Chapter Seven

When Doc came home later that day he found out Jack and Rose had been in town, met their descendants, gotten mixed up with a Tannen, and discovered the truth about the Titanic. But at this point he dared not scold them even though they hadn’t listened to his very specific orders; they were too distressed. They would have found out in due course anyway.

And what made him think they would listen anyway? He known them as a fun, but stubborn old couple and they were just as obstinate as adolescents.

He let the two skulk around the house for day and let them do what they pleased—which wasn’t much. They didn’t read, listen to the radio, or watch the television, nothing; they barely even ate or talked.

One other thought plagued his mind as well. What was he doing back in 1912? He knew he would build other time machines (a nineteenth century train and now a sailboat.) And people thought converting a DeLorean was weird. Jack and Rose had said they were on the boat. What the hell was wrong with it? Were they stuck?

April 6, 1968
11:00 AM

Jack didn’t get a very good sleep the night before, and the morning wasn’t looking very promising either. He did get in about four solid hours and he would’ve slept longer if he hadn’t been shaken out of bed.

"Jack!" said the voice ripping through the room.

"Uh?" was his only response. His raised his eyebrow over his one open eye and saw not the body that was now on top of his, but a newspaper. He finally focused in on the word Memphis.

"Jack look at this!"

"Good morning."

"Look dammit!" Rose climbed off of him and sat down next to him. "Read it." She handed him the paper.

Jack was puzzled by her excitement considering what they went through the day before.

"What’s this?"

"Yesterday’s newspaper. I found out what the big event was." He looked at her and she nodded insistently. "This man is…was like no other I’ve ever known of."

He looked at the headline. Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated.

"Who’s that?"

"Read it! Read it!" He got through the first paragraph when Rose ripped the paper out of his hands. "He was brilliant! Just read his speeches." She flipped a few pages back. "See they printed some of them here."

"Whoa, hold on a minute. You read the article already, give me chance." He held out his hand for the paper and she gave it up.

Rose hopped off the bed. "After you read that come downstairs. Helga and Fabrizio came over to help with breakfast."

"Haven’t you eaten yet? How long have you been up?"

"Two hours, and yes, but I had Doc’s cooking," she grimaced, "needless to say I’m still hungry." She gave a big kiss on the cheek and skipped out of the room.

He started to read the article. Like Rose, he became more enthusiastic about the subject as he read on. Jack came from a time of racial tension and had lived in a world that wholeheartedly believed in white supremacy. Jack never bought any of it. Ethnic background didn’t make a person greater or lesser, it’s who you are. And anybody who thought that it did was the lesser, lower person.

He was amazed that Rose had liked King’s ideas so much. She had probably been taught that because she was white and that she came from powerful family that she was the cream of the crop, but then again she seemed to despise those kind of people too.

But it was true that no one of their generation had come along that was that dedicated to racial and economic justice and that was that successful and charismatic.

Now racial equality was a big issue, and rightfully so he thought. Well, now they have a martyr, he thought.

And Rose was right, his speeches were brilliant. One especially. They only printed a few, they all from a few years earlier.

It made him angry too. A man that believed in and promoted nonviolent demonstrations was killed by violence. Someone like that comes along and some degenerate has to kill them. This one’s name was James Earl Ray.

The words he spoke in his last address were eerily prophetic: "Well, I don’t know what will happen now, but it really doesn’t matter with me now. Because I have been to the mountaintop…I may not get to the promised land with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as people will."


Breakfast that morning was interesting to say the least. Before Jack came down Rose was berating Doc and the De Rossi’s with questions like a small child. And after he came down Jack started to do the same thing, but then fell silent.

It was the best damn pancake platter he’d had in years…no it was the first pancake platter he’d had in years. The last one he had was in Santa Monica when he was fifteen.

It was still hard to enjoy though, not because of the Titanic sinking, not because of Martin Luther King dying, but because he could not take his eyes off his best friend.

It was good old Fabri, emphasis on the old. Same funny accent, same posture, facial expressions, same kind of humor…but it was so strange.

