Chapter Ten

Don and Fabrizio were already dressed in their formal evening attire for the night’s upcoming event and waiting. Glancing at the time for the umpteenth time, Don impatiently bellowed, "Hurry up, Rose! Get a move on…we’re going to be late…Females! They’d be late to their own funeral."

"Be right out!" Rose returned. Taking one last glance in the mirror, she carefully smoothed back a wayward copper tendril and doused a hint of expensive perfume on her wrists and behind each earlobe. Raising a crinkled brow, she inwardly mused, Now what? Aw yes, the necklace. But she needed some assistance with the stubborn clasp.

Regally walking out of the hotel dressing room, both Don and Fabrizio smiled in great appreciation of the young woman in emerald green velvet. Having never seen her in such elegant finery, Don had to begrudgingly admit…his little girl was definitely a beautiful woman now. Dressed too scantily and well, sexy, for one so young but…gorgeous just the same.

"Daddy, can you help me fasten this?" Rose turned her bare back to him and daintily handed him the gold clasp of the exquisite emerald and diamond baguette necklace for her father to secure.

"Sure, sweetpea!" However, Don’s slight smile suddenly faded before he irritably snapped, "What the hell is this, Rose?"

Intentionally playing ignorant, "Whatever do you mean, Daddy?"

"This thing painted on your back! Tell me it’s not permanent!"

"Oh, that’s the yellow rose of Texas, Daddy. I got it done in Florence to remind me of my time there," she nonchalantly defended.

Not able to help himself, Don hotly reproved, "I think you got plenty to remind you of Italy without getting a damn tattoo! Did you also get anything pierced while you were at it?"

Sighing softly, Rose sadly allowed, "Just my heart, Daddy. Just my heart. But, please, let’s enjoy the evening, all right?"

Feeling contrite for his outburst and for the bitter memory that Rose’s hurtful response had recalled to the surface, he guiltily relented.

"Well, at least it’s tastefully done…small and hidden most of the time anyway. The artist was quite talented to say the least."

As he fastened the necklace, Rose remembered something and audaciously remarked, "Daddy, how about that eagle tattoo on your left bicep…hmm?"

"I was young, Rose and besides, it was a simple publicity stunt for the band!"

Turning around to pierce her father with an incredible stare, she crooked a finely arched eyebrow and prettily crossed her arms.

Holding up his hands in mock defense, "Never mind…point taken!"

Fabrizio DiStefano was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed against his chest with a bemused expression on this handsome countenance. His uncle and cousin’s constant barbs and spars reminded him so much of his own father and himself. These two, however, were even more alike. The funny thing was that they both had no earthly idea of that fact. A ridiculous amused grin twitched at the corners of this mouth as he shook his head at the dueling dialog.

Don noticed it right away and accusingly scoffed, "What are you grinning about Fabrizio? This is all your fault anyway!"

Fabri helplessly pointed at himself and innocently shrugged.

"By the way, nephew. I’ve been meaning to ask you all day about a certain tall, curvaceous "lady" I seen coming out of your room in the wee early morning hours. Care to share the identity of this little secret?"

Blushing with embarrassment, Fabrizio quipped, "No, Uncle Don. A gentleman never carries such tales. You should know these things, No?"

Surprising them both, Don Hockley heartily slapped Fabrizio good-naturedly on the back and graciously conceded, "Well, double touche! Let’s go you two…I guess I better shut up, try to relax, and maybe go over my speech. Which reminds me," Taking Rose’s arm to escort her to the waiting limousine, he explained, "When I introduce you tonight, don’t be surprised when I use your legal name for a change. I think it’s time you start openly using it since all your official records and documents are under Hockley. Besides, I’m retiring now and I’ll always be there from now on to protect you if need be. Of course, nobody will give a tinker’s damn about my personal life anymore and my grandbaby will use the Hockley name."

