Chapter Eleven

Rose, Adrienne, and Autumn woke up the next morning and decided to go shopping. They went outside and saw Jack and Fabrizio waiting outside their room.

"Where are you guys going? And where is Tommy?" asked Autumn.

"He will be here in a few moments. We’re going to go eat breakfast," Fabri told them.

"Okay. Well, we’re not hungry, so we’re going shopping," said Rose.

"Rose, all you ever do is shop," Jack said, laughing. "Don’t you have enough clothes already?"


"Well, I still love you anyway," Jack said. He kissed her lovingly, until they were interrupted by a man who looked a little like Cal, but they knew it wasn’t him.

"Why, isn’t this a pretty picture," muttered the man as he came up to the six kids. Tommy had joined them a few seconds before. Jack and Rose turned red, as did the other kids as they looked at him in confusion. Jack put a protective arm around Rose and stepped back.

Jack spoke up, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"I’m Nathan Hockley, Hockley Steel president," said the man, introducing himself. "Are you kids the reason my son is in jail?"

"He beat her up!" exclaimed Adrienne, pointing to the bruise on Rose’s arm from when she had tried to cover her face when Cal was punching her. "He wanted her to date him, but she already has a boyfriend!"

"Well, I hope you know that she will be coming with me," Nathan said, grabbing Rose’s arm. Jack got mad and punched him.

"No, she won’t!" he yelled in his face. "Stay away from us, or I will do a lot more than punch you!"

Nathan walked away, and said, "You little punks!"

"Rose, are you all right?" asked Jack, hugging her to his chest.

"I’m fine, but thank you so much, Jack. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much," she responded. "Now, let’s go shopping."

Jack kissed her cheek, and said, "I will do anything to protect you. I love you too much to let anything happen to you."

Rose replied, "I know you do." She grabbed Adrienne and Autumn and they went to the elevators to go shopping.

Three Hours Later

Rose was eating lunch, while Autumn and Adrienne were in the hot tub. She didn’t feel like going in the water. She was thinking about Cal and his father, and she just lost it. Tears started streaming down her face. She wanted and needed Jack right now. She had no idea where he was, so she went to his room and knocked on the door. Fabrizio and Tommy answered it. They saw Rose’s desperate face, tears running down it, and got worried.

Rose’s voice was shaking, but she managed to ask, "Where’s Jack?"

"He said he was going to the bow of the ship," said Fabrizio.

"Thank you so much," Rose replied, and ran off toward the bow of the ship before Fabrizio or Tommy had a chance to ask what was wrong.

Rose ran up the stairs because she didn’t feel like using the elevator. She was running as fast as she could, and didn’t care if she pushed people or not. When she got to the deck that Jack would be on, she ran even faster to the bow. She ran through where two people were playing golf, but she couldn’t care less if they got angry at her. She didn’t even know them, so why should she care? When she found Jack at the bow of the ship, looking down at the water, she yelled his name. He turned around and saw her. Her face was red and had tears running down it, and her hair was flying everywhere, but he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"My God, Rose! What’s wrong?" Jack asked, running up to her and kissing her before hugging her face to his chest. She ran to the bow and sat down, leaning against the rails of the ship, and Jack came and sat next to her. She didn’t give a damn about who was staring at them. She just had to talk to Jack.

"I just can’t take it anymore, Jack! Cal and his father are trying to make my life hard. I just can’t take it, Jack! I can’t take it anymore!"

"Oh, Rose. Please don’t cry. I’m here, and your friends and I will help you. I promise you that nothing will happen."

"Oh, God, Jack. What would I do without you? I love you so much, and I don’t know if I could live without you at this point. Promise me that you will never leave me." Jack took her face in his hands and forced her to look him in the eye.

"Rose, I love you way too much to ever leave you. You know that. I promise Cal and his father will leave you alone, and I promise that I will always be here with you."

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you, too, Rose," Jack said. "So, cheer up! Tomorrow we will be in Mexico, and then in three days, we will be going home. And I know how to make you feel better." Rose and Jack stood up. "Give me your hand," Jack said, taking Rose’s hand. "Now, close your eyes. Don’t peek."

"I’m not."

"Step up," Jack instructed. "Now, step up onto the rail and hold on. Keep your eyes closed."

Rose smiled as he took her arms and put them out like wings.

"Now, open your eyes."

"I’m flying, Jack!"

Jack and Rose stood there awhile, enjoying the moment. A few minutes later, Jack brought they’re arms down, and Rose turned around and looked into his eyes. Their faces got closer together, kissing passionately and lovingly for a long time. They stopped when they noticed that it was getting dark and they had to get ready for dinner.

"Thank you, Jack. Thank you for everything."

"You’re welcome. I love you, Rose."

"I love you, too, Jack."

With that said, they walked back to their rooms to get ready for dinner, hand-in-hand.

After Dinner

The kids walked back to their rooms. When the girls went back into their room, Rose started thinking about school. I wonder what stuff I should do this year. I don't really know, since it's a new school. Maybe dance team. I want to do volleyball, too, but that won't start until March or April. Hmm…she thought. She asked Adrienne and Autumn about it. "What do you think I should do this year? You know, for extra activities. I want to do volleyball, but that won't start until spring."

"You can do dance team with me and Autumn. I do volleyball, but Autumn doesn't," Adrienne suggested.

"I think I will try out for dance. I did dance at my old high school in San Francisco, so I might make it," said Rose.

"Yeah. I am sure Jack would come to the basketball games to watch you dance." Autumn smirked.

"So, are you saying that my boyfriend is a stalker?" asked Rose sarcastically.

"Well, what were you doing at the bow of the ship?" Adrienne asked.

"How did you even know that we were there?"

"We were wondering where you were, and we went up on the deck where the bow of the ship is. We saw you guys, went behind a wall, and watched you kissing for, like, hours. Then we left when you guys stopped, since we knew you would be leaving," Autumn explained. Rose's face was red, and she hid it with a pillow.

"Oh, whatever. We didn't kiss for, like, hours. Maybe, like, thirty minutes," said Rose. "Plus, we see you and Tommy making out all the time!"

All three girls started laughing really hard. They kept talking about all kinds of things, and then finally went to bed around one AM. The next day, they would be in Mexico.

Chapter Twelve