Chapter Six

Rose came out of the bathroom after getting ready for the formal night on the ship. Adrienne and Autumn were doing their hair and makeup in front of the huge mirror in their room. She wore a strapless, bright pink dress with a huge skirt that was floor-length and made it look like it was for prom, and her hair was up in a bun with a few strands left out. Autumn had on a strapless, light orange dress that was floor-length and had her hair down. Adrienne had on a spaghetti-strap, pale blue dress that was also floor-length and had her hair half up in a ponytail. They walked out to meet the guys. They knocked on their door, and when they finally came out, they were all wearing suits. Jack couldn’t take his eyes off Rose.

"Care to escort your lady to dinner?" Rose asked Jack.

"Certainly," responded Jack, putting his arm out. They walked to dinner together, followed by Autumn, Tommy, Adrienne, and Fabrizio. They met Ruth and William at the door to the Paris dining room to sit at their usual table.

"Mom, Dad," Rose started to say, and then paused for a second before continuing. "Can I please sit next to Jack? And can everyone else sit where they want?"

"Okay. Fine. Just behave."

"We will be good," Autumn assured them. They sat down and ate their food, then got ready to leave the dining room.

Two Hours Later

"I don’t know about you guys, but the night has just started for me. I am going to my room to change into something else, and I am going dancing," said Rose.

"Fine with me," said Tommy. The others agreed and left the dining room with Rose’s parents approval to get ready to go dancing. They got ready and came out to meet each other to head over to the dance club.

"Come on, Jack. I don’t have all day," said Rose, grabbing his hand because he was walking too slowly for her liking. Autumn, Adrienne, Tommy, and Fabrizio were way ahead of them.

"Sorry," he mumbled back.

Finally, they got to the dance club and started dancing. They all got drunk, because they believed Jack when he said he was twenty-one.

"I guess you look older, huh?" asked Rose teasingly.

"I guess I do."

"Um...Jack, that is not something to be proud of," joked Autumn.

"It is when we can get drinks," Tommy pointed out.

"That’s true," said Autumn as she, Rose, and Adrienne got up and started dancing on the top of the bar to the song Lose My Breath.

"Come on, Jack! Get up here with me!" said Rose, grabbing his hand and pulling him up on the bar. "Come on! Don’t you want to dance with your girlfriend?"

"Of course," said Jack, seeing Adrienne and Autumn getting Tommy and Fabrizio up on the bar with them, too. They were all up there for awhile. They finally got down because the bartender was sick of people up on the top of the bar. While they were dancing on the bar, Rose’s parents passed the dance club, saw them through the window, and thought it was some crazy kids until they saw a girl with red hair dancing with a guy with blond hair. They knew that it was Jack and Rose, and they saw their friends up there, too.

"What kind of parents would let their kids be on top of a bar like that?" asked Ruth, looking through the window of the dance club.

"I don’t know, but...doesn’t that look kind of like Rose?" asked William, trying to get a better look through the window.

"That can’t be possible...she wouldn’t do that!"

"Ruth...nobody has hair that red besides Rose."

"My’re right...and that’s Jack with her, and their friends are there, too!"

"We have to go in and stop them," said William, taking Ruth’s hand, heading towards the entrance to the dance club, and starting to walk in before they were stopped by a security guard.

"I am sorry, but this club is full. It‘s about a thirty minute wait to get in," said the guard.

"Fine," said Ruth. She left with William behind her. Rose and her friends never noticed her parents there, and left at about two AM to go back to their rooms. They went out on their room decks, which were separated by a railing, so they could talk to each other outside. They were still drunk, so they decided to scream out and see how many people they could wake up.

"Let’s scream outside on our decks and see who wakes up," said Tommy.

"Okay," said everyone else.

"Hey, people, wake up! We are all on the Titanic, and the ship is sinking! Wake up!" screamed Jack. Everyone else was screaming stuff for about ten minutes before someone in the room next to the girls’ room woke up and came outside.

"What are you kids doing?" asked the man.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep," said Rose, sounding totally drunk.

"Fine, but I’d better not wake up again, you bitch," said the man.

"Hey! Don’t ever call my girlfriend names again, you bastard! Now, leave us alone!" said Jack.

"Just shut up and don’t let me wake up again, you stupid kids!" yelled the man, opening his door and left.

"Well, don’t we have nice neighbors?" muttered Adrienne sarcastically.

"I guess we’d better get to bed before we get in trouble. He might call security or something," said Fabrizio, going to give Adrienne a kiss and tell her good night.

"Yeah. Good night, Rose," said Jack.

"Good night, Jack," she said, right before she grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him passionately. The kiss ended when Fabri coughed.

"Oh, whatever. You just kissed Adrienne, like, thirty seconds ago," said Rose.

"It didn’t last for ten years," Adrienne pointed out. Jack and Rose rolled their eyes.

"Tommy...why didn’t you kiss me?" asked Autumn sadly, and everyone besides Tommy snickered.

"Okay, people. I am leaving so I don’t have to see this horrid love scene," said Rose. Everyone left for the same reason. "Good night, Jack."

"Good night, Rose."

