Chapter Twenty-Two

At the stairwell rail on the bridge wing, Fourth Officer Boxhall and Quartermaster Rowe light the first distress rocket. It shoots into the sky and explodes with a thunderclap over the ship, sending out white star burst, which light up the entire deck as they fall.

Ismay, the Managing Director of White Star Line is cracking. Already at the breaking point from his immense guilt, the rocket panics him. He starts shouting at the officers struggling with the falls of Boat five. "There is no time to waste." He waves his arms. "Lower away! Lower away!"

Fifth Officer Lowe, a baby-faced twenty-eight, and the youngest officer, looks up from the tangled falls at the madman. "Get out of the way, you fool!"

"Do you know who I am?"

Lowe, not having a clue nor caring, squares up to Ismay. "You’re a passenger. And I’m a ship’s bloody officer. Now do what you’re told!" He turns away to the crews. "Steady men! Stand by the falls!"

Ismay numbly, and backing away. "Yes, quite right. Sorry."

Second Officer Lightoller is loading the boat nearest Cal, Rose, and the group. Boat six.

"Women and children only! Sorry sir, no men yet," said Lightoller.

Another rocket bursts overhead, lighting the crowd. Startled faces turn upward. Fear now in the eyes. One of the little girls from their group smiles. Rose looks at it, with a concern look.

Daniel Marvin has his Biograph camera set up, cranking away hoping to get an exposure off the rocket's light. He has Molly posed in front of the scene at the boats.

"You're afraid, darling. Scared to death. That’s it."

Either she suddenly learned to act or she is petrified.

Rose watches the farewells taking place right in front of her as they step closer to the boat. Husbands saying good-bye to wives and children. Lovers and friends parted. But most of all, she watches Peter and Amanda Foster fight.

"Please, Amanda, get into the boat."

"No! We’ve been together for two years, and where you go, I go. Don’t argue with me, Peter. You know it does no good."

He looks at her with sadness and great love. They embrace gently. Peter sees Rose watching them, and smiles. Rose smiles back, then Peter and Amanda departed from the group, and went inside the ship. Rose saw all this, and it brought a flashback of her and Jack that combines them.

Jack: "You jump, I jump, remember?"

Rose smiles at their vows, in the gymnasium.

Nearby Molly is getting Ruth to board the boat. All the women and children in the group are already in it, except for Rose.

"Come on, Ruth. You heard the man. Into the boat."

"Any room for a gentleman, gentlemen?" asked Cal to a Seaman.

"Only women and children this time, sir."

"Are the life boats be seated according to class? I hope they’re not too crowded," said Ruth to Cal, who smiles.

Rose heard this, and can’t believe her mother, fussing about room in the boat. "Oh, Mom. Shut up!" She grabs Ruth’s shoulders. Ruth freezes, mouth open. "Don’t you understand? The water is freezing and there aren’t enough boats, not enough by half!" Then she looks at the group, and then at Ruth, and whispers. "Half the people on this ship are going die."

"Not the better half," said Cal.

Rose lets go of Ruth and looks over at Cal. It hit her like a thunderbolt. For she knew he meant Jack, he can not stand a chance. Another rocket bursts overhead, bathing her face in white light.

"Come on, Ruth. Get into the boat. First class seats are up here," said Molly, helping her get in.

"You know, it’s a pity I ripped that drawing. It would look great on our wall," said Cal.

Rose stares at him, angrily. "You mean old man." Cal just looks at her, and moves her forward to the boat.

"Come on, Rose. You’re next, Darling," said Molly, handling her hand out to her.

"Come on," said Cal.

Rose just stood there.

"Come into the boat, Rose," said Ruth, handling her hand to her.

Rose steps back, shaking her head, and looking at Cal and Ruth.

"Rose! Get in the boat! Rose?" said Ruth.

"Good-bye, ya’ll," said Rose. She walks away through the crowd.

"Yeah. You go get him!" shouted Lea. Then Jenna joined her, cheering Rose on.

Ruth, standing in the tipsy lifeboat, can do nothing. "Rose! Rose, come back here!"

Cal catches up to Rose and grabs her, roughly. "Where are you going? To him? To be a whore to that thief?"

"I'm already his whore!"

He clenches his jaw and loosed her, for he could not believe his own daughter said that to him. How much he had raised her to be Christian girl, and a proper woman. Also making a fool out of him, because the teen boys just laughed when she said that. Everybody heard. Thinking that he lets her go, she starts to leave, but Cal grabs her roughly again.

"NO! NO! I said NO!" He squeezes her arm viciously, and she beats her hands on his chest. Finally she hawks up and spits in his face. Just the way Jack taught her. Stunned, he lets go and she runs into the crowd.

"Lower away!" said Lightoller.

"NO! Wait! Rose! Rose!" shouted Ruth.

"Stuff a sock in it, would ya, Ruth. She'll be along with Jack," said Molly.

The boat lurches downward as the falls are paid out.

Rose running through the clusters of people. She looks back and furious Cal is coming after her. She runs breathlessly up to two proper looking men. "That man tried to take advantage of me in the crowd!"

Appalled, they turn to see Cal running toward them. Rose runs on as the two men grab Cal, restraining him. She runs through the First Class entrance.

Cal breaks free and runs after her. He reaches the entrance, but runs into a knot of people coming out. He pushes rudely through them, and runs in, and down to the landing, pushing past the gentlemen and ladies who are filling up the stairs. He scans the A-deck foyer. Rose is gone.

The hull of Titanic looms over Boat six like a cliff. Its enormous mass is suddenly threatening to those in the tiny boat. Quartermaster Hitchens, at the tiller, wants nothing but to get away from the ship. Unfortunately his two seamen can't row. They flail like a duck with a broken wing.

"Keep pulling...away from the ship. Pull," said Hitchens.

"Ain't you boys ever rowed before? Here, give me those oars. I'll show ya how it's done," said Molly. She climbs over Ruth to get at the oars, stepping on her feet.

Around them the evacuation is in full swing, with boats in the water, others being lowered.

Chapter Twenty-Three