"Daddy, your true fans will always adore you. But thank you for finally allowing me to use my real proper last name. It’ll be strange though after all these years tacking the Hockley on, but most appropriate and appreciated. As far as your grandchild is concerned…we shall see."

On the limo ride to the awards ceremony, Don silently watched his daughter staring out the window lost in deep thought. To bring her out of her silent revelry, he curiously asked, "Are you nervous, Rose? This being your first time to perform and all."

"A little, Daddy…I just don’t want to embarrass you, again!" She vulnerably explained.

Taking her tiny delicate hand in his own, he probed her shimmering jade pools, and sincerely implored, "Sweetheart, you’ve never embarrassed me or made me ashamed. I know I speak my mind too much. I’m just too blunt for my own good sometimes. I apologize. But, hold out your tongue just the same!"

"What are you talking about, Daddy?" Rose perplexing inquired.

To relieve the tension, he sarcastically teased, "Oh, just checking to make sure your tongue’s not pierced so I won’t be too terribly surprised when the cameras zoom in for a close-up and I’m met with a tongue ring or hideous diamond stuck through your tongue so you can’t sing worth a damn!"

Fabrizio erupted into a hysterical fit of laughter. Rose merely grinned. It would’ve effected her in kind; however, it reminded her of a smart aleck remark she had once made to Jack about body piercing and gaudy diamonds. It came across her lovely face as more of a grimace than a genuine smile.

When would innocent remarks stop reminding her of him? Then she had to chide herself. Placing her hand on her still flat tummy, she had to allow that before too much longer, there would be a constant reminder every day! But would the pain always be so intense? Somehow she knew it would! When she lovingly glimpsed into her baby’s tiny features, he would be there. She knew it without a doubt. Damn you, Jack Dawson and your deceitful heart!

As Don, Fabrizio, and Rose disembarked from the limo and stepped onto the red carpet, blinding flashes from the cameras commenced with all the overblown fanfare in which Don was accustomed. However, Rose had a hard knot in the pit of her stomach yet somehow managed to smile graciously as she was escorted into the lobby.

Inside the entryway, Tommy, Helga and Gabrielle were standing waiting to be ushered to their seats. But Jack, not wanting to be around Gabrielle any more than necessary, had earlier excused himself from the group. He had decided to take the coward’s way out and stay entrenched in the men’s room to smoke until right before the ceremony began.

Looking around at the commotion of all the "pomp and circumstance" Helga espied Rose and her escorts; therefore excitedly hailed out, "Rose, over here!"

Hearing her name called, Rose disengaged from her father and cousin and whispered something in his ear. Don smiled and pecked a sweet kiss on her forehead. Smiling radiantly, Rose made her way over to the trio and hugged her new friend’s neck in greeting.

"So glad you all could make it. Helga, Gabrielle—you both look wonderful."

Helga blushingly thanked her yet Gabrielle was rudely ignoring her and staring at Fabrizio instead.

"Rose, I want you to meet my birthday boy, Tommy. Tommy, this is the philanthropist responsible for your overly generous gift tonight, Rose uh…I feel so inept, Rose. I ignorantly didn’t write that last name down and it eludes me just now." Helga lamely stammered.

Lightly laughing with understanding since she had only very recently began using her real last name herself, she gaily provided, "It’s DiStefano…actually Rose DiStefano-Hockley now."

Tommy’s jaw hit the carpet. Complete shock registered on his stunned countenance and he was left totally speechless. Surely he mustn’t have heard correctly. It was just too incredible and ironic to say the least, that the elusive Rose that they had been searching for high and low was actually standing right in front of them. His features were frozen and he appeared to have just seen a ghost. And where of all places was Jack? In the can!

At last, a slow conspiring grin spread out all over his pale face and he eagerly took her extended hand and planted a warm kiss on her knuckles in a great show of gallantry.

"It’s a great honor to finally meet you, Rose. Words cannot express my surprise at meeting such an angelic beauty this most memorable evening. Truly a miracle in the works. I’ve heard so much about you lately."

