Chapter Seventeen

At school, Rose was getting her books out of her locker when Jack came up behind her.

"Hey, Rose."

Rose turned around, and muttered, "Oh...hey, Jack."

Jack immediately knew that something was wrong...she never acted this way. "Rose, what’s wrong?"

"I’m moving to New York. My parents are getting divorced and I have to live with my mom. We’re leaving after graduation."

Jack hugged her close. "Don’t worry...everything’s gonna be all right. You’ll only be gone for a few months, and then you can come back to California and go to UCLA with me, Tommy, Fabrizio, Autumn, and Adrienne."

"I know, but the only real friends I’ve ever had are here. Back in San Francisco, all the people were conceited bitches and only hung out with me for my money. New York will probably be the same, and I’ll miss you and my friends more than anything. This summer will be the longest summer ever."

All Jack could do was hug her close as she cried on his shoulder.

Chapter Eighteen