Chapter Ten

Rose stayed home that day, hoping that Jack would call. When he didn’t, she tried calling him, but no one answered. Obviously, he didn’t want to talk to her right now.

Ruth did call, though, much to Rose’s dismay. And to her irritation, she sounded much more cheerful than she had that morning. It was exactly the opposite of the way she wanted things to be—Jack angry with her, and Ruth inexplicably pleased with her.

"What is it, Mother?" Rose knew that she was being rude, but Ruth’s attitude was grating on her.

"Don’t speak to me that way, Rose. You know I don’t like it."

"Mother…why are you calling me? I said I’d call you in the morning."

"I wanted to talk to you. Is it a crime to want to speak to my daughter?"

"What are you so happy about? A few hours ago, you were furious with me. Now, you sound like the world is a beautiful, wonderful place, and everything is as it should be. And don’t tell me it’s about work. I know your office is closed on Sundays."

"Rose, I’m just happy to be near you."

Rose sighed. "Wonderful. Look, Mother, I’m waiting for a call. I really can’t talk right now."

"Is this about that Dawson boy?"

Rose stared at the phone for a moment, shocked into speechlessness. "What about him?"

"While I was looking for a taxi, I saw him come out of your house, looking rather upset. Trouble in paradise, Rose?"

"Yes, Mother, if you must know. He was upset about the remarks that I made about him after high school. You know—that I hated him, made a mistake in going out with him, and never wanted to see him again?"

"Oh, how terrible." Ruth tried to inject some sympathy into her voice, but wasn’t very successful.

"Mother, don’t be sarcastic. You’re the one who repeated all those things—things that should have been left in the past, or saved for a better time."

"Relationships don’t work if you’re lying to each other, Rose."

"I wasn’t lying to him! It had never come up!"

"Well, Rose, look at it this way. If he can get so put out over a few words from years ago, it just goes to show that he’s wrong for you. Someone as beautiful and intelligent as you can do much better."

"Mother…you said those things on purpose, didn’t you? You were trying to make trouble."

"I wasn’t trying to make trouble. I was trying to show you how much better off you would be with someone else."

"You were trying to manipulate me again! Mother, don’t you understand? I don’t want your help or your advice. Jack is the best thing that ever happened to me, and if you’ve driven us apart…I will never speak to you again. Is that in any way unclear?"

"Rose, you are nothing but an ungrateful child. After all I’ve done for you…"

"You’ve manipulated me, pushed me around, and made my life miserable. The only reason I put up with you is because you’re my mother."

Ruth drew in a shocked breath. "Rose, how dare you?"

"I meant what I said, Mother. I love Jack, and if you’ve destroyed what we have together, I will never forgive you. Good-bye, Mother."

Rose slammed down the phone, shaking with anger. Ruth had known exactly what she was doing, and Rose had fallen right into her trap again.

She paced around the room for a moment, her anger growing with each passing moment. Finally, she returned to the phone, picking it up and dialing Jack’s number again.

When there was still no response, she turned on her heel and headed for the door. Her mother had gone too far this time. Rose would not allow her to destroy what she had with Jack.

Grabbing her keys, she rushed out the front door and headed for her car. She had to fix things with Jack as soon as possible, before her mother succeeded in tearing them apart. Jack had given her a key to his apartment, so if he wasn’t there, she would simply go inside and wait for him.

Ruth wouldn’t win this time, no matter how hard she tried. Rose would make sure of it.

Chapter Eleven