
January 2002

Seated at their bedroom vanity, Rose Dawson pensively sat in deep thought, biting her bottom lip. Slowly laying down her embellished silver brush, she gingerly began to stroke her overly large belly. Twisting her long silky hair around her finger, disturbing thoughts began racing through her emotionally charged head.

God! I’m so huge and clumsy…I feel like a beached whale! How could Jack ever want to touch me looking like this! He was once accustomed to such beautiful, shapely, and…sinfully attractive women. But look at me…I am so…damn grotesque!

"What are you doing?" Jack softly whispered as he silently crept up behind her, gazing at his gorgeous wife in the mirror with an adoring, devoted smile plastered across his handsome face.

At Rose’s continued silence, Jack tried again to bring her out of her silent revelry.

"Are you nervous?"

"No…why do you ask?"

"Well, I’ve noticed you have this adorable habit of twisting your hair when you’re nervous…and you have such a forlorn, melancholy expression on that beautiful face of yours…something must be bothering you."

"Oh, it’s nothing…I guess I was just thinking about the babies and all," Rose lied.

"Nervous about the birth?"

At that, Rose broke down and began sobbing hysterically.

"Rose! Oh, please don’t cry, baby! It breaks my heart in two to see you cry! I’ll do anything…hell…look here…I’ll stand on my head if it’ll help…sweetheart, I’d endure all the pain if I could…but please, my angel…please don’t cry!" Jack’s voice trembled with emotion as he worriedly gazed into watery jade eyes. Wiping her tears away, he tried a tentative smile to try and persuade her that everything was going to be all right.

"Oh…Jack!" Rose began to comically hiccup. "It’s just…I want to be pretty for you and I’m so…huge and ugly!" At that she blustered again.

Placing his arms around her, Jack softly smiled with understanding and empathy. He caught her chin and tipped her head so she was forced to look into his eyes. "You, my lovely wife, have never looked more beautiful…or sexier!"

Rose raised a doubtful brow and tears continued to stream down her flushed face.

"What? You don’t believe your adoring husband, Mrs. Dawson?"

Slightly laughing at his charm, she wiped her tears and negatively shook her head.

"Well, come here and let me show you."

And he did…for the better part of the storming night. He made tender passionate love to his wife…worshiping her body with the erotic magic that only he was capable of giving.

The next morning, both were still lying in each other’s arms watching the lightning streak across the skies and the continual ominous boom of thunder in the far distance.

"Now, do you believe me, Mrs. Dawson?" Jack lazily whispered in her ear.

"Maybe…but I believe I need more reminding, my dear, sweet husband!"

At her huskily murmured words, Jack slid down under the covers. Placing soft, gentle kisses on her stomach he began to slowly move downward with lusty intent.

"Jack! No! We couldn’t possibly do that!" Rose feigned shock.

Suddenly bolting straight up in bed, Jack sat up and clucked his tongue.

"Okay, Rose, but you’ll never know what you’re missing!"

"Jack! When will you ever learn that no means yes…oh, yes!" While pulling him down into the rumpled bed sheets.

Much later that morning, Rose clumsily emerged from her bath and drew her bathrobe around her engorged middle. Halfway across their bedroom, a sudden gush of water pooled upon the oak polished floor. Jack stared in bewilderment and shock.

Blushing in extreme embarrassment, Rose stammered in worry. "Jack! I just wet all over myself…how humiliating!"

"It’s okay, Rose. Probably from all that extreme activity of last night and this morning. I’ll get some towels and clean it up. It’s okay…now don’t worry about it!"

"Jack…could you put them in the washer before anyone else finds out? I’d hate to embarrass Trudy with…"

"Of course…say no more. You get some dry clothes on and I’ll take them down before anyone suspects."

As Jack entered the utility room, Emma and Don were returning from a morning stroll down by the lake. Jack guiltily jumped and threw the saturated towels in the machine and loudly clanged the lid closed. However, Emma saw and curiously asked.

"What on earth are you doing, son? How many times have I told you to only use one towel after your shower? My heavens…I believe an armload are a little extreme and making a lot of unnecessary work for poor Trudy!"

