Chapter Eleven

Rose and Jack strolling aft, passing people lounging on deck chairs in the slanting late afternoon light. Stewards scurry to serve tea, beer, soft drinks, or hot cocoa.

"You know, my dream has always been to become an actress. Live in a mansion, be rich, but free!" Rose said, girlish and excited.

"I don’t know if your parents will let you become an actress," Jack replied, laughing.

"Listen you...I’m tired of people, and my parents telling me what to do, or can’t do!" Rose was angry in a flash.

"I’m sorry. Really...I am." Holding her hand to prove he was sorry.

"That’s all right. There’s something in me, Jack. I feel it. I don’t know what it is, whether I should be an actress, or I don’t know...become an artist like you," she said sadly.

Jack suddenly looks at a couple. Daniel and Molly Marvin. Daniel is holding his cam recorder, as Molly poses stiffly at the rail.

"You’re sad. Sad, sad, sad. You left your lover on the shore. You may never see him again. Try to be sadder, sweetie."

Jack looks at Rose. "Hey, maybe you can."

He takes her hand and runs, pulling her along the deck towards them. Jack shoots into the shot and strikes a theatrical pose at the rail next to Molly. Molly bursts out laughing. Jack pulls Rose into the picture and makes her pose.

Marvin grins and starts yelling and gesturing. They acted as he told them to. Rose posing tragically at the rail, the back of her hand to her forehead. Jack on a deck chair, pretending to be a Pasha, the two girls pantomiming fanning him like slave girls.

Jack, on his knees, pleading with his hands clasped while Rose, standing, turns her head in bored disdain. Molly holding the cam recorder with Rose by her side, while Daniel and Jack have a western shoot-out. Jack wins and leers into the lens, twirling an air mustache like Snidely Whiplash.

They all gather around to see what a great job they did. They laughed.

"What’s your names?" asked Daniel.

"Jack Dawson."

"Rose Black."

"Well, you two are great...ever thought about acting?"

"She does." Jack pointing to Rose. She blushes.

"Okay, well, give me a call, Rose, and we will arrange your screen test."

Daniel took out a piece of paper and wrote down his name and number, and handed it to her.

"Thank you very much."

"No problem. We need more actresses."

They shook hands with each other, and Daniel and Molly left.

Painted with orange light, Jack and Rose lean on the A-deck rail aft, shoulder to shoulder. The ship’s lights come on. It is a magical moment...perfect.

"Well after that I worked on a squid boat on Moniere, then I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica and started doing portraits there for one hundred dollars a piece."

"Why can’t I be like you, Jack?" Looks at the dust sky. "Just head out into your world whenever I feel like it." Turning to him. "Say we go there, sometime...to that pier...even if we only ever just talk about it."

"No, we’ll do it! We’ll drink cheep beer, we’ll ride on the roller coaster until we throw up." Rose laughs. "And we ride horses on the beach...right on the surf. But you have to ride like a cowboy, none of that dress code stuff."

"You mean, me in pants? I’m too scared to ride on the horse alone, but can you show me?"

"Sure. If you like."

"Teach me to ride like a man!" Smiling at him.

"And chew tobacco like a man!" Jack in a bad Texas accent.

"And spit like a man!" Rose in a same accent.

"They didn’t teach you that in the religious finishing school?" he asked, laughing.

"No!" Rose was laughing, too.

"Come on. I’ll show you. Let’s do it." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side railing.


"I’ll show you how. Come on."

"Jack! No Jack! No! Wait Jack! I couldn’t possibly Jack!"

"Okay. Watch closely."

He spits. It arcs out over the water.

"Ugh, that’s disgusting!" She laughs.

"Your turn," he said, smiling.

She looks at the couple next to her and quickly spit. Not very good.

"That was pitiful. Come on, you really got to hawk it back...(he sniffs deeply) you know. Get some leverage to it. Use your arms, arc your neck. (Hawks a loogie) Did you see the range on that thing?" Rose nods. "Okay, go."

She goes through the steps. Hawks it down, etc. She lets it fly.

"That was better. You got to work on it. Really try and hawk it up and get some body to it."


Suddenly Rose blanches. Ruth, Claire, and Molly were walking and saw them. Jack was getting ready to spit again. Rose taps his arm hard. He sees her statement and turns. When he saw them he swallows his spit.

"Hi!" Rose moves slowly away from Jack to Ruth. "May I introduce Jack Dawson?"

"Charmed, I’m sure," said Ruth, looking at Jack, then at Rose.

Jack has a little spit running down his chin. He doesn’t know it. Molly is grinning, indicates the spittle which he promptly wipes away. Rose proceeds with the introductions.

Rose: "The others were gracious and curious about the man who’d saved my life. But my mother looked at him like an insect. A dangerous insect which must be squashed quickly."

"Well, Jack, it sounds like you’re a good man to have around in a sticky spot," said Molly, with a smile. Jack smiled back.

They all jump as a bugler sounds the dinner call right behind them.

"Why do they insist on always announcing dinner like a cavalry charge?" said Molly.

Rose laughs. "Shall we go dress, Mama?" She pulls Ruth forward. Claire follows them. "See you at dinner, Jack." With a smile over her shoulder, as she went.

Molly and Jack are alone. Jack stretches mightily to get a last look at Rose as she is walking away, enchanted by her.

"Uh, Jack...Jack!" getting his attention, he finally looked at her. "Do you have the slightest comprehension of what you’re doing?"

"Not really." Smiling.

"Well, you’re about to go into the snake pit. What are you planning to wear?"

Jack looks down at his clothes. Back at her. He shrugs. He hadn’t thought about that.

"I figured. Come on." Molly takes Jack’s arm and leads him to their staterooms.


Men's suits and jackets and formal wear are strewn all over the place. Molly is having a fine time. Jack is dressed.

"I was right. You and my husband are about the same size!" Smiling.

"Pretty close."

Jack turns to look at himself in the mirror. Molly is next to him taking him in.

"My, my, my...you shine up like a new penny." They both laughed.

Chapter Twelve