Chapter Three

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Adrienne. "I can’t believe we are going on a Caribbean cruise!"

"No shit! I went online last night and they have dance clubs, swimming pools, casinos..." said Rose.

"No gambling!" interrupted Rose’s parents.

"What? You don’t think I could pass for twenty-one?" asked Rose.

"I don’t think you could. They probably want ID, anyway," mentioned Jack.

"Thanks a lot, Jack. Some boyfriend you are," Rose said sarcastically, punching him playfully on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Jack asked. He had a confused look on his face.

"You baby! You aren’t hurt! And you know I love you, anyway!" Rose said, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek.

"Ugh…now they’re going to make out!" said Autumn in disgust.

"Make out? In front of all these people?" asked Jack, blushing.

"Well, you did on the plane," Fabrizio muttered.

Jack and Rose’s faces went red at the comment, and Rose’s parents tried to look stern and hold back their laughter.

"Fabri! Don’t say that in front of Rose’s parents!" Jack whispered.

Ruth and William started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone else looked at them in surprise until they stopped laughing.

"Don’t worry. Kissing on a plane won’t hurt you. Anyway, the flight attendant came and told us about Tommy and Autumn making out, so we figured that everyone else would, anyway," mentioned Ruth. "Well, since we are on the port side of the Dolphin deck, which is the deck our rooms are on, and you guys are on the starboard side, we have to go into different lines to board the ship, so we expect you to behave. We will meet you at the main Dolphin Deck elevators and the guys and girls are in two separate rooms, so we are going to trust you to go into the two separate rooms, put your stuff in the two separate rooms, and if we find you in the room you are not supposed to be in without more than three people in there, then you will be in big trouble and your parents will be called. Is that clear?"

"Don’t worry, Mom. We will be good!" said Rose, wanting to get her parents out of the way.

"Okay. I trust you," said Ruth as she left.

All the kids went into their designated line and waited for an hour until they finally were ready to board the ship. They met Rose’s parents thirty minutes later, when they finally found the Dolphin Deck and the main elevators.

"Okay, kids, you can go to your rooms now. They both have decks outside them, so you guys can go outside whenever you want. Behave," said William.

"Okay, Dad. Don’t worry!" said Rose, anxious to get to her room. Once her parents had left, they went to their rooms. When the girls entered their room, the phone rang, and Adrienne answered it.


"Hey, Adrienne. It’s Jack. Is Rose there?"

"Yeah, sure. Hold on."

"Rose! Come here and get the phone. It’s Jack!" yelled Adrienne. Rose rushed out of the bathroom with soap on her face and a washcloth in her hand, and Adrienne handed her the phone.

"Hey, Jack!"

"Hey, hon, I have to ask you a question."

"Okay. Shoot."

"Well, I thought you said your dad died when you were little, but right now your dad is on this vacation with us and you’re calling him Dad."

"That’s because my real dad died when I was three, and I don’t really remember him. My mom remarried when I was four, and I was too young to understand all that shit, so I have just called my stepdad Dad ever since."

"Oh, okay. Cool, because I thought you might have lied to me, and I just want us to trust each other."

"I understand, Jack, and I would never lie to you. I promise."

"And I promise I will never lie to you, Rose."

"Okay. Good. Bye, baby."

"Bye, Rose."

"What was that all about?" asked Autumn.

"Well, my real dad died when I was three, and I don’t really remember him. My mom remarried when I was four, and I was too young to understand all that shit, so I have just called my stepdad Dad ever since, and Jack thought I lied to him about some stuff about my family life, so we are just making sure we trust each other and stuff," said Rose.

"Oh, okay. I thought you guys were breaking up, or something bad like that," Autumn said.

"No, of course not. Oh, by the way, where’s Adrienne?"


"Oh, okay. Well, I have to finish washing my face," said Rose, walking into the bathroom.

One Hour Later

"So, girls, are we ready to go shopping on the Promenade Deck?" asked Autumn, finishing her hair.

"Yes!" said Adrienne and Rose, walking out the door of their room.

"Where are you girls going?" asked Tommy as he, Jack, and Fabrizio walked out the door of their room and saw the girls waiting for an elevator.

"Going to the buffet to grab a snack and then going shopping," said Autumn, kissing Tommy on the cheek.

"Talk about me and Jack doing that in public," muttered Rose.

"Well, anyway, us guys are going to the gym, so we will see you later for dinner, okay?" asked Fabrizio.

"All right. See you boys later! Bye, Tommy!" said Autumn.

"Bye, Autumn. Love ya," said Tommy.

"Talking about me and Rose and Fabri and Adrienne all the time. You guys need to get a room," said Jack.


"Bye, Rose," said Jack.

"Bye, Adrienne," said Fabrizio.

Rose and Adrienne waved, and then all the girls went down the elevator to the Promenade Deck.

Chapter Four