"Mother, I for once didn’t use all these towels. Don’t say anything…but Rose had a little accident and…"

Emma never let him finish.

"My God, Jack! Don…get the car! Jack, go get changed! I’ll go see how Rose is doing!"

Both men stood and stared like ignorant imbeciles as if they had no inclination as to what Emma was talking about. When neither moved, she whirled back around and yelled, "NOW!"

Both scattered like flies!

Emma ran up the stairs and found Rose partially sitting on the bed with her hand grabbing at her middle, sweat beginning to bead on her upper lip.

"Ms. Emma! I think it’s time!"

"I know, sweetie…now relax, everything is going to be all right. Breathe deeply. Your father is getting the car around and Jack…where the hell is Jack?"

"Ms. Emma…I don’t think I’m gonna make it!" Rose stammered as another contraction seized her middle.

"Of course, you will, sweetheart. Unfortunately, first babies usually take a long time to get here."

"How long?" Rose worriedly prompted as another sharp pain ripped through her body.

Emma stared incredulously…trying to stay calm. The contractions were a mere minute apart. These babies were coming astoundingly fast…too damn fast!

Don breathlessly appeared in the doorway with Jack partially clothed in tow. Eyes as round as saucers, they abruptly stopped and stared.

In a seemingly calm manner, Emma looked at Don. "Don, dear…how far away is the hospital from here…I mean in minutes."

"Forty-five minutes if I speed. Why?" Don hesitantly blustered.

A shrill scream answered his question. Everyone blanched this time…even Emma.

"Oh, dear God! Because these babies aren’t going to wait that long, that’s why!" Emma took a deep calming breath and interlocked panic-stricken eyes with Jack and then Don.

"Jack! Jack! Please, help me…" Rose pitifully pleaded.

It was Jack, of all people, who this time took charge over the precarious situation.

"I’m here, Rose. Hold my hand…look into my eyes. We’re gonna make it, Rose! Trust me?"

"I trust you."

Placing a hard kiss on her sweating forehead, Jack started giving orders.

"Mother, go find some twine…string…clamps…whatever you can find…towels…blankets…all the necessary shit we’ll need! Hell, you’ve been through this before. You know what we’ll need."

Emma couldn’t help but snicker slightly at her son’s hilarious take charge attitude before running out of the room following orders.

"Don…you know how to boil water, don’t you?"

Don slowly shook his head trying to come out of a self-imposed trance-like state of stupor.

"Well…go put some on…NOW!"

In only fifteen minutes the first baby’s head crowned. Emma bathed Rose’s sweating, flushed face and murmured soothing words of encouragement.

"Rose…you gotta push down, baby! We’re almost there!" Jack confidently instructed.

"I can’t, Jack. It hurts so!"


Don Hockley almost fainted in terror. Something inside him snapped. "See there, Dawson…see what you’ve done! This is all your fault!"

At the most excruciating painful moment in Rose’s tortuous labor…she began hysterically laughing. Everyone stared as if they thought she was losing her hold on reality.

"Oh, Daddy…you’re so funny! And you say I’m the pistol!"

With the next push, little Jack Roman Dawson was thrust into the world! Wailing at the top of his lungs, reflecting his father’s exact mirror image. Jack caught his son and softly kissed his face beaming in total male pride.

"It’s a boy, Rose! God, he’s incredible! Here take your grandson, Don! We still have unfinished business here!" Jack carefully wrapped Rome in a soft blanket and handed him to his beaming, teary-eyed grandfather.

Rose barely had time to catch her ragged breath before another unbearable pain gripped her insides bearing down on her middle as if it were tearing her body apart.

"Ready, Rose? See…that wasn’t so bad was it?"

Gulping heavily, Rose shot him the biggest go to hell look she had ever gave anybody in her entire life. Jack saw it and instantly regretted his blunder.

"Sorry, Rose…I don’t know what I was thinking…stupid statement…incredibly idiotic!"

Don smiled down at his grandson and started talking baby talk. "Hey there, Rome Dawson…you’re about to see your mama slap your daddy right across the face…won’t that serve him right?"

This time it was Emma that lost her composure. Giggling, she cut Don an adoring look before placing her fingers against her lips as if to silence him.

