Chapter Seven

Jack took Rose into another room. He paced around for a few seconds, wondering how to handle what he was going to say to her. He looked at her and took a seat.

"Rose, you’d better sit down for this." He looked serious.

"What's going on, Jack?" Rose wondered what was going on.

"When I tell you, you are gonna be mad, but let me finish this, all right?" He stood up.

"All right." She looked up at him.

"Rose, I need you to go to Cal. I need you to see if you have those old feelings for him." He looked straight at her.

"Jack, I can't. We are married, remember?" Rose looked at him like she was hearing someone else say this to her.

"I know, but I need to be sure your feelings for him are gone." Jack went to his chair and took a seat across from her.

"Is this because of the sex thing and when I called you Cal?" Rose felt guilty. She still loved Cal.

"Yes. I don't know what got into you yesterday and I know you were only trying to please me. But I need to know if Cal is part of what happened." He needed the truth.

"Jack, how can you ask that? You know I love you." She looked at him and got up out of her seat.

"Sorry, Rose, but please understand you’re not the only one who's looking back into the past. I often think about what my life would have been like if you had never been in my life." It hurt him to say that to her, but it was the truth.

Rose turned around and cried. She had never expected to hear the words that he had just said to her. Did he not want her anymore? She had to be dreaming. There was something going on that maybe he couldn't say to her directly, so he needed to get rid of her or something like that, because he always spoke to her and told her the truth. She didn't know what had brought this on all of a sudden.

"I am getting a divorce. I am serious about it this time," he told her.

Rose could not believe the words coming out of his mouth, but she knew once he said something he often meant it.

"You’re going to Chloe, aren't you? That's why you want me to go to Cal. Is that the real reason you want to leave me?" Tears poured down her face.

He didn't want to say it, but he knew it was true. "Rose, this will be better for both of us."

"It is, isn't it?" Rose knew it.

"Rose, please don't make this harder than it already is. We both know we were never meant to be," he lied to himself.

"Fine! Go to hell!" she said, and left the room.


He knew it had ended badly, but he couldn't help it. He knew the one and only thing that would get his feelings sorted out. He walked to his office and saw Chloe sitting there.

"Jack, why did you want me to meet you in your office?" She watched him walk in.

"Chloe, we need to talk." He locked the door behind him. "Chloe, this is for real now, so don't pretend. I need to know if you still love me." He needed to know.

"Jack, of course I love you. I always will." She had never stopped loving him.

"I love you, too. I asked Rose for a divorce. I just gotta get her to sign the papers. I had them made up yesterday." He went to his desk and took out the divorce papers.

"You’re really serious about divorcing her, aren't you?" Chloe was surprised.

"Yes. I would like to be a part of your life, Chloe--if you'll have me, that is." He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Jack Dawson, when have I ever said no to you?" She looked at him and smiled.

"A few days ago when I wanted sex." He frowned.

"Ask me again!" She took his head into her hands.

"I will, as soon as these papers are signed," he said, holding the divorce papers.

Chloe was very excited to have Jack back in her life. She loved him a lot, and now that he was divorcing Rose, she wanted to plan all of the things she had dreamed of, the things she always wanted more than anything in her life. She wanted a family.

Holding the divorce papers in his hands, he opened the door to his office and let Chloe do her duties. After work, they planned to get together. Jack dreaded seeing Rose again. He went into her office. She was still crying. He hadn't meant to hurt her that bad.

"Rose...." Jack whispered.

She looked up and didn't say a thing. He put down the papers and she looked at her desk. She saw the word in bold letters. Divorce.
