Chapter Thirty

Captain Smith is standing, watching the chaos going around him. He turns to see water pouring onto the bridge deck.

"Captain, Captain," asked a woman with her baby in her arms. "Where should I go, please?"

He looks at her like she’s nuts. He leaves without saying a word to her, and heads toward the bridge.

"Captain! Captain, sir?" asked a steward, offering him a life belt. Captain Smith just moves it aside and walks towards the wheelhouse. He looks at the land wheelhouse being flooded, and goes into the sea wheelhouse and closes the door behind him.

At the same time, the band ends the music. Wallace Hartley looks over at the water coming towards them. "Right. That’s it then."

"Good-bye, Wallace. Good luck," said a band member.

"Good-bye, Wallace," said another band member.

The men departed from him, and Wallace looks over and decides to play "Nearer my God to Thee." The men look back, for they know they could not leave him, so they came back and joined him.

As the hymn is playing, Captain Smith, closing another door behind him, has turned back to look at the bridge. He walks over to the wheel.

Thomas Andrews looks at his pocket watch. He reaches up to change the clock on the fireplace. Two glasses at the same time, falls off the mantle. Andrews looks down at the fire and closes his eyes.

Peter and Amanda Foster are back in their stateroom. They are lying down on their bed as the water rushes in. Peter kisses Amanda on the cheek.

Back in the Steerage room, the mother is telling her two children a bedtime story. The two children are lying in the same bed, falling asleep.

In the Sitting room, the paintings are under water.

Wallace is pouring his heart out as he plays the last notes on the Titanic.

On the bridge, the water is coming up pretty fast. All hell is breaking loose. The men don’t have enough time to lower the lifeboat. McElroy tells the men to cut the rope if they have to. Many men help out.

Fabrizio takes Tommy’s life belt off and puts it on himself. Then, he goes to help too. Cal gets up. The men are trying to pull the lifeboat back. Cal is scared. He is moving back, he does not want to drown. For the upside down collapsible, the men are cutting over there as well. Some were clutching the sides.

In the Grand Staircase, the water is rushing in. First class passengers are trying to swim out of the water.

On the bridge, the passengers are either falling into the water or running away from it. Near the band, more are running from the emerging water. The band just ended the song.

"Gentlemen, it’s been a privilege playing with you tonight," said Wallace, looks hard at the cold water.

In the wheelhouse, Captain Smith is surrounded with light, green-blue water. He looks at the water, and suddenly he gasps. The glasses break in front of him, and the water started pouring in. He clutches the wheel as all the windows break at once.

Fabrizio finally cuts a rope, but at the same time he gets pulled under. Cal is desperately trying to get away from the water. He grabs a hold onto the rope and climbs. The lifeboat falls over, and some fall into the water, some are screaming, just trying to hold on. On the other side, men are climbing onto the upside collapsible. Cal is in the other collapsible, trying to tell the people to get back. Some are running for safety.

Jack and Rose run out of the Palm Court and over to the railing. Both look over and see plenty of people in the water. Jack looks down the hallway. Rose hears her father’s voice; she turns and faces him from afar. She sees him and the others with him being scared.

Dad? she thought, but Jack cleared her mind by grabbing her shoulders to face him.

"We have to stay on the ship as long as possible, come on."

He takes her hand. She looks at her father once more, before joining the others where they ran.

Passengers are being swallowed up in the windows in the staircase. Windows break from the water, and the passengers are being sucked in.

On the stern, Jack and Rose are at the railing. They can’t go anywhere, so Jack helps her over the railing.

A man climbs up the side stairs in the Grand Staircase and slowly walks away from the rising water. Many are being crushed between the ceiling and the water. Hope and Glory read 2:15 a.m. and also being washed over too. The windows break and many get sucked in from the outside. Some passengers trip on the people falling in. Fabrizio almost got sucked in, but holds on and swims away.

Jack and Rose are walking on the crane. He tells her to jump. As she jumps, she fell. Baker Joughin helps her up.

"I’ve got you, Miss."

"Thank you. Jack?"

Jack was behind her. "Come on." He takes her hand and leads her on aft.

Cal, in the lifeboat, is trying to row away from the ship. He tells someone to get back or they will get swamped. Fabrizio is swimming away on the other side. Suddenly, they hear the ropes on the tunnel snap. Lightoller is holding onto the upside down collapsible. As for the ropes, some getting hit by them, and die from the snap.

Cal turns just in time to see the tunnel fall onto the people underneath it. Fabrizio screams, in a second he’s alive, now he’s dead. A big splash of water topples over people and moves the two lifeboats. Cal sees a victim and tells him that he’ll swamp them if he gets on.

Jack and Rose are trying to get through the big hurl of crowds. All of the sudden, the lights flicker. The screams from the crowd rise up. Jack and Rose get to the stairs. They are in front of a man, who is acting like a zombie.

"Yea, I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death--"

"Do you wanna walk a little faster to that valley, there?" said Jack, pushing the man forward.

At the Grand Staircase, a man is holding onto a statue of an angel. The dome breaks and the water comes crashing down on the passengers. Many are screaming. Three girls are right in the middle of the dome, and they are struggling to hold on.

In the hallways, the water is coming and crashing in the doors, and the walls.

The Cartmell family is at the top of a stairwell, jammed against a locked gate like Jack and Rose were. Water boils up the stairwell behind them. Bert Cartmell shakes the gate futilely, shouting for help.

"Help! Help!"

Little Cora wails as the water boils up around them all.

The propellers are finally emerging from the water. A lifeboat stares at them in amazing awe as they row away. Passengers are falling in the water. The stern light flickers once again. Jack and Rose climb with all their might. He takes her over the railing. They look over to see many fall out of the ship. They leave and go past Father Byles from Second Class. Hundreds of passengers, clinging to every fixed object on deck, huddle on their knees around him, who has his voice raised in prayer. They are praying, sobbing, or just staring at nothing, their minds blank with dread.

"Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us, sinners now, till the hour of our death. Amen...hail Mary full of Grace..."

"This way," said Jack, leading her again, passing the priest and the praying passengers. It’s getting harder to climb. The propellers are out fully and many are still falling. A man loses his footing ahead and slides toward them. Jack helps him.

"Come on. Come on." Pulling her with his two hands. They make it to the stern rail, right at the base of the flagpole. They grip the rail, jammed in between other people. It is the spot where Jack pulled Rose back onto the ship, just two nights and a lifetime ago. The lights flicker again.

The bottom of the ship comes out. Water is falling off the propellers like a waterfall.

"So, I saw the new heaven and the new earth, the first heaven and the first earth have passed away." Father Byles struggles to hold on. "And no more to see..."

Jack is holding Rose in a hug, as he’s holding her, he is holding his free arm on the rail. He watches everything that’s going on around them. Suddenly a hand went over her face. She pushes it away from, almost loosing her balance. Jack caught her with his arm tightly that held her before.

On her left, she sees a woman clinging onto her son. "It’ll be over. It’ll be over soon."

Rose turns to her right. There’s Helga, with her father, and she finally looks at Rose. Rose just smile, assuring that everything’s going to be all right.

"...and himself shall be with them..." Father Byles continues.

Rose looks around, and at the end of the ship looks familiar, then she remembers. This was where Jack saved her. She looks at him with emotion and tears coming from her eyes. "Jack?" He looks down at her. "This is where we first met." Her voice cracks.

Jack just stares at her, and suddenly he brings her face to him, and kissed her forehead, and pulls her to him as tightly as he can.

"...and God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor shall there be sorrow or pride, neither shall there be no more pain. The former world has passed away."

Chapter Thirty-One