Chapter Twenty-Three

Jack is going anything to get the handcuffs off. As he’s trying, his face turning red.

"Help! Can anybody hear me? Hello? Help me!" he shouted. Outside the corridor is deserted. Jack’s voice comes faintly through the door, but there is no one to hear it. "Help me! Can anybody hear me?"

Rose is running through the stateroom halls. "Mr. Andrews!"

Thomas Andrews is opening stateroom doors, checking that people are out. He went to a steward. "Steward, check the starboard corridor."

"Yes, Mr. Andrews."

Andrews goes to a woman, who is standing outside her room. "Madame, please. Put on a life belt, and get up to the lifeboats immediately." He walks away, and catches a maid. "Lucy, for God’s sake, put on your life belt. Set a good example."

She nods her head.

"Anyone in here?" he asked through room door.

"Mr. Andrews!" shouted Rose, as she almost passed him, and caught up to him. "Mr. Andrews! Thank God! Where would the Master-at-Arms take someone under arrest?"

"What? You have to get to a boat right away, my dear." Taking her arm.

"No! I’m doing this with or without your help, sir. But without will take longer." As she stops him.

He sighs. "Take the elevator to the very bottom, go to the left, down the crewman’s passage, then go right, then left again at the stairs. You’ll come to a long corridor." With a beat.

Jack pulls on the pipe with all his strength again. It’s not budging.

"This is going to be bad."

He hears a gurgling sound. Water pours under the door, spreading rapidly across the floor.

"Oh shit. Oh shit." He gets up on the rail, sliding the handcuffs up and tries to pull his hands out of the cuffs, working until the skin is raw. No good.

Rose runs through the crowd. "Excuse me. Thank you." She runs up as the last elevator is closing up his lift to leave. He was trying to tell a lady that the lifts are closed, but when Rose tries to go in. He stops her.

"I’m sorry, miss. But the lifts are closed."

Without thinking, she grabs him and shoves him back into the lift. "I’m through being told, goddamn it! Now take me down!"

The operator fumbles to close the gate. Rose helps him and he starts the lift.

"E Deck," she said.

Chapter Twenty-Four