Chapter Five

Fabrizio and Tommy woke up in the morning to find Jack sleeping peacefully in the third bed. Fabrizio looked at the clock. Ten o‘clock AM.

"I haven’t slept in this late in awhile. I am surprised Jack is still asleep!" said Fabrizio. Tommy laughed.

"Yeah. He was probably up all night, talking to Rose on the phone or something. I heard him talking on the phone right before I fell back asleep last night," said Tommy.

"Yeah. Let’s hit him with our pillows to wake him up," suggested Fabrizio, laughing.

He and Tommy got out of their beds, got dressed, and starting hitting Jack with their pillows.

"Wake up, Jack!" yelled Tommy, hitting him with a pillow.

"Yeah! It’s ten o‘clock!" said Fabrizio.

"Why are you guys torturing me?" asked Jack, a confused look on his face.

"Hey, it’s not our fault you were on the phone with Rose for a year last night," muttered Fabrizio.

"Shut up, Fabri. Like you don’t call Adrienne all the time," said Jack. "I will be ready soon. Just give me a minute."

About five minutes later, Jack came out of the bathroom and the guys went to wake up the girls.

"Wake up, girls!" said Jack, knocking on their door. "We want to go outside!"

"What the fuck? Who is it?" asked Autumn through the door.

"It’s us. Hurry up and get ready so we can go eat, then go out on deck and swim and stuff," said Fabrizio.

"Hold on. Let me wake up everyone else. You guys might want to go back to your room and watch TV or something. It will take us awhile to get ready," said Autumn.

The guys agreed and went back to their room. The girls went to their room Thirty minutes later, they went to eat breakfast. They went to the café and ordered their food, then went outside to go swimming. When they got to one of the pools, the guys got in the pool, but the girls just sat on the deck chairs, tanning, until an hour later, when they were interrupted.

"Come on, girls. Get in the pool!" said Jack.

"No. The water is cold and we need to get tans," said Adrienne, glaring at him over her magazine. Jack picked Rose up and took her to the pool.

"No, Jack! No! Put me down!" Rose exclaimed. Jack jumped into the pool with Rose in his arms.

"See? It isn’t so bad!"

"Jack, I am freezing, since I’ve been out in the sun so long. Let me work on my tan for awhile, and then I promise I will get in the pool later, and I will even swim at the beach when we get to the Bahamas tomorrow," said Rose.

"Fine, but you’d better swim later."

"Trust me. I will," promised Rose, walking back and getting her towel. She lay back down in the sun.

"Guys, if you are just going to stand there and wait for us to get in the pool, then go get us some lunch and drinks," said Adrienne.

"Fine. Come on. Let’s go, guys," said Tommy, walking towards the poolside deck alongside Jack and Fabrizio. Once the guys had left, the girls started talking again.

"That pool water is freezing. I told Jack I would go in there, so I guess I will later, but it had better be warm," said Rose.

"I know. I told Tommy the same thing," said Autumn.

"Same here," agreed Adrienne.

"Goddammit! Where are they with our food? It’s twelve o’clock, and I am starving," said Rose.

"I know. Same here. Sitting out in the sun makes me tired and hungry," said Adrienne.

"Hey, they’re finally coming back!" exclaimed Autumn happily, pointing towards Jack, Fabrizio, and Tommy, who were walking towards them.

"Here’s your food, and exactly what were you girls talking about?" Fabrizio asked teasingly.

"Nothing," said Rose, Adrienne, and Autumn.

"That’s what they all say. We really know you’re arguing about whose boyfriend is hottest," said Tommy. The guys were all laughing at this comment, and the girls looked at them like they were crazy.

"Yeah...right," Rose said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. "Whenever you guys talk, you’re probably talking about porn, or something like that."

"Whatever," muttered Jack, handing Rose her food.

"Okay, guys. Thanks for the food. Now, leave us alone," said Adrienne, going back to reading her magazine, as did the others.

Two Hours Later

"Okay, Jack. I will get in the pool now," said Rose regretfully when he picked her up and made her jump in the water with him. "Jack, this is so cold! How do you stand this?"

"It’s fine to me."

"Girls must be water-sensitive, then, because Adrienne and Autumn are freezing cold, too. See?" asked Rose, pointing at Adrienne and Autumn, who wouldn’t get in the water until Fabri and Tommy pushed them in. "Jack, how long do I have to stay in here?"

"Thirty minutes."


Three Hours Later

"Come on, Jack," Rose said, grabbing his hand. "We have to get back to our rooms and get ready for dinner. Tonight is a formal night on the ship, and we have to wear nice clothes."

"Fine. Let’s go."

They walked to their rooms with Autumn, Tommy, Adrienne, and Fabri. Jack gave Rose a quick kiss and told her to call them when they were ready to leave. They went inside their separate rooms to get ready for dinner so Rose’s parents wouldn’t be upset with them again. They hoped that they would get to sit where they wanted tonight, because last night had been aggravating. They also hoped they wouldn’t see Cal again. Since he was locked up, he would probably have dinner brought to him instead of going anywhere. They just prayed that he wouldn’t ever be able to escape.

Chapter Six