Chapter Eighteen

Rose and her mother entered the airport. It was the day that they were moving to New York. Rose knew she shouldn’t be going to New York. Why did she have to? She had her father to stay with in California. She had her friends and her life in California. And she had Jack.

Looking around the airport and then back at her mother, she knew she couldn’t go.

"Mom," Rose said quietly, trying to put what she was trying to say into words. "I’m not going to move to New York. I can’t. I have my life here in California. I have my friends and Jack and everything here. I’m staying here with Dad...but I’ll visit you. I wouldn’t be staying long in New York anyway...only for the summer, since I’m going to UCLA next semester. Don’t even try to get me to go with you, because I won’t. Good-bye, Mom."

Before Ruth could say anything, Rose was running towards the doors of the airport. She ran out into the parking lot, and after taking a cab to Jack’s house, she ran up the path to the house and rang the doorbell.

Jack answered the door, looking surprised. "Rose...I thought you were on your way to New York by now."

Rose shook her head. "I love you, and I’m not going anywhere without you."

He pulled her into his arms. "I love you, too."

The End.
