Chapter One

It had been two years. Jack was working with Chloe on an important case. Veronica had joined the Omega group and come to work with them. She was now dating Brad and expecting a baby in late December. John Anderson was dating and living with Bunny Bates; they were also expecting a baby. Everyone was happy at the office. Rose was working with Tobey and Lisa on an important case, and she and Jack had started working on a family again. Everything seemed like it was going great. But everything was not as it seemed.

It was this day that everything was about to change for the Omega group. An alarm sounded in the building complex. This was the first time in years that they had heard this sound. Jack ran down the corridor to find Rose. She came rushing his way with Tobey and Lisa.

"What's going on?" Rose asked.

"No idea. Gotta go." Jack grabbed Rose's hand and they ran out the back way, only to find it blocked.

For some stupid reason, the door was locked with something on the other side. Jack pushed his way through, ending up on his back. Rose, Lisa, and Tobey stood still with their hands up. Jack looked and saw people with firearms pointed their way.

Someone they had never seen before came their way. A man with dark hair and tanned skin approached Rose and touched her face, seductively taunting her. This man took off his sunglasses and teased her lips. Jack was so infuriated that he got up and punched the man in the face.

"How dare you touch my wife, you perverted bastard?" Jack put Rose behind him, shielding her from the guns that were pointed at him.

The gunmen were eager to shoot, but the man called them off. He started to laugh. Jack could hardly see what was so funny about all this. "What's so funny?" Jack asked, demanding an answer.

"My answer wouldn't matter in the least, Mr. Dawson. She looked like she could use it," the man explained.

"Who are you?" Rose asked.

"Why, Rose, have you forgotten me already? Don't you remember me, sweetie?" He got close to her and she looked into his eyes.

"Cal? It can't be you. You died. I saw you die. This isn't possible." Rose touched his face.

"They brought me back to life, sweetheart. I came back to you. You’re the only thing that matters." He hugged her close.

Jack looked at this man, Cal, hugging his wife. It bugged him that she hugged him back. Rose looked at him and nodded her head, letting him know everything was all right.

"Uh…excuse me. Can we get these gunmen to lower their weapons?" Jack asked.

Cal turned toward the men and got them to obey Jack's demand. The gunmen went out the doorway. Cal kissed Rose. Jack got jealous and pushed him away.

"Don't do that. She's my wife," Jack stated.

"Are you really married to him, princess?" He didn't look at Jack.

"Yes, I am." She walked toward Jack. "Caledon Hockley, I would like you to meet Jack Dawson." She brought Jack close to her.

Jack offered to shake his hand. Cal put his hand forward and they shook. Lisa and Tobey had left during their conversation and gone back into the building to let everyone know it was okay.

"How did you know I was here?" she asked him.

"I got in contact with your old boyfriend. He told me about Jack." He glanced at Jack.

"Oh, so you did a check on him and that's how you found me?" Rose asked, glancing over at Jack.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect to see you here. I was only looking for Jack, really." Jack stood there, feeling like an idiot just hanging around.

"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask Rose something." Jack pulled her aside. "Rose, sweetie, is it all right that I leave you alone with him?" Jack asked her.

"Sure. He's a pussycat. He just likes to make an entrance. I will see you at home, okay? We just need to catch up on what's new." Rose patted him on the shoulder and walked away with Caledon.

Rose took Caledon's hand and walked outside. She had no problem with him. She had known him since they were teenagers.


They had met at a fair. It was late 1990, during the summer. She was out with her friend, Allie.

Caledon was with his friend, Mike. He saw Rose laughing as she and her friend stood in line. Just by looking at her, he knew he had to be with her. It was her essence that made him want to get to know her.

Instead of waiting in line, Rose and Allie decided to do something else, and that was when Rose saw Caledon staring at her. Rose wasn't with anyone at the time. She stared at him with a slight smile, because the intensity of the way he stared at her made her melt.

He went up to her. "Go out with me."

"What?" Rose looked at him in shock as he asked her.

"You heard me. Go out with me," he insisted.

"No." Rose toyed with him.

"Why not?" he asked.

"‘Cause I don't know you." Rose didn't know who he was.

"Caledon Hockley, and you’re Rose. Come on. Go out with me, Rose." He took her hand, giving her those puppy dog eyes. She smiled at him and left the fair.


A few days later, they met up, and from then on they were inseparable. They were together so much their parents began to worry. Then, late one night they met up and sneaked off together, making love for the first time. They had no idea what they were doing, and that night they had conceived a child out of wedlock.

Rose found out about it a few weeks later. She told him, and they went off to get married. Caledon was staring at her and smiling when an oncoming car hit them. Rose had on her seatbelt. Caledon didn't. She woke up and he was unconscious.

She stopped a car for assistance. When she finally got medical help, Caledon had slipped into a deep coma and had reportedly died. When she heard that, she ran as fast as she could and didn't turn back. She held her midsection before she could even get out of the hospital. She had miscarried.

After that, she left her hometown in Rhode Island and hooked up with anyone she wanted to get to California. That was when she met Rod, who took her to California, and she blindly fell in love with him. When he started beating her was when the fun started to turn to reality. But by then it was too late. She had no money to go anywhere. Then she met her neighbor. After that, it was history.


He looked at her, wanting to kiss her and make love to her. Everything faded, and he pushed her against her car and kissed her senseless. Rose was flattered, but she knew it could not happen. She was happily married to Jack.

"Caledon, as much as I would love to pick up where we left off, I can't. I am married to Jack." She looked at him like she used to.

"Do you love him?" he asked.

"Of course I do. He's a good man for me." Rose put some distance between them.

"Why did you leave, Rose? Why did you leave Rhode Island?" His eyes were still the same.

"I left because they said you were dead. What else was I supposed to do? It hurt me to see you die." She turned around, not facing him.

"I'm not dead, Rose. And this is not over, not by a long shot. You belong to me." Cal held her like he used to.

"I'm sorry, Cal. I can't. I need to get back to work." She got out of his embrace.

"If you ever need to find me, this is where I am staying." He handed her his card and left her alone.

Rose turned around and walked back to the building, leaving Cal and never looking back. It hurt her too much to even stare at him. She was still in love with him, and it tore her apart because she knew she still wanted to be with him.

Chapter Two