Chapter Four

Rose glanced at her watch hours later and gasped. It was a quarter after ten. How long had she been sitting there? Two hours? Three? Anyway, it didn’t matter. She couldn’t take this miserable chain of horrible things that she called a life.


Spencer watched Rose from a distance. God, the little bitch hasn’t moved for two and a half hours, he thought to himself. Oh, well. I’m getting paid big bucks to stand around and do nothing.


Calmer than even she would have expected, Rose walked to her car, started it, and drove off.


Faster and faster, she whipped through the streets. She was burning out all her anger, her torment, her energy, her life.

Suddenly, she saw what she was looking for. She hit the brakes, and the car screeched to a halt. The cars behind her honked while the passengers yelled, and her trusty seatbelt kept her skull from smashing open.

Not that it would matter.


Spencer lost the car on the streets. Dammit! Well, it’s not my fault. I can’t help it if the girl’s gone insane. I’ve been watching her for Cal since before the two even started dating, and I’ve done a heck of a good job. Okay. So, which way did the insane little thing go?


Rose raced to the railing of the small, ancient bridge. Peering over it, she could see that the usually calm water of the small lake was churning. Churning just for me. She clumsily climbed over, and her hold began to loosen on the railing when she heard a voice.


Jack sat on the filthy sidewalk, his head resting uncomfortably on the railing of the bridge. He loved it here. If you sat still and none of the cars turned into the street, you could hear the water far below. It was peaceful and calming and perfect, a small strip of LA that no one else seemed aware of.

He was alert as he heard a car pull into the street. It came to an abrupt halt. A girl about his age came out and didn’t even bother to shut the door behind her. She broke into a run until she was at the railing, a good twenty yards away from him. He watched in horror as she began to climb over.

He got up as quickly as he could and rushed over.

"Don’t do it."

The girl turned around, and he was shocked to find that it was his partner from science class.

What was his problem? "Stay back, loser. Don’t you dare come any closer."

Jack could see the tear streaks even in the dim lighting. "Take my hand. I’ll pull you back."

Oh. So now the Neanderthal thought that without this big, strong guy Rose wouldn’t be able to step over some dinky railing that she obviously already climbed over. "No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I’ll let go."

"No, you won’t."

Rose wasn’t expecting this response and it caught her by surprise. But of course she wanted to jump. Why else would she be in this position? "What do you mean ‘no I won’t?’ Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me."

Wow. So the bimbo knows a two-syllable word, one part of Jack’s brain was saying. While the other part was saying, Yes! I knew she wasn’t like the rest. She really is special. And right now she needs my help. "Well, you would have done it already. Now, come on. Take my hand."

Rose blinked away tears so that she can see him better. The Gap clothes were gone and in their place were a pair of old, worn blue jeans and a faded red and blue shirt that had actually reshaped itself through the years to perfectly fit his upper body under a shapeless black jacket. Gone also was the hair gel, and now that he wasn’t perfect, Rose could see that he was beautiful. But beautiful is the last thing I need right now. "You’re distracting me. Go away."

"I can’t. I wish I could, but I’m involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you."

"Don’t be absurd. You’ll be killed."

Jack took off the black jacket and threw it into a heap by his feet. "I’m a good swimmer." He began to unlace his shoes.

"The fall alone would kill you."

"It would hurt. I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To be honest, I’m a lot more concerned about the water being so cold."

Rose looked down at the water that now seems a million miles below. "How cold?"

"Ever been to Wisconsin?"


"They have some of the coldest winters around, and I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. Once, when I was a kid, my dad and I went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. I went through some thin ice, and water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can’t breath; you can’t think, at least not about anything but the pain." Jack paused to take off his shoes before going on, "Which is why I’m kinda wishing you’ll get me off the hook here."

"You’re crazy."

"Say whatever you want, but, with all due respect, I’m not the one hanging off the railing of a bridge here."

Jack cautiously slid one step closer. "Come on. You don’t want to do this. Give me your hand."

