Chapter Three

June 10, 2001

Rose’s eyes fluttered open as she woke up for another brand new day. A brand new day to spend with Jack. She turned her head and saw him lying beside her on the bed. She cracked a smile, remembering how much convincing it had taken to get Jack’s grandmother to let them stay in the same room, in the same bed. She hesitantly agreed with the stipulation that they’re door must remain open "At all times!" She began to slip out of bed to get ready for the day, when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

"Well, good morning to you, too!" She laughed.

"How long did you plan on letting me sleep?" Jack asked with his eyes on the clock radio beside the bed. "It’s already almost ten."

"I hadn’t even looked at a clock, so I didn’t realize it was that late," she said, getting up. "I’m sure your grandmother is wondering what happened to us."

As if on cue the call came from downstairs from his grandmother, asking if they were still alive.

Jack and Rose both laughed and started moving about, preparing for the new day.


Ruth sat at her desk and work, weaving a pen through her fingers. Rose hadn’t called. She couldn’t believe it. That Jack had actually convinced her not too! What does Rose see in him? Forcing his opinion on her so that she does what he wants her to! It was appalling! And to think that she claimed she still loved him after the way he disappeared after their high school graduation. She wasn’t sure what her daughter’s problem was, but she was going to get to the bottom of it and fast, before she lost her daughter forever. Realizing that she had to back down slightly to get back to her daughter, she slammed her pen down on the desk. She hated backing down, but if it meant gaining back the control she once had on Rose, she would do it.

Later that evening...

"I think it’s kind of ironic that we booked our vacation for the same days and bought airline tickets for the same days," Rose said to Jack from across the table at a restaurant.

"Ah, not really," Jack said, shaking his head. "I think that Fate had a huge role in this."

Rose smiled. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You were quite the believer in Fate."

"Always have been and always will be. You will not convince me otherwise that this is why we were reunited on that airplane. Some force had to have intervened. I mean San Francisco is a big place. Look how close to each other we lived and never even caught one glimpse of one another. Something bigger brought us together," he reached across the table and took her hand. "And all I really know is this: I love you and always have. I will never stop loving you and will never stop believing that we belong together. That we’re soul mates."

Rose’s eyes had watered over at Jack's words and it became so that she could hardly speak. "Oh Jack," she sobbed. "I believe that too. I love you. I love you so much!" They leaned towards each other and kissed across the table, all other problems forgotten; well at least for awhile, anyway.


Ruth sat at her dining room table, the end of her pencil tapping on the glass of the tabletop. She hadn’t called Rose and Rose hadn’t called her either. She thought she could back down, but after several attempts to call her at Jack’s grandmother’s the realization came that she could not do it. She couldn’t back down. Some reconciliation had to occur or Ruth’s life would be over. Ruth’s eyes lit up. That was it. She wrote it down on the notepad in front of her. Make her feel guilty. She wouldn’t just be Ruth, the Mother; she would be Ruth the Manipulator. And she would make her self damn good at it.

Ruth picked up the phone after a few moment of writing on her notepad, dialing the number of Jack’s grandmother. After a few rings, someone picked up at the other end.

"Hello?" It was a man’s voice. Jack’s voice.

"Hello," Ruth said in her shrill, domineering voice. "This is Ruth DeWitt-Bukater. I need to speak to Rose."

"I’m sorry, Ruth--"

"Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater."

"...Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater, but Rose is unavailable at this time. I can have her call you back."

"Please, Mr. Dawson. It is imperative that I speak with Rose."

"I’m sorry. She can’t talk right now."

"All right. Have her call me back, please."

"I’ll do that, Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater. Have a nice night."

"Thank you."


Jack hung up the phone and tried to shake off the shiver that ran down his spine. Rose’s mother always had had that effect on him. She was so cold that she sent chills coursing through his body. He turned and walked to their bedroom where Rose was beginning to pack for their trip home tomorrow.

She looked up as he walked in the room. "Who was that?"

"It was your mother," he replied tentatively.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What did she want?"

"Didn’t say. She said she just wants to talk to you. You’re supposed to call her back."

She turned and sat down by her suitcase on the bed. "Something’s not right."

Jack looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"This isn’t like her. She never backs down. I realize I’m probably going to extremes when I say this, but she’s up to something. It’s not normal and I don’t like it." She looked at him, her expression one of slight worry and slight anger. "I’m not calling her back. She has a motive and I’m not going to let her ruin our last night here. I won’t."

"Hey, it’s OK." He took her into his arms because he knew she was upset. "Besides, it will be something else for her to blame on me. I’m sure she won’t mind."

Rose cracked a smile. "You always know how to make me feel better. You always have."

He shrugged. "It’s all intuition."

"Yeah, right!" She looked at him, her expression sobering. "I love you, Jack."

"I love you, too, Rose."


Ruth was still at the dining room table, the phone sitting in front her. She looked at her watch. 10:45. Rose still hadn’t called back. And it was his entire fault. He lied. Of course he didn’t tell Rose that she had called. Why would he? He never liked me anyway. Ruth got up from her chair and placed the phone back to charge overnight. If he wants to play games, she thought as she walked upstairs to go to bed, then he’s got a challenger.

Chapter Four