"Well thank you, Tommy. I’m truly flattered…Helga, you must hold on to him; he’s quite a gallant charmer." Rose beamingly responded.

At that, Gabrielle spoke up nastily retorting, "Oh, please, Tommy. How utterly sickening. I could’ve gotten you these stupid tickets."

"And, of course, you met Gabrielle at the boutique," Helga embarrassingly introduced.

"Yes, of course. Glad to see you again, Miss Gabrielle." Rose indulgently greeted.

At that moment, Fabrizio walked up and introductions were repeated. Gabrielle instantly lit up and flirtatiously made a show of smoothing down her bright red skimpy evening gown. The midriff was absent and two navel rings were proudly exposed by the buxom brunette.

"Oh, I’m sorry…Gabrielle’s official escort for the evening is not here at the moment. He should be back shortly," Helga sweetly offered.

Tommy couldn’t resist, "Yea, I’m always telling him that whenever his ship comes in…he’d probably be onboard the ill-fated Titanic!"

Just then, Don Hockley urgently beckoned, "Rose! They need you backstage right away!"

"I’m sorry—duty calls. Honored to make your acquaintance, Tommy and it was glad seeing you again, Helga and Gabrielle. Maybe I can meet your friend backstage after the show. I’d like to see all of you again before I leave California."

Tommy instantly spoke up and wittily eluded, "You can bet your life on that! These tickets were a Godsend, Rose. You can’t possibly imagine how much!"

"You’re welcome and happy birthday, Tommy. See you later!" Glancing at Fabrizio and Gabrielle with their heads together, Rose amusedly shook her copper tresses and secretly smiled before departing for the auditorium.

Shortly, with his hands stuck in his pockets, Jack swaggered back to the group. At once, he perused the biggest Cheshire cat grin on Tommy’s sly face and curiously inquired, "Well, what did I miss?"

Tommy couldn’t hold the guffaw that exploded from his twitching lips.

"Oh, you just missed meeting our stunning benefactress. A true Roman Goddess…Venus de Milo would be envious herself! What a breath of April spring air! A rare rose for sure. The face that launched a thousand ships!"

"I don’t know whether to be jealous or what, Tommy Maguire!" Helga good-naturedly quipped.

Fabri had disengaged himself and kissed Gabrielle’s hand before hastily making his reluctant departure right before Jack’s appearance. Therefore, Gabrielle overheard Tommy’s outlandish overly-warm compliment of Rose and snidely snapped, "My God, she’s not that gorgeous, Tommy. She’s entirely too short."

"Yea, right, Gabrielle. Just another porcelain doll—so easy to find these days! They’re just a dime a dozen," Tommy sarcastically admonished.

"Come on you three. Let’s take our seats," Helga anxiously directed.

In Jack’s presently dull mind, he completely missed Tommy’s obvious references and innocently shrugged, "Well, I’m sorry I missed the introduction—duty called."

Tommy stood stock-still.

"Where have I heard that before? This is priceless, positively priceless."

"What’s gotten into him? He’s as giddy as a virgin on her wedding night!" Jack jokingly teased.

Tommy laughed even harder and louder yet slapped his friend on the back.

"Come on, Romeo. Your Juliet awaits."

Gabrielle, arrogantly thinking Tommy was referring to her, cast them both a hard sardonic look to which they both rolled their eyes heavenward and proceeded to their appointed seats.

Somewhat bored with the ongoing ceremony, Jack began to daydream and let his mind drift back to April in Rome. As he remembered, Rose was also a Don Hockley fan. Leisurely skimming the audience, his gaze suddenly landed on the back of a very familiar form sitting between a dark haired man and an older, rusty-haired gentleman. But there were so many barriers in his line of vision and the lights were so dim, he convinced himself it was merely a fluke of his wishful imagination. She was just so always on his jumbled mind.

