Chapter Twelve

The six kids were walking around Cancun, Mexico. Autumn, Rose, and Adrienne all had bags of stuff that they had bought, but the guys weren’t too interested in shopping, so the girls made them help them carry their stuff. They also kept dragging Tommy, Jack, and Fabrizio into stores, making them shop with them. They had spent the last twenty minutes in a sunglasses shop because the girls wanted to have brand-new stuff that nobody else would have when they got back to California. The guys, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about looking any different than everyone else, and were as bored as hell.

"Jack, do you think these look okay?" Rose asked him, putting on a pair of sunglasses.

"Mmm-hmm," he replied, still looking at the magazine he was reading.

"Jack! Pay attention! You didn’t even look!"

"Rose, you know I think you look good in anything."

"Oh, fine. Whatever. You’re hopeless."

"But you still love me anyway."

"Well...maybe," Rose replied sarcastically. Suddenly, Autumn took the sunglasses off her head and tried them on before admiring herself in the mirror.

"Jack! She won’t give me my sunglasses!" Rose pretended to whine like a little kid and started stomping her foot. Everyone started laughing hysterically. The girls finally got what they wanted and left the store. After more shopping, they decided to split up. Jack and Rose were walking around Cancun when it started raining. They were passing a place where there had been a band earlier. Music was still playing from the speakers there, and suddenly, Rose stopped.

"Hey, Jack! This is our song!"

"Yeah, it is...may I have this dance?"

"You didn’t even have to ask." They danced in the rain, barely noticing that they were soaking wet, to their song, Be Without You, by Mary J. Blige.

Chemistry was crazy from the get-go
Neither one of us knew why
We didn't build nothing overnight
‘Cause a love like this takes some time
People swore it off as a phase
Said we can’t see that
Now from top to bottom
They see that we did that
It’s so true that
We’ve been through it
We got real
See baby we been...

Too strong for too long and I can’t be without you, baby
And I’ll be waiting up until you get home, ‘cause I can’t sleep without you, baby
Anybody who’s ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can’t be without your baby.

I got a question for ya
See I already know the answer
But still I wanna ask you
Would you lie?
Make me cry?
Do something behind my back and then try to cover it up?
Well, neither would I, baby
My love is only your love
I’ll be faithful
I’m for real
And with us you’ll always know the deal
We’ve been...

Too strong for too long and I can’t be without you, baby
And I’ll be waiting up until you get home, ’cause I can’t sleep without you, baby
Anybody who’s ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can’t be without your baby.

See this is real talk
I’m always stay
Good or bad
Right or wrong
Now if you’re down on love or don’t believe
This ain’t for you
And if you got it deep in your heart
And deep down you know that it’s true
Well, let me see you put your hands up
Fellas, tell your lady she’s the one
Put your hands up
Ladies, let him know he's got your love
Look him right in his eyes and tell him
We’ve been...

Too strong for too long and I can’t be without you, baby
And I’ll be waiting up until you get home ‘cause I can’t sleep without you baby
Anybody who’s ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can’t be without your baby.

After their song ended, they looked at each other for a second, and then kissed passionately. They didn’t care if people were looking at them or if it was dark. All they cared about was each other. Soon, a loud clap of thunder sounded and they broke apart. They looked at the sky, and there was lightning and the rain was coming down even harder. The clouds were covering the whole sky, and they were dark. The sky was a greenish color, and it looked like there might even be a tornado.

"Shit..." Rose started to say. Jack grabbed her hand and started running.

"We have to get out of here! Come on! Let’s get back to the ship!" he yelled. Rose had never run so fast in her life and had no idea she could. It was almost a mile to the ship, and their soaking wet clothes were slowing them down. Finally, they got to the pier where the ship was docked. Passengers were hurrying into the ship, having to get their bags checked before they got in. Everyone was trying to huddle under the small roofs that were over the gates. They finally spotted Autumn, Tommy, Adrienne, and Fabrizio waiting in line. They were almost inside the ship. They saw Jack and Rose at the end of the line and motioned for them to come over.

"Come on, guys! You can get in line with us!" shouted Adrienne over the crowd of noisy people.

"Thanks, guys," Rose replied, grabbing Jack and going to them.

"No prob. Why are you guys so wet?" Fabrizio asked. He, Autumn, Tommy, and Adrienne were a little wet, but Jack and Rose were soaked.

"We stopped at this party, and before we knew it, the rain started pouring down, with lightning and thunder. Then we had to run almost a mile to get here," said Jack.

"Damn. That would suck. It looks like there will be a big storm. A lot of people are worried about a tornado!" Autumn gasped.

In a few more minutes, they were inside the ship. They all went to their rooms to change, and then the ship moved a little. The girls freaked out, went into the hall, and banged on the guys’ door. They opened it and saw Rose, Autumn, and Adrienne, who looked very scared.

"What’s wrong?" Tommy asked, looking at the three girls.

"The ship shook. Didn’t you feel it?" asked Autumn. "Come to our room before we totally freak out!"

The guys followed the girls to their room. They all sat on the couch, even though it was only meant to have four people on it at once. They turned on the TV to watch some television, and the ship shook again. Now, even the guys got worried, so Tommy went into the hall to find a steward and ask what had happened.

"Excuse me, sir. Would you mind telling me why the ship was shaking?" Tommy asked a steward who was walking in the hall.

"There are very high winds outside, but don’t worry. We won’t be able to leave until the winds calm down, and you’d better stay away from any glass in your room. Go inside the bathroom or a closet or something."

"Thank you, sir." Tommy walked back into the girls’ room and told them what the steward had said. All six kids went inside the bathroom because the closet was too small. They all sat on the floor, and it was very cramped, but at least they were safe. Then the ship shook again. They all screamed.

"Jack!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs and clung to Jack’s shirt. He put his arm around her.

"Aw...look at them," said Autumn teasingly, pointing at Jack and Rose.

"Autumn, this is serious. Give them a break," Tommy told her.


Finally, after an hour, a steward knocked on their door and told them that it was now safe and the ship was underway. They were all relieved, the guys went to their room, and everyone fell asleep after an exhausting evening.

Chapter Thirteen