Chapter Twenty

Andrews is striding along the boat deck, as seamen and officers scurry to uncover the boats. Steam is venting from pipes on the funnels overhead, and the din is horrendous. Speech is difficult adding to the crew's level of disorganization. Andrews sees some men fumbling with the mechanism of one of the Welling davits and yells to them over the roar of steam.

"Turn to the right! Pull the falls taut before you unchock. Have you never had a boat drill?"

"No sir! Not with these new davits, sir," said a seaman.

He looks around, disgusted as the crew fumble with the davits, and the tackle for the falls...the ropes which are used to lower the boats. A few passengers are coming out on deck, hesitantly in the noise and bitter cold.

In the sitting room, the group just stood there, not knowing what to do next. From inside the sitting room they can hear knocking and voices in the corridor. Cal went up to Pastor Walker.

"Why don’t ya’ll go into Dining room, while I deal with Rose."

"All right." Pastor Walker turns and tells the group the plan, and they exit. Ruth stays behind.

"Ruth, please go with them. This is between me and her." Ruth leaves without saying a word.

Cal walks up to the door and looks out to make sure that they have left, then shuts the door, and walks up to the promenade doorway. He stands there with his arm leaning against the frame. Rose is waiting for what is going to come. He crosses to her. He regards her coldly for a moment, and then suddenly, he slaps her across the face.

"You little slut!"

To Rose, the blow is inconsequential compared to the blow her heart has been given. Cal grabs her shoulders roughly. "Will you look at me when I’m talking you?"

There is a loud knock on the door and an urgent voice. The door opens and their steward, Barnes, puts his head in. "Mr. Black?"

"Not now! We’re busy."

"Sir, I’ve been told to ask you to please put on your life belt and come up to the boat deck."

"I said not now."

"I’m sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Black. But it’s Captain’s orders. Now please dress warmly, it’s quite cold tonight."

Barnes persists, coming in to get the life belts down from the top of the dressers.

"Now, may I suggest topcoats and hats. It’s quite cold tonight."

"Good night!" Cal rolling his eyes.

Barnes hands a life belt to Rose, and sees her reaction. "Not to worry, Miss. I’m sure it’s just a precaution."

BANG! A third class door is thrown open and the lights are snapped on by a steward. The Cartmell family rouses from a sound sleep.

"Everybody up! Life belts on!"

"What? What’s this all about?" asked Mr. Cartmell.

In the corridor outside, another steward is going from door to door along the hall, pouncing and yelling. "Everybody up! Put your life belts on!"

"What’s the ruckus?" asked a man.

"Just put your life belt on."

People come out of the doors behind the steward, perplexed. In the foreground a Syrian woman asks her husband what was said. He shrugs.

Captain Smith is writing down the coordinates to the position of the Titanic. Phillips is looking at him puzzled. "CQD? Sir?"

"That’s right. CQD. The distress call. That’s our position. Tell whoever responds that we are going down by the head and need immediate assistance."

Captain Smith looks down and he leaves.

"Blimey," said Phillips.

"Maybe you ought to try that new distress call. SOS," said Bride, grinning. "It may be our only chance to use it."

Phillips laughs in spite of himself and starts sending history’s first SOS. Dit, dit, dit, da, da, da, dit, dit, dit. Over and over.

Chapter Twenty-One