Later, the emcee presented Don Hockley with a lifetime achievement award and he bent down to kiss the lovely "illusion" on the cheek and approached the stage to make his acceptance speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. This is such a special and important award for me and I greatly appreciate the great honor that you have graciously bestowed upon me. However, I’ve put my entire personal life on hold in the name of my music. Although I’ve loved my work, inevitably the one person that I love the most in the world as been made to suffer and pay a steep price for my success. And for that, I’m truly sorry. She’s my heart, my life…my everything. She’s here with me now and we need each other now more than my selfish desire for a career in the music business. Therefore, I’m announcing my retirement to spend time with her and doing my absolute best to make her happy, secure, and loved, as she rightfully deserves. So in leaving, she has graciously consented to sing for me and for you, my favorite song, a swan song in a sense, "My Heart Will Go On."

Please welcome my most prized possession, "Rose DiStefano-Hockley."

s Rose stood up and gracefully climbed the few steps to the stage, she affectionately embraced her father, emotional tears glittering in her emerald green eyes. The intense hug went on for a great length of time and the applause roared.

Tommy surreptitiously studied the immense range of emotions that passed across Jack’s visage. Initial disbelieving amazement grew to joyous elation, then stark confusion shifted to a dawning realization and finally, a mask of devastating hurt and betrayal.

As Jack had listened to Don’s acceptance speech, he tragically had assumed the speaker was referencing a neglected wife or lover. But as the name was announced, Jack’s mouth had fallen open and his heart had actually quit beating. Jack was so bereft, he hastily jumped to all the wrong conclusions. He wasn’t thinking clearly anymore. Of course, he hadn’t had that luxury since April in Rome. His worst nightmare had seemingly come to pass. His Rose had turned to another man. She had actually married of all people—Don Hockley!

Jack’s watery gaze locked on her as the song began and his entire body began to tremble. Rose reeked of sophisticated refinement, glamorous maturity, and a seductive sexuality. Her ‘age of innocence’ was gone and in its place—an aura of an experienced woman. In his mind, Don Hockley had taken her from him and molded her into all these traits but moreover—he had made Rose his wife!

How could she love another man after what they had shared in Rome? Then it all began to come back to him…she had became very melancholy and uneasy at the mention of Hockley’s name. Was she promised to him then? Was that the lil’ family secret that they were all hiding? She had probably been pining for Hockley even then and had played Jack for a fool…quite the little actress. Oh, she was good at everything she did! She must have used him, Jack Dawson, as a private revenge for all the young hotel groupies those rock groups were notorious for having. Rose’s own jealousy had prompted her to experiment with a little carnal pleasure herself before settling down with a much older man. To gain a little experience from Jack so she wouldn’t disappoint the "honored and respected", Don Hockley! Jack scathingly suspected she had reaped her total revenge for Hockley’s dalliances by not coming to her new husband as a virginal bride as he most likely had expected and desired.

God, he had been so wrong about her. She had lied about everything even offering her heart to him. It was all rubbish to trick and deceive. She had been saying her good-byes that last night! Jack had felt it!

Jack failed to remember his own part in this tragedy of lost loves and misunderstandings. Although he had thought at one time that he wouldn’t blame Rose if she reached out to another man, his foggy reasoning kept leading him away from the truth. His devastation at the prospect that she had gone on with her life without him, seemingly as if they never existed, was blinding him to reality. Jack Dawson had been fighting a constant battle with his warring emotions ever since April. First his mind and heart had dueled and sparred and then, the world had thwarted him. He had lost it all.

His entire body throbbed painfully and his breathing came in mere spurts. As the song ended, Rose bowed and exited backstage. Jack couldn’t allow these assumptions to dictate his life’s course. He had to try one last time—Rose had to tell him directly to his face, from her own tantalizing lips—if she was in love with Don Hockley!

"Come on, Tommy. We have a meeting with destiny!"

Chapter Eleven