Chapter Seven

Rose walked into the pub. She looked around. She didn't even know what she was doing here. She suddenly remembered that she was wearing her dress that she had worn to dinner. A red dress that showed a lot of cleavage. She began to make her way to the bar when she felt someone grab her wrist.

"Hey, babe! Let's have some fun tonight," a guy with a raspy voice and stubs growing from his beard said. He pulled her closer, and she could smell the beer on his breath.

"Let go of me!" she yelled out so loud that she could've have sworn nearly everyone heard her in the pub.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" she heard a guy say. She turned her head to see a blonde-haired guy with blue eyes. She could see his eyes staring coldly at the man. Cold enough to freeze someone.

"Mind your own fucking business! I'm trying to get laid here!" the smelly-breathed guy said. Rose was disgusted. She looked into the blonde-haired guy’s eyes, and he looked back. He could tell she was pleading for him to rescue her.

"For your own fucking business, that's my girlfriend." Rose was surprised by what he said.

"Well, she shouldn't dress like a slut."

"All right! That's it!" He grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and punched him in his face. He then dragged him to the door and threw him out. He yelled out to him, "Don't think of coming back here again!"

Rose stood there, shocked by what had just happened. The guy came back to her.

"Thank you so much! I didn't know what to do!" Rose said.

"No problem!" He winked at her, and she blushed.

"I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come."

"Seriously, it's no problem. I would've done it for anyone. I don't like seeing assholes in here. By the way, the name’s Jack Dawson."

"Nice to meet you, Jack. I'm Rose DeWitt-Bukater."

"Long name ya got there."

She laughed. "Yeah. Wouldn't ya say?"


Christina watched them talking to each other and laughing. She got jealous. A few minutes before, Jack was trying to make his way to her. Now he was all flirtatious with that red-headed bimbo. She had to admit that she was pretty. Her mind wandered off from Tommy and Fabrizio's chatter, who started talking again after Jack's rescue.

"I'm taking my break." She got out from the bar and made her way into their direction. Jack turned his head and saw her coming. He started to feel nervous. He hadn't spoken to her since the night before. She had fallen asleep after they had kissed.

"Jack!" She came to him and gave him a big hug, and he hugged her back tightly. She could feel the girl’s eyes staring at them curiously, wanting to know who she was.

"Oh, hi." Christina said it weakly.

"Hi," Rose said back, just as weakly as Christina did.

"Rose, this is my beautiful, charming, lovely best friend, Christina Castillo. Christina, this is Rose DeWitt-Bukater. Surprised I remembered that one." Jack and Rose laughed. Christina just smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, Christina. Your friend Jack, here, is a hero."

"Now, I wouldn't say that." Jack couldn't help but blush. Christina didn't know what to say.

"I'm going outside to smoke. I'm on my break now. See ya, Jack." Christina left. She didn't want to be near them. She just wanted to be with Jack. She went outside and lit a cigarette. She felt like she wanted to cry, especially when she saw Jack blush. Her heart had felt like it had stopped.

"So, anyway, I must be going now," Rose said. "Once again, thank you very much."

"No problem. Have a good night." Jack kept blushing, and he saw Rose blushing, also. Rose waved good-bye and went outside.

Christina saw Rose walk out of the pub and take out her cell phone. She could hear Rose's phone conversation, heard her saying something about sending her driver to come pick her up. Must be rich. She even looked stuck-up. She heard Rose say bye to whoever she was talking to. Rose turned around and saw Christina.

"Hi," Rose said, with a huge grin.

"Hi." Christina continued to smoke her cigarette.

"May I take a pull?" Rose asked. God, she even talks politely, Christina thought to herself.

"You want a pull?" Christina asked, being a smart ass.

"Yeah. If you want to give me one." Christina gave Rose her cigarette. She was shocked to learn that Rose smoked it like she was a pro smoker.

"Thanks," Rose said, handing her back her cigarette. Christina hated to admit that Rose was actually beautiful. She had stunning green eyes and an angelic face. She wondered what Jack thought of her. She saw a black car pull up and a guy in a suit come out. He motioned for Rose to come.

"Well, that's my ride. Nice meeting you," Rose said. Christina just nodded her head and waved, giving her a phony smile. She saw the guy open the door for Rose and drive off. She threw her cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. She made her way into the bar, hoping to get to talk to Jack alone.


Tommy, Fabrizio, Jack, and Christina were the only ones in the pub. Fabrizio and Jack decided to help Tommy and Christina decorate the pub. Christina's boss told her to close the pub for the night. Jack sat at the bar drawing stuff, and Christina sat next to him, while Fabrizio and Tommy decorated.

"So, what do you think of that Rose girl?" Christina asked.

"She seems nice. Cool. Not that it matters. I'm probably not gonna see her again. I didn't ask for her number."

"Right…you asked for my number the night we met," Christina said.

"Yeah, well, lucky I did. If I didn't, you would've been just another hot girl working a in a pub, rather than my best friend. I'm so thankful that I had grown some testicles to ask for your number." Jack smiled. Christina couldn't help but blush at the thought that Jack felt like that. Thankful.

"Yeah. You are lucky, Dawson." Jack moved closer to her and leaned his head on hers.

"I know I am."

"Can you guys help us here?" Fabrizio asked. Jack and Christina moved away from each other. Christina got up to help them. Jack was gonna go help, but Christina told him to stay seated.

As she was helping Tommy and Fabrizio, she couldn't help but think of Jack. She wished that he had brought up the kiss. She knew that she wasn't gonna bring it up. She could only think that Jack would only ever see her as a friend. Nothing more.

Chapter Eight