed her cheek. "Now, what's the matter with you? Jesus, Chris, you had me worried sick! Don't try leaving me again!" he practically yelled at her. "I nearly had a heart attack!"

"Jack, don't worry. I'm alive and healthy. I'm here to stay!" Jack sighed and pulled her into a hug again.

"Where would I be without you?"

"At home, asleep, in bed." Christina quoted Watts from her favorite movie, Some Kind of Wonderful. Jack laughed at her and kissed her nose. Christina looked up at him with a meaningful look in her eyes, which began to water.

"I love you, Jack," Christina said to him. "You mean a lot to me, and I don't see how I could have ever gone through life without you in it for nineteen years of it."

"Oh, Chris, I love you, too." He held her close to him. "Really, though, don't ever try leaving me again. You're my best friend."

They looked at each other. Her looking up, him looking down. The way she was looking at him penetrated him. There was a seductive look in her eyes, causing him to draw his face closer to hers. She brought her face closer to his, as well. In a matter of seconds, their eyes were closed and their lips met. At first, only their lips were pressed together, but soon Jack slipped his tongue inside her mouth and she responded. She had her hands placed on his neck, as his held her face. It was the way he had wanted to kiss her for the months he was in love with her. Now that he was doing it, it was so wrong, but yet it felt so good.

After a few minutes, Christina pulled away and pushed him back . She had her arms stretched out, grasping onto his shirt, as the other was on her chest as she tried catching her breath. It was nothing like their kiss nearly four months ago. It was much more powerful this time, and longer. This time she had a chance to respond, and she did.

"I'm s-s-sorry," Jack stuttered. "Shouldn't have done that!"

"Don't be. It's my fault, as well. You have a girlfriend who you happen to love."

"That's why we shouldn't have done it," Jack said. He tried catching his breath, as well.

"Let's just act like it never happened. We got caught up in the moment!" Christina said. She knew she'd never forget. Jack would never forget it, either.

"Good idea. Never happened!"

"Hey, guys!" the sweet voice of Rose said. Jack was startled and turned around.

"Hey! Rose, how ya doing?" Jack asked.

"Um…Jack, are you okay?" Rose asked, looking at Jack strangely.

"I'm just jolly! Never better!"


Christina sat up in her bed. She rocked herself, holding her knees to her chest. All she could think about was the kiss that had just occurred between her and Jack. He had just gone off with Rose to the waiting room. It was good for her, because she wanted to be left alone.

Just the night before, she had tried committing suicide, and now she was in a hospital room, recovering from her overdose. It was the only thing that had made sense to her at the time. Now it only frightened her. I'm probably gonna be sent to a mental institution for this, she told herself. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! she screamed in her head.

Jack, you son of a bitch, why'd you kiss me? Why'd I kiss you back? she asked herself.

"Mi amor!" She turned around to see her mother, with arms wide open.

"Ma! What are you doing here?" she asked Isabella.

"What else would I be doing here?" She gave Christina a motherly embrace. "My baby almost kills herself and is rushed to the hospital! There's nowhere I'd rather be right now!"

"How did you know I was here?"

"Your friend Timmy called."


"Yeah, that's it. Anyway, Alejandro and I drove our asses all the way out here. We're staying with the Smiths. I have yet to see your apartment." Christina rolled her eyes, knowing what her mother might be thinking. Christina was never one to be known for her tidiness. Rather, she was unkempt.

"Did Celia and Camilla hear about this?" she asked of her sisters.

"Yeah. They did. I hate calling Celia, though. She just has to be the one living all the way out in London. Then Camilla has to live in Florida."

"Whatever. How about my father? Does my father know?"

"How would I know? I don't talk to him. He's the ass who lives in Spain. Camilla never calls that father of yours!" Isabella deeply held much animosity towards her ex-husband, Fernando.

"Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith know about this?"

"Yeah. They were here last night." Isabella fluffed her pillows.

"Great. Now I'll be out of a job."

"They wouldn't fire you! They love you! But you are right! You have no job, since you'll be coming back to Connecticut with us." Christina looked at her mother in disbelief.

"Que?" she asked her mother.

"You heard me. You're coming back to Connecticut with us! As soon as you get out of here, pack your bags!"

"Why? Why do I have to go back with you? I don't wanna go!" Christina began to cry. There was no way she wanted to be dragged out there.

"Christina, you have to! We're gonna get you help!"

"Help? What kind of help?"


Christina had a flash of anger, and her face became a shade of red. She clutched her bed sheets, holding them tightly.

"Rehab? I'm not an alcoholic! Why would you send me to rehab?"

"Clearly you have mental problems and have a drinking problem!"

"What the fuck?"

"Don't use that language with me!"

"Sorry, but mental issues?"

"We're gonna set you up in a mental institution as well as a rehab center."

Christina's head began to spin. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her mother thought she was an alcoholic and insane. She didn't want to leave. Her stomach began to churn at the thought. There's no way this is happening! she thought to herself.

"I'll be back, sweetie," Isabella said, and kissed her daughter on her cheek. When she left the room, Christina lay back on the bed and rested on her side. She brought the covers up to her neck and began to sob.

Dear God, why? I know I did something stupid, but why do I have to leave? Let me stay! Let me stay! Christina was letting this get to her, and she began to cry even more. First she failed at her attempt, then she woke up to almost kissing Tommy, but instead she kissed Jack. Now she had to leave. Everything was so wrong. It was all messing with her head, and she finally cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Forty-Six