Chapter Seven

As they were walking to the ship’s exit, they saw someone they didn’t want to see. Caledon Hockley. Sure enough, he was handcuffed and behind bars, but he saw them through the window, and seeing Jack and Rose walking together, hand-in-hand, made him madder than ever. He knocked his elbow against the window to get their attention.

"What do you want, Cal?" asked Rose angrily.

"I just want to know why in the hell are you with this gutter rat when you could be with a gentleman like me? He is probably shacked up with ten other girls right now," Cal told her. This made Rose really mad, and she clenched her fists angrily.

"You listen up, you bastard! He has a name, and that name is Jack, so don’t you dare call him a gutter rat again, because he is much more of a gentleman than you will ever be! Oh, and for your information, the only person that he is shacked up with is me!" yelled Rose. Jack was surprised to hear all that coming from her mouth.

"Rose..." muttered Cal.

"No! I talk, you listen. You are going to leave me alone and never talk to any of us for the rest of your life, and if you do, you will call Jack by his name. Is that understood?" asked Rose. She left and pulled Jack away, not waiting for an answer.

"Well, you sure told him off," said Jack.

"The bastard had it coming," Rose told him. "It was fun, anyway."

"Yeah. I wish I got to do that," replied Adrienne, everyone else laughing. They disembarked the ship and walked out onto the pier.

"Oh, my God, Jack! It’s so beautiful!" Rose exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is," replied Jack. They walked over to some beach chairs. Rose put her bag on one of them and went to the drink stand to get something to drink. When she came back, Jack was in her chair and her friends had taken the other four chairs that were there.

"Jack, scoot over. I’m sitting here, too," Rose told him.

He scooted over as Autumn looked up from her magazine, and muttered, "Oh, God. There they go again. Why can’t you go get another chair, Rose?"

"Because I don’t want to get up and look around this whole beach for a stupid chair. Plus, I’m just fine the way I am," replied Rose.

"Of course you’re fine the way you are." Adrienne smirked.

"Oh, whatever," said Rose. She turned to Jack, who was laughing.

"Oh, God, Jackie! Shut up!" Rose demanded.

"Okay, but never call me Jackie again," said Jack, still laughing.


"And now you have to get in the water."

"No way!" said Rose.

"Come on! It will be a lot warmer than the pool. Plus, I have to show you something!" Jack told her, putting out his hand to help her up.

"Okay," agreed Rose, taking his hand. They ran into the water together.

Thirty Minutes Later

"Rose, I wanna show you something. Wait here," Jack told her, running back to their chair.

"Okay," she agreed, waiting for him to come back. "What’s that?"

He came back, holding a thin board that was sort of like a short surfboard.

"It’s a skimboard. Watch this," he said, throwing the board like a Frisbee along the shoreline, running after it, jumping on it, and sliding across the wet sand for awhile until he came back to Rose.

"Oh, my God! Will you show me how to do that?" she asked.

"Sure. Hold the board like this," Jack told her, putting it in her hand. "Throw it like a Frisbee along the shoreline and run after it. When you get close enough to it, jump on it with both feet at the same time, and you should skid for awhile."

"Okay," she responded, throwing the board and going after it. She jumped on and skidded for awhile until she fell. She grabbed the board and went back to Jack.

"You did it!" he exclaimed, hugging her.

"Yeah. Thanks for showing me!"

"No problem," Jack said, smiling.

"Now, let’s go take a picture on the beach with our friends and go play beach volleyball," suggested Rose, taking him by the hand and leading him to their friends to take a picture with them. They also took one of Rose while skimboarding, one of each of the couples, one of them playing volleyball, and one of Autumn and Adrienne throwing food at Tommy and Fabrizio. After the pictures, they went to go play volleyball, guys against girls, and the girls won.

"Damn, Rose, you sure can serve the volleyball," said Jack, who was drenched in sweat.

Rose smiled and said, laughing, "I know. I’m good." Jack laughed as they left the volleyball area and swam and ate lunch before getting ready to leave to go back to the ship. Before they left, Jack and Rose sat on their chair on the beach and looked at the sunset.

"The sunset on the beach is so beautiful," said Rose, smiling at Jack.

"I know, but it’s not as beautiful as you," Jack replied. Rose blushed and pulled him close to her. They kissed passionately under the sunset. Then they pulled apart and went back to the ship, hand-in-hand.

Chapter Eight