Chapter Ten

Despite Cal’s warnings, Rose became closer to Jack in the months that followed. He possessed a quiet understanding that Cal lacked, and Rose felt that she could talk to him about anything. More than that, she enjoyed his company. He made her laugh.

Before long, they were exchanging e-mail daily, and talking on the phone often. Rose visited his home in Masline, and met Tommy, Fabrizio, and Helga. Rose was pleased to discover that Helga knew Trudy and Sophie, and soon the four friends formed a social group, often including the guys in their activities.

Rose knew that she had found a friend in Jack, but was careful to keep her distance. Knowing, as she did, how Cal would react if he thought that they were anything more than friends, she made sure that they never got too close. Even so, she found herself wishing that they could be more than friends, and she suspected that Jack felt the same way. Nevertheless, he didn’t try to interfere in her relationship with Cal, except for an occasional comment about how unhappy Rose seemed with her fiancé.

Chapter Eleven