The girls walked into their room and decided to order a movie, since they couldn’t fall asleep. They ordered Titanic.

"You know, the Rose in the movie kind of looks like you, Rose," said Adrienne.

"Yeah, and the guy Jack looks like Jack," said Autumn.

"I guess a little bit, but their clothes looks nothing like ours, and this is not 1912," Rose responded.

"Yeah. I guess," said Autumn.

"Anyway, change in subject," said Adrienne. "I can’t wait to see the Bahamas tomorrow."

"Me, either!" said Rose in excitement.

"I know!" squealed Autumn happily.

"Shut up. This is my favorite part of the movie," said Rose as they all turned their attention to the TV.

"I’m through being polite, Goddammit! Now, take me down!"

"I love that part," said Rose, laughing with Autumn and Adrienne.

"Yeah. That’s funny," said Adrienne. They watched the movie for about thirty minutes, when the phone rang.

"Hello?" asked Rose.

"Hello, Rose. I need to talk to you," said her mother.

"Mom! What is it?"

"I saw you and Jack and your friends dancing on top of the bar tonight. I want you to know that I think that type of dancing is inappropriate, not to mention that you guys were dancing on top of a bar to that kind of music! I don’t want to see you behaving like that again. Do you understand, Rose?"

"Mom! We are seventeen, dammit! What do you expect us to do? Do you expect us to do the waltz or something?"

"Rose, I just don’t want you to dance on top of a bar like that!"

"Fine, Mom. I won’t dance on top of a bar again, but I will dance how I want."


"Bye, Mom."

"Bye, Rose."

"What was that all about?" asked Adrienne, looking at Rose in confusion.

"My mom said not to dance on top of bars anymore."

"Damn. She has to ruin all the fun," replied Autumn in disappointment.

"I know. She is always like that," grumbled Rose as she leaned back on her pillow to watch the last twenty minutes of the movie. By then it was five AM. When the movie ended, they turned off the TV and fell asleep until eight in the morning, when Fabrizio called them and Adrienne answered the phone.

"Hello?" she said, still waking up. She was still pretty tired from last night.

"Adrienne, we are in the Bahamas. Look out your window," replied Fabri. When she looked out the window, the fantastic sight certainly woke her up.

"Oh, my God! Fabri, it’s so beautiful!" exclaimed Adrienne.

"Yeah. Wake up everyone else so we can go out there."

"Wait. Let us sleep for about two more hours. It’s only eight o’clock. We were watching Titanic last night until five. We will call you in a few hours and we can leave."

"Okay. Love you, Adrienne."

"Love you, too, Fabri. Bye."


They hung up, and Fabri woke up Jack and Tommy.

"Jack! Tommy! Wake up!" shouted Fabrizio right in their ears.

"What? Why has the ship stopped?" asked Tommy in confusion. Jack looked outside and gasped.

"Holy shit. Look at that!" gasped Jack.

"No shit! That looks awesome!" agreed Tommy.

"See? It was worth waking up. The girls were up until five watching Titanic, or so Adrienne said, so they will call us in a couple of hours when they have woken up," Fabrizio told them.

"No surprise. Rose loves that movie," said Jack.

"Yeah. So does Autumn," said Tommy.

"Let’s go get something to eat," suggested Fabrizio, walking out the door since he was already ready.

"I have to go like this?" asked Tommy, looking down at his t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"No, I’m just kidding. Get ready fast before I leave, though," joked Fabrizio, sitting back down on the couch in their room and turning on the TV while he waited for Jack and Tommy to get ready. Five minutes later, they were heading out of their room to go get breakfast.

"Okay, I know we’re in the Bahamas, but why are we up this early if the girls aren’t banging on our door? I mean, why should we be up this early if they aren’t making us wake up?" asked Jack on their way back from the café that they had eaten breakfast at.

"I don’t know, but when we get back to our room, I’m going back to sleep," Tommy confirmed.

"Me, too," said Jack and Fabrizio. They walked backed to their room, lay down in their beds, and slept in their clothes.

Two Hours Later

Rose woke up, rubbed her eyes, and noticed that the ship had stopped moving, so she got up to look out the window.

"Adrienne! Autumn!" she yelled. "Wake up!" Adrienne and Autumn sat up in their beds, looking at Rose with confused looks on their faces.

"What in the..." asked Autumn, walking to the window and gasping. "Holy shit! That’s so beautiful!"

"I know. We are in the..." started Rose, but Adrienne and Autumn screamed with her. "The Bahamas!"

"Okay. I am gonna get ready, and then we will call the guys and go outside," said Rose.

"Okay," agreed Autumn. They all got their swimsuits on, put shorts and tank tops over them, put their beach stuff in their beach bags, and grabbed them and their purses. The guys called, and Autumn answered the phone.

"Hello?" said Autumn.

"Hi. It’s Fabri."

"Oh, hey, Fabri. We’re in the Bahamas, so get ready and come outside so we can go to the beach."

"Okay. See ya."


Then the girls walked out of their room and went to wait outside the guys’ room. It was about five minutes before the guys came out of their room. They took the elevator to the bottom of the ship to disembark and go out to the beach.

Chapter Seven