Even Jack had to inwardly grin at his father-in-law’s never ending dry sarcastic wit.

Rose wasn’t amused. Boring crackling emerald chips of ice at her father, she hotly bellowed, "Shut up, Hockley! You’re getting on my last nerve!"

Everyone stared in shock at the heatedly flung words. Realizing it was just the extreme pain that was ripping through his daughter’s insides, Don slightly bowed and apologized, "I do apologize, Rome…for my rude, total ungentlemanly behavior. Remind me to teach you how to honor your parents when you’re old enough to talk!"

Again, Rose lost control…this time giggling with short pants of pain intermingled.

"Jack…Daddy…I’m…so…sorry…I…lost…control! Oh, my God! Jack!" Rose clenched her eyes shut in agony and twisted her middle upon the bed…not able to lie still.

"Rose…we’re nearly there. Push when you’re ready…I think I see the head…heaven help us…whatever it is…it’s a redhead!"

In two more pushes, April Rose Dawson slid into her father’s strong loving hands. Tears of joy at last rushed down Jack’s handsome beaming face. He couldn’t help himself. His shoulders shook with heart rending relief…pride…and all abiding love for his wife…his children…his family.

Eight months later

Jack Dawson had been sequestered in the study all day completely engrossed in his newfound passion. Something he had wanted to do for years. The times he was not spending with his family…he was at the computer…writing a screenplay. He had decided to try his hand at putting a dream to words and thus far, he was pleased. Not only did he plan on directing and producing the epic piece, but he had persuaded Don to compose the musical score. Rose didn’t know it yet, but he fervently hoped she would agree to play the lead actress…and perhaps, he might return to acting again.

Tiredly rubbing his neck, he switched the terminal off and took out intent on playing with his wife and children. The sounds of loud squeals were coming from the living room. Following their echoes, he abruptly stopped at the doorway and stared, aghast.

On the Oriental rug, on his stomach, lay Don Hockley with Rome straddling his back, bouncing up and down. Sitting cross-legged in front of him was his mother with April in her lap. And in their hands…a deck of cards! April was hungrily chewing on the edge of the Queen of Hearts completely crumbling the edges with baby slobber.

"God almighty! Damn you two! Some grandparents! What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Jack vehemently bit out.

Raising an amused brow, Don calmly shot back, "Teaching Rome horsemanship and teaching April poker…gotta problem with that, Dawson?"

"Shit! Yes, I do!" Jack determinedly walked over and practically ripped the card out of April’s hand, prompting her to loudly whimper in protest.

Rose leaned up against the open door jam, shaking her glowing head from side to side. "Jack Dawson…now see what you’ve done! Give her the card back…she’s only teething!"

Emma joined in on the admonishment. "Yes, Jack…give her the card back. She’s not hurting anything and stop that swearing in front of the children…some father!"

Jack remorsefully albeit begrudgingly returned the card back to his daughter and immediately was awarded with a near toothless grin that flipped his heart over in somersaults.

"Shit…you can’t win for losing around here! Spoiling my babies rotten! This family and card games…runs deep in the blood…there’s just no stopping it!"

"Yeah, lighten up, Dawson. Quit being so uptight and over-protective! Geez!" Don innocently charged.

Taking pity on her adoring husband, Rose cast her father a look that spoke volumes, "Overly protective? We all don’t of anyone around here that fits that description…now, do we, Daddy?"

Everyone looked at one another in laugher, chuckling way down deep. Of course, Don Hockley had to have the last word…the willful prideful blood just ran too deep.

"Tell me, Dawson. What are you going to do when April here comes home one day sporting her first hickey? Um?"

"Don! Daddy!" Jack, Rose, and Emma unanimously blasted scaring both babies and immediately prompting screaming crying fits from both.

"Sorry about that, my two little sweetpeas…I just had to get one more vengeful stab in!"

Jack could only shake his head in bemusement and look up at the ceiling and dreamily closed his glittering blue eyes in complete peace, contentment…and thankfulness.

"April magic in Rome…look what it’s gifted us with, Rose…all of life’s best!"

"Touche, Dawson…touche!"

The End

Coming Soon…Rosedale in April…sequel of the past.
