Chapter Seventeen

Nothing. Rose’s vision unblurred, and she felt like crying out in joy to see that Jack was still there, alive. Jumpy, but alive.

Cal began to laugh. "You must really take me for a moron if you actually thought I would simply shoot you. No, that’s too--what’s the word I’m looking for? Common? Impassionate? Unromantic! Lucky for me, though, I have a much better option." Cal revealed a long knife with a sharp blade. He expertly held it out so that it caught the moonlight just right. "Much better." He held the knife at an angle at the right side of Jack’s chest, away from his heart. "Listen, and listen good. I want you out of this city, this state, this country; as far away from Rose as possible! You got it?" Cal pushed the knife gently and Jack could feel it tear through his shirt. In seconds, blood would be drawn.

"No!" In a flash, Jack lurched to the side, surprising Spencer and thus giving Jack the freedom to escape.

It seemed as if Jack and Rose ran to their car faster than the speed of light, but, unfortunately, Cal and Spencer managed to catch them. Cal caught Jack by the shoulder and pushed him onto the hood of the car, the knife raised menacingly in the air. Jack knocked it out of his hand, just as he had seen people do on TV. He pushed Cal to the ground, where they scrabbled.

Meanwhile, Spencer had grabbed hold of Rose and was holding a knife just below her collar bone. Cal got hold of Jack’s neck and brought his head up so that he could see Rose.

"They aren’t taking us seriously," Cal said, his voice cold. "Cut her."

Rose whimpered as the knife cut her ivory skin and blood trickled out. Jack sprang towards her, but Cal had managed to get hold of his knife again and cut a gash on Jack’s entire forearm as he stood up. This didn’t stop him. He ran towards Rose and caught her up in his bleeding arms before Spencer could cut again. Cal and Spencer pounced on them in seconds.

For the rest of her life, Rose wouldn’t be able to recall exactly what happened. There was a terrible fight, she knew that, and they had gotten closer and closer to the edge of the bridge. And then, with one misaimed hit, Rose had tumbled over the railing and toward the churning water below. Jack, bruised and bloodied, grabbed her hand to pull her to safety but was too weak. With Cal and Spencer watching in horror, Jack and Rose fell over the side of the bridge.

Chapter Eighteen