Chapter Twelve

August 15, 2004

"Watch out!" Christopher Dawson yelled as he and his brother carried the large dining room table into Jack and Rose's new home. It had taken some time for things to go through, but they were finally moving in.

Morgan ducked as they walked by. "Sheesh, you didn't have to yell," she called.

Rose shook her head. "Hey, Morgan, go see if you can find Cammie, would you? Make sure she isn't making too much of a mess."

Morgan nodded and took off, leaving Rose alone in the living room. Both families were gathered at the home, helping them move in. Jack and his father had left to go pick up their bed from the store, Ruth was upstairs hanging curtains, Elaine had insisted on cleaning each bathroom from top to bottom, so that's where she was. David and Chris were bringing in the furniture they'd already bought, and everyone else was unloading the moving truck. Rose had wanted to help move their things, but both mothers had refused to let her. So she settled for unpacking them and cleaning different things. The only one not there was her father, who had been called away on a case a few days earlier.

"Hey, Rose, we got the couch. Where do you want it?" David asked, as he and Chris came into the room.

Rose wrinkled her nose. "Um...put it against that wall for now. Thanks."

"Rose, where does this go?" Eric asked his sister, carrying a large box labeled K.

"Kitchen," she said absentmindedly. Eric nodded and headed out of the room.


"Move it, coming through. Hey, watch it!" Jack exclaimed, coming in with one end of a mattress.

Rose covered her mouth with her hand, but a giggle escaped anyway. Jack glared at her. "And I suppose you find this funny?"

Rose came over and kissed his cheek. "Mmmhmm. Imagine how your dad feels, bringing this in here, knowing full well what's going to take place on it tonight," she murmured.

Jack gave her an amused look. "Is that an invitation, Miss DeWitt-Bukater?"

Rose smirked. "Like you need an invitation."

Grinning, Jack bent down and kissed her passionately. "I'll remember that."

Just then David came in behind them. "Hey, enough of that. Isn't that how you got that one?" he teased.

Groaning, they pulled apart, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I've got work to do. Later, Jack," she said meaningfully, winking at him, before disappearing into another room.

David shook his head at the look on his brother's face. "You two keep that up and you're going to end up with more kids then both your families combined."


"All right, if you need anything, just call. I'll see you tomorrow," Ruth said as she and Rose walked out to her car. It was late and they had finally finished getting them settled. Rose was just anxious to get her family out of there.

"We'll be fine, Mom. Now go get some sleep. We'll see you tomorrow."

Ruth nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "All right. Good night."

"Night, Mom," Rose replied, waving at her siblings, who were already packed into the car. She sighed happily as her mother's car vanished from sight, and practically skipped back into the house.

"They gone?" Jack asked, immediately pulling Rose into his arms.

Rose smiled and nodded. "Finally. Our own place, Jack. Isn't it great?"

Jack kissed her. "Yeah. But I know something that could make it even better."

Rose gave him a mock confused look. "What in the world could be better than this?"

Jack groaned. "You're the devil. Come on, we've got our own private housewarming party to attend."

Rose moaned softly as he picked her up, his lips never leaving hers as they made their way up to their room.

Chapter Thirteen