Chapter Eighteen

July 15, 1998

The two stewards enter. They have electric torches and play the beams around the hold. They spot the Renault with its fogged up rear window and approach it slowly. Rose's passionate handprint is still there on the fogged up glass. One steward whips open the door.

"Got yer!" His face fell, for the back seat is empty.

Rose and Jack, fully dressed, come through a crew door onto the deck. They can barely stand; they are laughing so hard. Jack swings Rose around, and then end up in each other arms. Their breath clouds around them in the now freezing air, but they don’t even feel the cold.

"Did you see those guys’ faces? Did you see--" Jack laughs.

Rose calms him by placing her fingers on his lips. She looks into his eyes and draws a deep breath. "When the ship docks. I’m getting off with you."

"This is crazy." In incredulous.

"I know. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s why I trust it."

Jack pulls her to him, and kisses her fiercely.

Murdoch sees them, and smiles as he looks away.

In the crow’s nest, Fleet nudges Lee. "Cor...look at that. It’s them again."

"They’re a bloody bit warmer than we are," said Lee.

"Well, if that’s what it takes for us two to get warm. I’d rather not."

They both have a good laugh at that one. It is Fleet, whose statement falls first. Glancing forward again, he does a double take. The color drains out of his face. A massive iceberg was right in their path, five hundred yards out.

"Bugger me!" said Fleet.

He reaches past Lee and rings the lookout bell three times. Murdoch hears this and looks out. Fleet grabs the telephone, calling the bridge. He waits impatiently for it to be picked up, not taking his eyes off the black mass ahead.

"Pick up, you bastards!" shouted Fleet.

Inside the enclosed wheelhouse, Sixth Officer Moody walks unhurriedly to the telephone, picking it up.

Fleet (V.O.) "Is anyone there?"

"Yes? What do you see?"

"Iceberg, right ahead!"

"Thank you." He hangs up.

Murdoch sees it at the same time, and rushes to the wheelhouse.

"Iceberg, right ahead," said Moody.

"Hard a’ starboard!" shouted Murdoch to Quartermaster Hitchens.

Then Murdoch runs to the land wheelhouse and changes the orders to Full Astern.

Chief Engineer Bell is just checking the soup, he has warming on a steam manifold when the engine telegraph clangs, then goes incredibly to Full Speed Astern. He and the other engineers just stare at it a second, unbelieving. Then Bell reacts.

"Full astern! FULL ASTERN!"

The engineers and greasers like madmen to close steam valves and start braking the mighty propeller shafts, big as Sequoias, to a stop.

In boiler room six, Leading Stoker Frederick Barrett is standing with second Engineer James Hesketh, when the red warning light and "STOP" indicator come on.

"Shut all dampers! Shut ‘em!" said Barrett.

On the bridge, Hitchens finally gets the wheel all the way over.

"Hard over," said Hitchens.

"Helm is hard over," said Moody.

In the engine room, Bell and the other men are working hard to get the propellers to turn.

"Hold it. Hold it. Now reverse the engagement engines," said Bell.

In the crow’s nest, Frederick Fleet braces himself and becoming very worried.

"Why aren’t they turning?"

On the bridge, Murdoch rings the watertight door alarm. He quickly throws the switch that closes them. Then he goes back out and looks.

"Is it hard over?" asked Murdoch.

"Yes, sir. It’s hard over," said Moody.

"Come on. Come on. Turn. Yes," whispers Murdoch to himself.

From the bridge, Murdoch watches the burg growing straight ahead. The bow finally starts to come left, for the iceberg is on the right. Murdoch’s jaw clenches as the bow turns with agonizing slowness. He holds his breath as the horrible physics plays out.

"It’s going to hit," said one guy, from the bow.

The bow of the ship hits. KRUUUNCH! The ship hits the berg on its starboard bow. Underwater, the ice is smashing in the steel hull plates. The iceberg bumps and scrapes along the side of the ship. Rivets pop as the steel plate of the hull flexes under the load.

Jack and Rose break their kiss, for they felt the shaking beneath their feet. Confusion spreads on their faces.

Fabrizio is awakened in his bunk by the impact. He hears a sound like the greatly amplified squeal of a skate on ice.

In Thomas Andrews’ stateroom, surrounded by piles of plans, while making notes in his ever-present book. He looks up at the sound of the cut-crystal light fixture tinkling like a wind chime.

In the Dining room, Pastor Walker watches his bible studies vibrating on the table.

In the Palm Court, Molly, with Ruth, holds up her drink to a passing waiter.

"Hey, can I get some ice here, please?"

Silently, a moving wall of ice fills the window behind her. Molly and Ruth does not see it. It disappears astern.

"Hard a port!" said Murdoch.

Hitchens does what he has heard. He is turning the wheel the other way quickly.

In the number two hold, the two stewards stagger as the hull buckles in four feet, with a sound like thunder like a sledgehammer beating along outside the ship. The berg splits the hull plates and the sea pour in, sweeping them off their feet. The icy water swirls around the Renault as the men scramble for the stairs.

Jack and Rose look up in astonishment as the berg sails past, blocking out the sky like a mountain. Fragments break off it and crash down onto deck, and they have to jump back to avoid flying chunks of ice.

"Get back!" said Jack, as he pushes her back protectively.

They watch as the iceberg passes. Their gazes are full of awe.

Barrett hears the alarm and scrambles through the swirling water to the watertight door between Boiler Rooms five and six. The room is full of water vapor as the cold sea strikes the red-hot furnaces like a slow guillotine.

"Go Lads! They’re closing the doors! Go! Go!" shouted Barrett.

