Chapter Twenty-Seven

Panic is setting in around the remaining boats aft. The crowd here is now a mix of all three classes. Officers repeatedly warn men back from the boats. The crowd presses in closer. A woman falls off the ledge but clings onto the lifeboat. Men help her in at the open space.

Seaman Scarott brandishes the tiller of boat fourteen to discourage a close press of men who look ready to rush the boat. Several men break ranks and rush forward.

"Keep order. Keep order here. Back. Keep order," said Lightoller. He pulls out his Webley revolver and aims it at them. "Get back, I say, or I’ll shoot you all like dogs! Keep order here. Keep order I say!" He turns away from the crowd and, out of their sight, breaks his pistol open. Letting out a long breath, he starts to load it. "Mr. Lowe, man this boat."

"Right. Is everybody all right? Nobody panic."

Cal, Parrish, and the rest arrive in time to see Murdoch lowering his last boat.

"We're too late," said Cal.

"There are still some boats forward. Stay with this one...Murdoch. He seems to be quite practical," said Parrish, pointing at Murdoch.

A scream is heard over the side. Cal looks down. Boat thirteen, already in the water but still attached to its falls, is pushed aft by the discharge water being pumped out of the ship. It winds up directly under boat fifteen, which is coming down right on top of it.

"Stop lowering! Stop lowering!" said a passenger.

The passengers shout in panic to the crew above to stop lowering. They are ignored. Some men put their hands up, trying futilely to keep the five tons of boat fifteen from crushing them.

Fred Barrett, the stoker, gets out his knife and leaps to the after falls, climbing rudely over people. He cuts the aft falls while another crewman cuts the forward lines. Boat thirteen drifts out from beneath Boat fifteen just seconds before it touches the water with a slap.

Cal, looking down from the rail, hears gunshots. Fifth Officer Lowe, in Boat fourteen, is firing his gun as a warning to a bunch of men threatening to jump into the boat as it passes the open promenade on A-Deck. "Stay back you lot! Stay back! Just stay back a lot of you!" BLAM! BLAM!

The shots echo away.

"It's starting to fall apart. We don't have much time," said Cal. He sees three dogs run by, including the black French bulldog. Someone has released the pets from the kennels.

He also sees Murdoch turn from the davits of boat fifteen and start walking toward the bow. He and the rest catches up and falls in beside him.

"Mr. Murdoch?"

"Mr. Black. You two with me now!" To the crews.

"Mr. Murdoch, I'm a businessman, as you know, and I have a business proposition for you."

Jack, Rose and the others burst out onto the boat deck from the crew stairs just aft of the third funnel.

"Come on, Love," said Jack.

They look at the empty davits.

"The boats are gone!" said Rose. She and Jack run to the side to see and then they turn to go to the other side. She sees a man chugging forward along the deck, escorting two first class ladies. "Sir, are there any boats on that side?"

The man is staring at her bedraggled state. "No, Miss...but there are still a couple of boats all the way forward. This way, I'll lead you."

Jack grabs her hand and they sprint past the man, with Tommy and Fabrizio close behind.

The band ended the song they were playing.

"What’s the use? Nobody listens to us anyway," said one of the players.

"Well, they don’t listen to us at dinner either. Come on. Let’s play. Keep us warm. 'Obvious'," said Hartley.

Incredibly they are start playing again. Jack, Rose and the others run by.

Oh, God! Please let me wake up from this nightmare! Please!

"Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in First Class," said Tommy to Fabrizio.

Water pours like a spillway over the forward railing on B-Deck, and past A-Deck to the Boat Deck where Murdoch and his team are loading Collapsible C to the forward-most davits.

"Where is everyone?" asked Murdoch to crew member.

"They’re still aft, sir." Pointing towards the stern.

The crowd is sparse, with most people still aft. Cal slips his hand out of his pocket of his overcoat and into the waist pocket of Murdoch's greatcoat, leaving couple of bills there.

"So we have an understanding then, Mr. Murdoch?"

Murdoch stares mutely at Cal, then turns away. Cal, satisfied, steps back. He finds himself and the others waiting next to Ismay. Ismay does not meet Joshua’s eyes, nor anyone's. Cal also waits on Lewis, who he sent to find Rose again.

Chapter Twenty-Eight