He’d gone through most of puberty with this guy…and not so long ago, especially for Jack. The only thing he didn’t miss about home was the nickname "Babyface," and another nickname applying to the story about his ice fishing accident, it named a certain part of the body and what happens to it when gets very cold. Jack was one for details, but he opted not to share that part of the tale with Rose. But he thought of telling her about his famous nickname, if he couldn’t scare her out of jumping, he’d try to make her laugh. Luckily for Jack, she decided to climb back over sooner.

But Fabrizio, it was just too bizarre. He was only older than Jack by five months. This is too strange. He reassured himself that he’d get back home soon and he would see his friend again just as he had left him.

Jack was brought out of his thoughts by Doc.

"So we’re all ready to send you two back to 1912!" Jack dropped his fork. "I’ll go with you so there won’t be any trouble this time. I’ve got everything under control."

"Jack we’re going home!"

"Get yourselves ready after breakfast and don’t take anything out of the time machine, we don’t want to leave anything that could cause problems behind."


"What the hell happened here?" said Rose.

The garage had been completely ransacked, equipment overturned, windows broken, the DeLorean opened…

"Great Scott! Check the car make sure nothing’s missing!" shouted Doc. Rose began to dig through the seats and Doc opened up the hood to check there. Jack started to clean up, searching for any clues.

"What was in here?" Rose called from within the car.

"A portable cassette player with a cassette, a baseball almanac for the years 1903 to 1993," he winced, why had they left that in there? They should have known better, especially Marty. It said ‘Happy Birthday Verne’ on the inside flap. Who was Verne? "an empty can of Pepsi, a newspaper from the year 2001, a pair of mittens, and the bag of old clothes."

"Doc what’s a cassette?" Rose picked up the Pepsi and it dripped, she dropped it immediately. "Is this Pepsi chemical lethal?" She asked looking at the strange container.

"No it’s a soft drink, like Coca-Cola. And a cassette is like a vinyl record in that it plays music, it’s in a plastic box which would be the cassette player and has head phones attached."

"Oh whew."

"They’re all there?"

"I think, hold on a minute…okay here’s the cassette player with everything and the Pepsi can…the bag and the mittens…oh here’s the newspaper and the…nope that’s it."

"The almanac is missing?!"

"I would guess so."

Jack spoke up. "Does this mean anything? I found it by the door." He handed a business card to Doc.

Tannen Auto Detailing.


"What’s that?" asked Jack.

"Trouble. A hell of a lot of trouble."

A knock came on the door.

"It’s your grandson! Cover the DeLorean!"

They draped the cover over the DeLorean and opened the door.

"Hey Gary." Said Jack.

"Hey guys, hey Doc. Listen, Rose, Jack, me and Christine and some of our friends are having kind of an Anti-Pep Rally get together tonight…that is if Tannen doesn’t crash it. Wanna come?"

Jack looked over at Doc and he nodded. "Uh sure…count us in."

"Oh cool, we’re meeting outside the courthouse, unless of course you want to go to actual pep rally?"

"Oh no, we’re not the uh pep rally types." Said Jack having no clue what a pep rally was.

"All right then see you there. Well, I gotta go."

"All right we’ll meet you by the courthouse." Rose smiled.

"Later guys hope you like Hill Valley. But I wouldn’t wear those clothes."

He left them with that.

"I like this dress!" huffed Rose.

"Let’s just hope Tannen crashes that party." Said Doc.

"Why we would we want that to happen?" asked Jack.

"Because Butch Tannen, is Biff Tannen’s younger brother."

"What interesting names." Rose mused.

"He’s no better than Butch. He once got his hands on an almanac before and used it to make himself a millionaire, altered the future…he’s seen the DeLorean before, if he got any reports from his brother about you two he’ll know, after a series of incidents back in 1955 he got a little suspicious. It must be him! This a disaster!"

"I’ll try to get it myself, but if I can’t I’ll give you his address just in case, we have to get that almanac back no matter what."

"So we’ll steal it back from him." Said Jack nonchalantly.

"You don’t know Biff Tannen. This isn’t going to be easy."

"Lovely," sighed Rose, "just lovely."

"Well, I like a challenge." Jack said half-heartedly.

"You want to go back to you’re time?"

"Yes." they said.

"Then we’re going to put our every waking hour into getting that almanac."

Chapter Eight