Chapter One

"Mom!" sixteen-year-old Rose DeWitt-Bukater complained. "Why do I have to get up?"

"It’s your first day at your new school, Rose," said Ruth DeWitt-Bukater as she tried to get her daughter out of bed.

"Fine. Whatever."

"Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you, Rose? I mean, it is your first day!" said Ruth.

"Mom, no! I will be fine!"

Rose got up, took a shower, got dressed, did her makeup, put her hair up in a ponytail, and went downstairs to eat. She went to the garage and got in her car, started it up, and backed out of the garage.

"Redmingdale, California high school," Rose mumbled as she got out of the car. She took her backpack and purse and went into the school and to her new locker. She put her backpack and purse in there and got out her books. She was going towards her first class, not paying attention, when she ran into someone.

"Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry!" said Rose. "I wasn’t paying any attention!" She picked up her books, and then looked up and saw the hottest guy she had ever seen walking with a few people.

"It’s okay. It was my fault!" said the guy. He helped her pick up her stuff.

"Jack Dawson," said Jack, looking at her beautiful face.

"Rose DeWitt-Bukater," said Rose.

"I might have to get you to write that down," he said as they laughed. "So, are you new here?"

"Yeah. I just moved here from San Francisco."

"Well, welcome to Redmingdale!"


"So, do you need someone to show you around the school?" asked Jack.

"Yeah. That would be nice!" said Rose.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to my friends!" said Jack.

"This is Fabrizio di Rossi and his girlfriend, Adrienne Dahl, and Tommy Ryan and his girlfriend, Autumn Jolene."

"It’s nice to meet all of you," said Rose.

"Well, what’s your first class?"

Rose looked at the piece of paper that had her classes on it.

"English with Mrs. Hockley," said Rose.

"Fabrizio, Adrienne, and I have that, too!" said Jack. "Tommy and Autumn are going to math with Mrs. Brown, so come on. Let’s go!"

"See ya later, Rose! It was nice meeting you!" called Autumn and Tommy.

"Bye, guys!" she called. "Your friends seem really nice, Jack," said Rose as they entered English class.

"Yeah. You guys will get along great!" said Jack.

"Okay, everyone, have a seat! Also, I hope we have absolutely no cell phones in here!" shouted Mrs. Hockley.

She pointed to Jack and Rose. "You two sit in the second row of desks, and Fabrizio and Adrienne, sit in the fourth row."

That Afternoon

"Okay, Rose. Well, there is a lot in this town to see, so I thought I could take you to the park and then go eat," said Jack.

"All right. Let’s go!"

They walked around the park and talked about anything and everything. Rose found out that Jack really liked art and was really good, and Rose talked about how her dad had died when she was little, and she found out that Jack’s dad had died also.

"Jack, I like you. I mean, I really like you!" said Rose.

Jack was relieved to know that she liked him as much as he liked her.

"Rose, I know this is crazy, but I really like you, too!"

They kissed.

The Next Day

At school, their friends looked at them in shock when Jack carried Rose around on his back.

"Okay, what’s going on?" asked Fabrizio.

"Are you guys dating now, or what?" asked Adrienne.

"We’re dating," confirmed Rose as she looked up at Jack and smiled.

He kissed her, and then they started making out until they were interrupted by their friends.

"Hello! We are still here! Save it for later!" said Adrienne.

"Oh, really? Like you and Fabri don’t make out by your lockers every morning!"

Adrienne and Fabrizio turned bright red at the comment, and Fabri playfully punched Jack.

"Like you had to say that!" said Fabrizio.

"Oh, trust me. He had to say that," commented Rose.

"Okay. Stop fighting, people, and let’s change the subject. How ‘bout we all go out to that new restaurant tonight, The Vegas Diner. Autumn and I went there the other day, and they have great food!" Tommy said.

"Okay!" they all said at the same time.

That Night At Dinner

All six of them squeezed into a round booth, with the guys sitting with their girlfriends. Jack and Rose were right next to each other, sharing a menu.

"Oh, look at the lovers!" said Autumn, pointing at Jack and Rose.

"You know, I think if we took that menu down, it would reveal them making out behind it," said Fabrizio.

They took the menu down, and Jack and Rose were sitting there making out, not noticing that their cover was blown. All of the others sat there, laughing hysterically, until Jack and Rose finally noticed and jumped apart, looking guilty.

"And exactly how long have you been watching?" asked Rose, whose face was bright red.

"I think the real question is, how long have you guys been making out?" asked Tommy, laughing hysterically.

"Oh, whatever," said Jack.

The rest of the night they talked about everything, and were laughing as the older couple sitting in the booth behind them looked strangely at the younger generation. Then they walked to the beach before going home and enjoyed the night.

Chapter Two