Written by Nicole D.
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Rose DeWitt-Bukater was sitting on a bench outside of school, waiting for her mother to pick her up. She was wearing a pair of nice, dark blue jeans that stayed on her hips, a baby yellow t-shirt, and a dark blue jean jacket.

She had a very good view of Jack Dawson from where she was sitting. The sixteen-year-old was sitting down under a tree, listening to his new Black Eyed Peas CD on his CD player. He was Rose's crush. Rose would see him in church every Sunday, or at the mall here and there, and at school every day. He was wearing a pair of black, baggy jeans and a navy blue v-neck sweater. His blond hair was blowing in the wind. The sun made his blue eyes look like the ocean when the sun shone on it.

"Oh, my God. He's so gorgeous," Rose whispered. She saw Jack getting up, putting away his CD player in his backpack, and walking over her way. Oh, my God. He's coming this way. Be cool, she said to herself.

"Is this spot taken?" Jack asked nicely if he could sit with her on the bench.

"No. I'm just waiting for my mom," she replied. He asked if he can sit, not what you're doing, jerk!

"Thanks. So..." he said.

"So..." Rose's palms were sweating. Her heart was racing like it was going to pop out of her chest. The silence broke after a moment when Rose's phone rang. So did Jack's.

Rose saw her mom's number on the caller ID. "Hello, Mom," Rose said sweetly, trying not to get on her mother’s bad side.

"Rose, sweetie, I can't make it. I'm sorry. I'm all tied up at work. My boss won't let me out until 11:30 tonight. Can you and your dad start dinner? Thank you, sweetie. Bye," Ruth said, and hung up.

"All right, Dad. Dad, I understand. Okay. Okay. What? Whatever. Later, Dad," Jack said, and then hung up. "My dad…he can't pick me up. Something about work…I don't know," Jack said.

"I got the same thing with my mom."

"Well, I was going to get a bite to eat, but it looks like the diner across the street is closed," he said to Rose.

She was excited because Jack was making conversation with her. "Why don't you come to my house for dinner? I'm cooking chicken and veggies. You should come," Rose said. So I can hide your fork later and save it, she thought.

"Sounds good. Let's roll!" he joked, and she giggled. Wow. She is so pretty. I like her. I know she has a crush on me. I asked her out, and she said no because I'm two years older, but when I talked to her on the phone she said she loved me. Well, she's fourteen now. Maybe I should ask again, Jack thought. He loved her eyes. They were like looking at the ocean when the moon shone on it. Her hair was naturally red, but she had put black streaks, just a couple, to darken her hair.

Rose was getting her word vomit again, which was not good. When she got it, she told people stuff that wasn't supposed to get out. But it was coming out…the three special words. "I love you!" Rose said. Then she was in shock. "I'm sorry, Jack. Please forget I said that!" Rose said.

"I know, Rose. You told me. What I want to know is, why did you turn me down?" he asked sweetly.

Rose took a deep breath. "Because you were too old, and I thought that you were joking when you asked me...and my family and your family don't like each other," Rose said. She turned away and started walking.

Jack realized he felt the way she did, but wanted to be with her. He ran after her from the few feet she was from him. He reached her, and said, "Rose, I don't care. I feel the way you do. I want to be with you, Rose. Please give me that chance." Rose hugged him, and he returned the hug. I guess that means yes. Rose was happy to hear what he’d said. She knew he was the one she was going to spend her life with.

Three Months Later

Jack and Rose made their families talk. They were boyfriend and girlfriend and in love in every way. Rose's ex, Michael, came back, realized he loved her, and was sorry he went out with two other girls while they were going out. Rose said no. She had only one love. and one love only, Jack Dawson. Michael said he was happy for her, but still wanted to be with her. He moved to LA. There was too much pain for him in New Jersey, so he moved to be with his aunt and uncle. Jack and Rose told their families they were dating, and their families were happy for them.

Four Years Later

Jack and Rose finished high school and were in college, and Jack was going to ask Rose to marry him.

Jack was meeting Rose where they had their first kiss, on top of a hill with an ocean view and the stars shining on them. Jack saw Rose, the woman of his dreams, coming toward him. When she reached him, he kissed her on the lips softly for a few seconds, then broke the kiss.

"Rose..." Jack went down on one knee and pulled out a small, black velvet box. "Will you marry me?"

Rose had tears in her eyes when she said, "Yes, Jack."

Rose had made him the happiest man in the entire city. He jumped up and hugged her. "Thank you, Rose. I love you so much," Jack said.


So, Jack and Rose were married. They got a dog, had a beautiful baby boy named Anthony and a baby girl name Lisa, and bought a house in Miami, Florida. Rose was a stay-at-home mom and Jack was a famous artist.

Jack was sixteen and Rose was fourteen when they began dating. Rose was eighteen and Jack was twenty when they married. It just went to show that age ain't nothing but a number.

The End.