He dives through into Boiler Room five just before the door rumbles down with a clang. Some are still in there and they run to other doors. One guy almost got his leg caught, but got out just in time.

Jack and Rose runs over to the railing to look over. The iceberg has moved on slowly.

In the Crow’s nest, Fleet and Lee watches it pass.

"That was a close shave, wasn’t it?" asked Fleet.

Lee grabs a hold of Fleet’s coat. "Smell ice, can ya? Bleeding Christ!"

On the bridge, the alarm bell still clatters mindlessly, seeming to reflect his inner state. Murdoch is in shocked, unable to get a grip on what just happened. He just ran the biggest ship in history into an iceberg on its maiden voyage.

"Note the time. Enter it in the log," said Murdoch, stiffly.

"Yes, sir," said Moody.

Captain Smith rushes out of his cabin onto the bridge, tucking in his shirt.

"What was that, Mr. Murdoch?"

"An iceberg, sir. I put her hard a’ starboard and run the engines full astern, but it was too close. I tried to port around it, but she hit...and I--"

"Close the emergency doors."

"The doors are closed, sir."

Together they rush out onto the starboard wing, and Murdoch points. Captain Smith looks into the darkness aft. Then he goes to the railing and looks down at the ice.

"Find the Carpenter and get him to sound the ship."

In steerage, Fabrizio steps down into the water. He opens the door to the hall to see what’s going on. He sees dozens of rats running toward him in the corridor, fleeing the flooding bow. Fabrizio jumps aside as the rats run by.

"Ma--Che Cazzo!"

"Come on. Let’s get the hell out of here! Come on. Hurry up!" said Tommy, in the hall, catching up with Fabrizio.

Vicki has come out of the sitting room and asked a steward. "Why have the engines stopped? I felt a shudder."

"I shouldn’t worry, ma’am. We've likely thrown a propeller blade. That’s the shudder you felt. May I bring you anything?"

Thomas Andrews brushes past them, walking fast and carrying an armload of rolled up ship’s plans.

"No, thank you," said Vicki.

Jack and Rose are leaning over the starboard rail, looking at the hull of the ship.

"Looks okay. I don't see anything," said Jack.

"Could it have damaged the ship?"

"It didn't seem like much of a bump. I'm sure we're okay."

Rose backs up, with a worry face. To ease herself, she looks down and sees chunks of ice around her feet. She looks at Jack, and picks up an ice, and without warning, Rose grabs a hold of his pants, and puts the ice in it.

"AAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" shouted Jack, and laughing. Rose laughs hard. "I’m going to get you for that!"

Rose runs away from him, but he got a hold her, and picks her up, and walks fast to the starboard rail.

"No, Jack! Put me down!"

He pretends to throw her, and quickly puts her down. She playfully hits him, and they hugged each other.

"Let’s go back. I’m cold," said Rose.

"All right. Come on."

Fabrizio and Tommy are in a crowd of steerage men clogging the corridors, heading aft away from the flooding. Many of them have grabbed suitcases and duffel bags, some of which are soaked.

"If this is the direction the rats are running, it’s good enough for me," said Tommy.

Bruce Ismay, dressed in pajamas under the topcoat, hurries down the corridor, headed for the bridge. An officious steward named Barnes comes along the other direction, getting the few concerned passengers back into their rooms.

"There is no cause for alarm. Please, go back to your rooms."

Cal and Parrish stop him in his tracks.

"You there," said Cal.

"Please, sir. There’s no emergency--"

"Yes, there is. I have been robbed. Now get the Master-at-Arms. Now!"

"Yes, sir."


Captain Smith studying the commutator. He turns to Andrews, standing behind him. "A five degree list in less than ten minutes."

Ship’s Carpenter, John Hutchinson enters behind them, out of breath and clearly unnerved. "She’s making water fast...in the fore peak tank and the forward holds, in boiler room six."

Ismay enters, his movements quick with anger and frustration. Captain Smith glances at him with annoyance.

"Why have we stopped?" asked Ismay.

"We struck ice," said Captain Smith.

"Well, do you think the ship is seriously damaged?"

"Excuse me?" Glaring at Ismay. Captain Smith pushes past him, with Andrews and Hutchinson in tow.

Boiler Room Six: Stokers and firemen are struggling to draw the fires. They are working in waist deep water churning around as it flows into the boiler room, ice cold and swirling with grease from the machinery.

Chief Engineer Bell comes part way down the ladder and shouts. "That’s it, Lads! Get the hell up!" They scramble up the escape ladders.

The gentlemen, now joined by another man, leans on the forward rail watching the steerage men playing soccer with chunks of ice. A twentyish Yale man pops through the door wearing a topcoat over pajamas.

"Say, did I miss the fun? Did you see what happened?" asked Yaley.

"No, I missed it. Apparently, it hit over there," said one guy.

Jack and Rose come up the steps from the well deck, which are right next to the three men. Jack opens the gate for her. A moment later, Captain Smith rounds the corner, followed by Andrews and Carpenter Hutchinson. They have come down from the bridge by the outside stairs. The three men, their faces grim, crush right past Jack and Rose. Andrews barely glances at her.

"Boiler Room six is flooded eight feet above the plate and the mail hold is worse. She’s all buckled in the forward hull," said Hutchinson.

"You’ve seen the damage in the mail hold?" asked Andrews.

"No, she’s already underwater."

The inspection party goes down the stairs to the well deck.

"This is bad," said Jack, low to Rose.

"We should tell Dad and Mr. Parrish."

"Now it's worse."

"Come with me, Jack."

Jack nods and follows Rose through the door inside the ship.

Chapter Nineteen