Chapter Two

Rose found her way back to her desk. She tapped her pencil on the desk. She tried to get back to the case she was working on, but Cal kept coming into her thoughts. She opened the green curtains. Since the last incident with Veronica, they had relocated to a new building. They were now stationed in a high rise building. Rose had a beautiful view of New York City. They had moved from Los Angeles to New York just six months ago. It was a career change Jack had insisted on. He was working on a case in Boston. His new case demanded that he live in New York. So, it was not set in stone that he had to stay there--just until the case was over. Rose stared out her window, just looking out towards the city. She closed her eyes and could see Cal laughing at her. She smiled to herself. It had been a long time, indeed. She missed him.

She had forgotten that life. She had forgotten Cal. She had loved him more than anything. She was so into her thoughts that she didn't hear Jack come in.

"Sweetie?" he called her twice.

She turned around. "Yes, Cal?" She thought she had heard his voice.

"No, sweetie. It's Jack. Not Cal," he reminded her.

"I'm sorry, Jack." She wiped her tears.

Jack took hold of her at once. He didn't even ask questions. For months now, she had been acting strange. They were hardly ever together intimately, trying to start a family. It was kind of a surprise that she wasn't interested in being with him anymore. Every time he tried to kiss her, she would leave him and turn away. It had already been six months, and the longest Jack had ever waited for a woman was less than that. He felt like he could burst at any given moment. Just holding her gave him excitement.

He leaned into her, kissing her shoulder. She pulled away from him. "Not now, Jack. Later."

"Sweetie, for months, you've been telling me that. I can't take it anymore. Just being around you makes me want you. A man has needs, darling." He made her look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I just can't." She sat down, depressed.

"Is it me? Do you not want me anymore?" He felt like a woman, asking her this.

"No, it's not you. It's me. I just haven't been in the mood for sex." She knew that was a total lie.

"This marriage is not gonna work if you don't want me anymore. Maybe we should divorce." He couldn't believe he had just said that.

"Divorce? Over sex? Jack…oh, come on." She looked at him and couldn't believe he had said that.

"No, Rose, you come on." He went up to her, frustrated. He held her to the wall, kissing her, but she still resisted. He felt awful and took his problems with him out the door.

Veronica was coming out of Brad's office. She had seen Jack leaning against the wall. She went up to him and knew that look in his eyes.

She got his hand, dragged him to her office, and shut the door. "Sit," she told him. He listened. He wondered what she wanted.

"Jack, I've known you most of your life, and I know that look in your eyes. What's she not giving you?" she asked.

"What you've given me every time I needed it," he told her.

"Jack Dawson not getting any lately? What's the problem?" She sat at her desk.

"I’ve never had a problem. It's her. She doesn't want me." He hated talking about his sex life with her, but she knew him well.

"Jack, you know, if I wasn't already with someone, I would help you with that. I have no problems with that area." She smiled at him.

"I wouldn't ask you to, Veronica," he grinned.

"Go see Chloe. She isn't with anyone, and she loves you still," she told him.

"Chloe wants me, but not married." He remembered what she had told him. "You know what? Fuck this shit. I am gonna go to Chloe. I've loved her all my life. She has always been the one I loved. Well, except for you, of course." He winked at her.

He went traveling down the hallway and peeked into Chloe's office. She was sitting there, dancing to the music. He just watched her as she moved. He liked watching her. His pressure started to rise, just looking at her. She turned and saw him standing there.

Without words, he closed her door. He walked straight up to her and kissed her. She welcomed his kisses. He removed his jacket and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. They matched his own.

"What pleasure do I owe this to?" Chloe asked him.

"I need you, Chloe. Badly," he said, and kissed her lips.

"What happened to your marriage?" She stayed in his arms, loving the feeling that still existed in her heart.

"I asked Rose for a divorce, but she didn't believe me." He walked around.

"Did you mean it?" she asked him.

"No, but I feel like divorcing her. She doesn't want me anymore, and I don't know what's wrong with her these days." He was concerned about Rose, but he felt helpless.

"If you really love her, you gotta do everything you can." Chloe hugged him.

"I will." He hugged her back.

At that moment, Rose came into the office with a case file. She saw them hugging.

"I knew this is where you would be. It's always her. It's always been her." Rose left.

He ran after her.

"Is that why you won't be with me, Rose? Do you think I want Chloe more than you?" He took her aside.

"Isn't it, Jack? Come on. You slept with her once. Why not do it again?" she said to his face.

"You know, I was gonna sleep with her, but she has morals. She won't do it this time, because I am still married to you. Gosh, Rose, I love you so much, and you’re hurting us like this over jealousy." He kicked the wall.

She slapped him. He took it.

She walked out on him, and he followed her all the way to the parking lot. She walked to her car.

"Rose!" he called her. She didn't bother to look at him.

He ran after her and slammed her against the car door. She scratched his face, leaving a mark. He didn't care.

He took hold of her and kissed her deeply. She was about to slap him, but then decided not to and took his kisses. He got the keys and opened the car door.

He sat in the backseat with her and removed his shirt. She took off her shirt and her high heels and sat on his lap.

She kissed him in the dark, liking this much more than she had ever suspected. His lips wandered to hers, and he kissed her deeply, liking the position he was in.

"I am not letting you go until I am through with you. You understand?" Rose touched his chest and trailed down to his crotch.

She knew Jack, and how easy it was to get him started. All she had to do was touch him, and he was there. She unzipped her man, and for a minute, she felt like someone was staring at her.

"Jack, someone's here," she told him.

"Where?" He looked around.

"I have no clue, but someone is watching us. Let's do this at home." She put on her shirt.

"All right. Let's go." He put on his shirt and zipped up his jeans. They got out of the backseat and Jack took the driver's side. He looked around and had that same feeling that someone was watching them.

When Jack started the car and pulled out of the parking structure, he didn't see anyone tailing them, but someone had been there.

In the shadows, Cal had been in the dark, just watching them. His Rose had definitely changed.

Chapter Three