Chapter Thirteen

September 2, 2004

Rose rolled over in bed, only to find Jack was not there. Slowly, she opened one eye and glanced around the room. Sunlight poured in through the windows, and there was a noise coming from the bathroom that adjoined their room. Jack was in the shower. Grinning mischievously, Rose got up and sneaked into the bathroom. She quickly removed her clothes and slid in behind Jack, managing to remain undetected. Smiling to herself, Rose teasingly ran a finger over his spine, making him jump and whirl around.

"You're going to pay for that one," he said huskily, kissing her hungrily.

"Mmm...I've been a bad girl. Teach me a lesson," Rose murmured, once they parted.

Jack shook his head and kissed her again, pressing her against the shower wall...


We should do that more often," Jack commented, as he dried Rose's hair with a towel.

Rose gave him a semi-sad smile. "Well, we're probably not going to be able to do it again for awhile. I'm getting bigger every day."

It was true. At nearly five months pregnant, her pregnancy was becoming more obvious each moment that passed.

"I'm sure we can find some way around that," Jack said, kissing her neck.

"Knowing you, we probably could," Rose agreed, pushing him off the bed. "Now, get out of here. You're going to be late for school."

Jack shook his head. "All right. I'm going. We're going out tonight, though. We've got an anniversary to celebrate."

Rose smiled. "You're lucky you remembered," she said, kissing him lightly before shoving him out the door. "See you later!"


"What the hell..." Rose mumbled when the doorbell rang. Sighing, she got up and went to answer it, smiling when she saw a single rose with a note lying on the doorstep. She sniffed the flower and went back inside the house to read the note.


I'm not sure how to put into words what I feel for you, but I'm going to try. You're the breath in my soul, the one I was always meant to be with. There is nothing in the world that can compare to your beauty, that competes with the happiness only you can give me. And to think that we've been together for a year makes me want to love you forever. A year is nowhere near long enough. I'm not really good with words, so I hope that in at least a small way, you get the feelings I'm trying to convey here. Tonight will be special. I love you.


Rose felt a tear slide down her cheek as she read the letter. It was so like Jack to do something like this. It was funny, what a year could do. If someone had said to her a year ago that she'd be with him, head over heels in love, living with him, carrying his child and still sublimely happy, she would've had them carted off to the nearest mental institution. But it was true, she was all those things and more. Smiling, she put the rose in some water and went to get ready.


"Hey Rose? You home?" Jack called, unlocking the front door.

"In the bedroom."

Jack grinned and jogged up the stairs, two at a time. He sneaked up behind her. "BOO!"

Rose spun around. "Don't you do that!" she exclaimed, punching him lightly on the shoulder.

Jack grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him, and planted a kiss on her lips. "All right. I won't anymore, promise. You almost ready to go?"

Rose looked up at him in surprise. "Already? You just got home."

"Ah, my dear, you lost track of time. It's almost six."

A glance at the clock confirmed that it was indeed, ten minutes to six. "Damn! I've been sitting here for nearly two hours."

Jack gave her a quizzical look. "What could you possibly have been doing in here for two hours?"

Rose giggled. "Plotting my seduction for tonight," she whispered, kissing him with all her might.

Jack broke away and leaned his forehead against hers, his hands spread out across her stomach. "I think we might just have to stay here..."

Rose shook her head. "No way. You promised me a night on the town, and I'm holding you to that."

Smiling, he agreed. "All right. We'll go have a night on the town. But then..." He paused, kissing her. "We're going to come back here and have a celebration on the bed."

Rose rolled her eyes and moved to get dressed.


"Did you enjoy your dinner?" Jack asked as he led Rose back to the car. They had spent the last hour and a half at the most prestigious--and the most expensive--restaurant, and were now headed to the Janet Jackson concert Rose had so desperately wanted to see. She didn't know they were going, and Jack had managed to get them a private box.

"Mmm...yes. Where are we going now?"

Jack cleared his throat before presenting the tickets to her. Rose's eyes went wide and she shrieked excitedly. "I can't believe you got these! How in the world did you? They've been sold out for months!"

Jack smiled. "I planned ahead. As soon as I heard about the concert, I knew I had to take you to it. It's just fate she was playing on our anniversary."

Rose stopped him before he started the car, giving him the most intense kiss they'd ever shared. It was some time before they pulled away, both heavily panting. "Thank you. You'll definitely be repaid for this tonight," she said, raising an eyebrow.

Jack gave her a look of desire, and started the car.


"Oh, my God. Was that not the best concert you've ever been to?" Rose exclaimed as they exited the arena.

Jack nodded wholeheartedly. "I have to admit it was. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Rose twirled around to face him. "Thank you so much. This night has been perfect."

Jack kissed her before opening her door. "Let's go home and make it even more perfect."

Chapter Fourteen