
Jack and Rose married in October 1912, shortly after Fabrizio and Helga. The four of them, with Jack's aunt, uncle, and cousin, moved to Hill Valley, California in the spring of 1914.

Jack helped the di Rossi's to open their restaurant, working as assistant manager for two years while attending college. Jack was an officer during the First World War and received a Silver Star for his bravery at Argonne. When he returned home, he began teaching at Hill Valley High School and became superintendent of the Hill Valley School District after twelve years. He never liked Strickland.

Rose was a prominent leader in the Women's Rights Movement in California. She worked in several different fields, as an actress in New York, as a nurse, and taught high school in Hill Valley. She worked a short stint as a pilot delivering mail across state until she became pregnant with their first child. After retirement, she published three books.

They had four children--Hannah, born in 1915, Cora, in 1918, Fiona, in 1920, and David, in 1921. They raised the four of them through the Depression and sent their youngest off to war.

They remained in Hill Valley until their deaths in the 1990's.


The twins graduated just days after Robert Kennedy was assassinated. Both attended USC in the fall. While home for Christmas break, they watched Apollo 11 land on the moon. Jack and Rose threw a party for it.

Gary went to the prom with Shirley Houlihan, and they dated until college. He is a professor of US History at Hill Valley Community College and lives with his wife and daughter in Hill Valley.

Christine was a big time publisher in Manhattan. She was married for a brief time in her twenties and never expressed any desire to do so again until she was reunited with Ricky di Rossi. They married in 1987 and live in New Jersey with their son and daughter.


As for Doc, Marty, Jennifer, and the rest of the gang, that's a whole other story...

The End.
