Chapter Nine

June 6, 2004

Jack sat nervously in the car as he waited for Rose outside her house. Today was a huge day for them--today they were graduating from high school. He was brought back to reality as Rose got into the passenger seat. Giving Jack a huge smile, she said, "Are you nervous?"

Jack smiled tensely. "Yeah, a little bit. You?"

Rose shook her head, making her curls fall delicately around her face. "No. I was last night, but now I'm fine. I just hope I don't mess up my speech."

Jack eased the car away from the curb. "You'll do fine. I've heard it so many times, I could probably recite it myself, and I'm sure you've rehearsed it a hell of a lot more than what I've heard."

Rose giggled, fidgeting with the radio. "I certainly hope you won't have to recite it to save me."

Jack gave her a sideways grin. "Don't worry about it."

Rose flipped down the visor to check her makeup. "You're going to Ashley's graduation party, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm surprised your parents aren't throwing you the biggest celebration in the history of Minnesota."

Rose sighed. "Give them time. I'm sure they're in the process of planning it."

Jack chuckled. "Why do they always throw you parties? I don't think I've ever been to a party thrown by them for anyone but you."

"I don't know. Morgan says it's because I'm their favorite, but I'm not so sure about that."

"You're everyone's favorite."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Hardly."

"No, I'm serious. Take school, for example. All the girls want to be your friend and all the guys want to date you. You're everyone's favorite."

Rose glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about. All I get are mean looks from the girls and all the guys only want my body."

Jack leaned over to kiss her when they stopped at a red light. "Not all the guys."

Rose's glare softened. "You're lucky I love you, you know that, right?"

"I do know. I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in the world to have you."

Rose smiled as they pulled into the school parking lot. "And don't you ever forget it."


"Here comes the golden couple of Knollwood," Simon commented to Ashley as Jack and Rose walked towards them.

Ashley sighed. "Why can't we be more like them?"

"What do you mean?"

"They're so...involved with each other, like we used to be. feels different."

Simon put his arm around her shoulders. "Well, we'll have to do something about that then, won't we?"

Ashley smiled up at him. "You mean it?"

Simon nodded, kissing her. "Yup."


"Hey, guys," Jack said, walking up to his friends.

Simon grinned. "What's up, Dawson? Ready to get the hell out of this joint for good?"

Jack laughed. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Rose rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Ashley. "Have you see Mr. Linly, Ash?"

"Uh, yeah, a little while ago. You're giving the speech?"

"Yes. I need to talk to him before the ceremony."

Ashley's eyes wandered around. "Your best bet is probably over by the stage or backstage."

Rose nodded and turned to Jack. "I'm going to talk to the principal. I'll see you in a bit."

"All right," Jack murmured, kissing her lightly.

Rose pushed him away, smiling mischievously. "Later, Mr. Dawson. Later," she declared before walking away.

Jack stood, watching her walk away, shaking his head in amusement.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the class of 2004!" the principal, Mr. Linly, announced as they began parading out onto the stage.

From the audience, Joseph DeWitt-Bukater watched proudly as his little girl, the center of his being, walked onto stage, barely able to believe it had been eighteen years since she was brought into the world. Watching Rose graduate filled him with more pride then he had ever known. Sure, he had seen three of his other children walk across the stage and he would watch three others after this, but for some reason, this moment made his life. He squeezed his wife's hand in anticipation when the current speaker introduced Rose. She looked so beautiful, radiant even, as she gracefully made her way to the podium. And the applause! It was deafening, literally. As she began to speak, Joseph's mind went back over the years. The day they brought her home from the hospital, her first steps, her first word.. Later, her first day of school, her first boyfriend. And now, here she was, about to graduate. Forcing himself to listen to his daughter's words, he smiled. Rose was so smart. She was the only one who showed interest in following in his footsteps. Nothing made him happier. Suddenly the crowd was cheering again, on their feet and Joseph realized she was done. Standing, he clapped as hard as he could.


"... Martin Curtis," Mr. Linly announced, and Rose shivered. Jack was next in line. "Jack Dawson." Jack flashed Rose a huge grin before walking onto the stage to accept his diploma. "Simon Deluca." This was it, her turn! "Rose DeWitt-Bukater." Giving her family the biggest smile possible, Rose graciously accept the paper.

After the last person had been called and seated, the principal took the microphone and stood center stage. "Family, friends...I now present to you, Knollwood High School's class of 2004!"

The place erupted into applause as the kids, turned adults, tossed their caps into the air.

Chapter Ten