Chapter Nine

April 28, 2063

"His gift was beautiful, but was a cold stone, a heart of ice, and I felt jealous, because he never bought me something that big...but I knew that he loved me more than her."

"So, let me get this right. You were going to kill yourself by jumping off the Titanic?" said Bodine, with a guffaw. "That’s great!"

"Lewis..." said Lovett, warningly. But Rose laughs with Bodine.

"All you had to do was wait two days!" said Bodine, still laughing.

Lovett, standing out of Rose’s sight line, checks his watch. Hours have passed. This process is taking too long.

"Rose, tell us more about the diamond. What did Black do with it after that?"

"I’m afraid I’m feeling a little tired, Mr. Lovett."

Lizzy picks up the cue and starts to wheel her out.

"Wait! Can you give us something go on, here? Like who had access to the safe. What about this Parrish guy? Did he have the combination?"

"That's enough!" said Lizzy.

Lizzy takes her out. Rose's old hand reappears at the doorway in a frail wave good-bye.


Lizzy is preparing Rose’s bed. Rose is looking out the window, and she is smiling. She is remembering what happened after Cal left.

Cal had left to go to bed. He had told Rose not to go anywhere, but to go get some sleep. Rose was still standing in front of the mirror, thinking about Cal had said. "What really happened?" entered her mind over and over again. She could not tell him the truth.

She decided to take a walk before going to bed. She never thought about changing clothes. She picked up her coat from her room, trying not to make a sound. She heads out the door.

Walking along the corridor outside the ship, she saw couples taking a stroll, too. They nodded and said, "Good evening," to her. She nodded back. As she got close to the back of the ship, she did not notice that Jack had never left. He saw her.

Rose got to the rail, and climbed up to see how far she dropped. Memories flooded back to her.

Rose: "HELP! Please get me!"

Jack: "I got you. I won’t let go."

Some how those words meant more than that to her. Did he mean that he’ll save her from her gilded cage, or that he won’t let her die? Somehow she wanted it to be both. Oh, how can he understand her pain from being a little religious girl. What does she know about misery? Most of all, hoping he won’t laugh at her, because she thinks she can’t get out of this as simple as that. She can’t. She is trapped into their world...Cal and Ruth’s world.

As she leaned over still, she saw it was about a fifty or sixty-foot drop. It took her breath away when she thought this. She also felt when she was in Jack’s arms. She felt so safe with him. She just wanted to be in his arms for a lifetime, and never let go. Most of all she loved the way he looked at her with his sea blue eyes, and touching her face.

Rose smiled at that. Now she decided to go in because of the cold, and thinking that Cal might check up on her. She got down. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She gasped and turned. There he was. Jack. Standing there with a concerned look on his face as he did that afternoon.

He’s here. Did he follow me here? she thought. Oh, how I wish he could hold me again. After she had thought about that, she didn’t care. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Will he hold me back, or let go? As he read her thoughts. He hugged her back, only tighter. Rose smiled.

"I’m sorry," said Rose, finally.

"No, it’s all right," he said, as softly as she said it.

"No. It isn’t."

Rose lets go of him and looked into his eyes. "I should’ve told them right away what happened."

"Why did you lie?"

"I knew if I did tell the truth, they would still not understand."

"Understand what?"

"I will tell you. Not now. Can I meet you tomorrow before dinner?"

"Yes," he said, with a smile.

"What ticket do you hold?"

"Third class."

"I’ll meet you there."

"All right. I’ll be in the steerage area."



They stood there a minute longer, still smiling at each other. Finally, she went to leave.

"Wait," said Jack.

Rose turned around.

"Can I at least walk you back, so you can get in your room safely?"

Rose smiled. "Yeah."

Jack caught up to her, and they went to first class. They never said a word as they got to the sitting room door. Rose turns to him, her hand on the knob.

"Thank you for walking me back," she said, with a smile.

"Anytime. See you tomorrow."


Jack waved at as he left. Rose waved back. She went inside. She got into bed. She could not sleep. All she could think about was Jack, and her day with him the next day. She could hardly wait...


Old Rose smiled and went to sleep.

Chapter Ten