Their eyes locked. His blue eyes seemed to fill Rose’s universe, and for the first time in months, maybe even years, she had a feeling rush through her body. Hope. "All right."


Spencer had just had enough time to park his car a few blocks away and jog over to where he had finally spotted Rose. The scene made him smile.

He got out his cell phone and called Cal. It was immediately picked up.

"This better be good."

By the noises in the background, Spencer could tell that Cal was at some sort of party with his friends. "Oh, it is. Come quick. She’s at the old bridge by the polluted puddle we call a lake. You know it?"

"Yes." The line went dead.


He lifted a warm hand to grasp her cold one. "I’m Jack Dawson, in case you didn’t catch it earlier."

"Pleased to meet you, Jack. I’m Rose DeWitt-Bukater."

"That’s quite a moniker. Under any other circumstances, I might ask you to write that down for me."

Painstakingly, Jack helped Rose. As she lifted her knee over the railing, her skirt caught on a nail and a loud ripping sound occurred. In that moment, they both loosened their grips for a second and the hold was broken. She plunged downward with a yelp, and Jack barely had fast enough reflexes to catch her. Another scream was heard in the night.

"Don’t worry. I have you. I won’t let go."

Rose tried to get some sort of footing on the smooth side of the bridge. After what seems like an eternity, her foot was finally able to rest on a small slab of cement that was jutting out. Once Jack saw that she was somewhat secure, he began to pull her over once again.

The effort was so great that when Rose finally managed to get on the safe side of the bridge, the impact made both of them tumble onto the hard ground in such a tangled mess that Jack ended up practically on top of Rose.

It is at this convenient moment that Cal chose to drive up in his flashy car. He was immediately out of it and flying toward the two figures lying in a heap on the ground. Cal was followed by his good friend Gracie and Spencer.

"What’s all this, then?"

Cal aggressively pulled Jack off of Rose, which exposed the rip in her skirt and her tear-stained cheeks.


Rose sat, leaning her head against the railing. Gracie offered her a bottle of booze that he had brought along from the party. She shook her head no. She could hear Cal’s accusations as they were spit out at Jack.

"How dare you put your filthy hands on my girlfriend!"

Without thinking, Rose sprang to her feet and walked over. "Cal, stop!"

Cal, Spencer, and even Jack looked over at her, waiting for her to continue.

"It was an accident."

Cal faced her. "An accident?"

"Yes. I was standing at the railing looking over at the--um, the..."


"Yes! I was leaning over to see the water, when I slipped! And if it wasn’t for Jack here, I would have surely drowned."

"Was that the way of it?" Gracie asked Jack.

Jack looked over at Rose, pleading with her eyes. "Yeah. That was the way of it."

"So he’s a hero, then!" Gracie piped up in his half-drunk stupor.

Cal was suddenly very light-hearted. "Yes, well. That’s that, then." Cal put an arm around Rose and began walking her towards the car.

"Don’cha think the kid should at least get some reward?" Gracie again.

"Oh, yeah. I guess. Spencer, a fifty should do it." Cal was annoyed that he had to waste another second of his time here.

"Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?"

Cal looked at Rose, and then at Jack. The kid was wearing wrinkled, baggy clothes. The just-rolled-out-of-bed look had been out since Cal was a freshman. Looking up at the hair, it was nicely cut but held no gel. Clearly he wasn’t anywhere near Cal’s rank. "I know. How about you join Rose and me and some of our friends for dinner tomorrow? I’m sure that everyone will be eager to meet the man who saved my girlfriend’s life."

"Sure. Count me in."

"See you then." As they headed towards the car, Cal leaned in toward Gracie and said, "This should be amusing."

Spencer stayed a little behind and turned toward Jack. He looked down at his shoes. "You’ll want to tie those." He waited a beat for the impact to come. "It’s funny how Rose slipped so suddenly and you still had time to take off your shoes." Spencer turned around, waited another a beat, and walked away.

Chapter Five