Chapter Fourteen

Christmas Eve, 2004

The next few months passed quickly, both of them adjusting perfectly to living together. They, along with both families and their friends, were highly anticipating the arrival of the baby, which would pop into the world in a few weeks. While Rose complained constantly about being so big, she was incredibly excited to be a mother. When Christmas came along, everyone in both families crowded in at the DeWitt-Bukater home to celebrate the holiday.


"Let me see you!" Rita DeWitt-Bukater, Rose's grandmother, exclaimed coming into the house. Rose smiled sweetly and embraced her as much as her swollen middle would allow.

"I missed you Gram."

"I missed you too, sweetie. Last time I saw you, you were much too young to even go on a date. Now look at you, all grown up and having a baby. Oh, I'm going to be a great-grandmother!"

Rose giggled, "You're much too pretty to be a great-grandma."

Rita kissed her cheek. "You're too sweet, Rosie. Where are those siblings of yours?"

"I would guess in the living room."

"I'm going to go see them, then. We'll visit later?"

"Okay, Gram."


The house was lit up with bright Christmas lights, cars filling the street, leaving no empty spots for the young man who was driving up and down the road. It had been six years since he had last stepped foot here and he was nervous. Was it really a good idea to come tonight? They were obviously having a party, not that he was surprised. His parents had always been the social butterflies of Knollwood. Finally he decided he wasn't going to find a spot to park on this block and turned down the next street. There he put the car into park and got out, not ready for the cold blast of Minnesota winter wind that awaited him. Pulling his coat closer to him, he made his way back to the home that used to be his. Had it not been so bitterly cold, he probably would've turned around and left when he reached the walkway. But, unwilling to stay out in this weather, he reluctantly knocked on the door.


"Who in the world could that possibly be?" Joseph said when there was a knock on the front door.

Tiffany shrugged and got up. "I'll go get it."

Bracing herself for the cold could not have prepared Tiffany for the face she saw when she opened the door. "Oh my god!" she shrieked.


"Dear Lord, what the hell is going on out there," Ruth muttered when she heard her daughter scream. Walking into the front hall, she saw Tiffany and a strangely familiar man hugging tightly. "Tiffany, are you all right?" she asked and gasped when the two individuals released each other. Staring at her were two deep green eyes that could only belong to one person. Slowly she approached the man and hugged him, crying quietly.

"Shh, Mom. Don't cry." The young man whispered.

Ruth wiped her tears away. "Oh Frankie, It is you. You've finally come home."


"Rose, go see what's keeping your mother and sister, would you?" Joseph asked.

Rose nodded and excused herself, heading towards the front door. "Hey Mom, Dad's--Oh my God!"

Frankie turned to see his little sister standing there, frozen in pure shock. "Rose?"

"Frankie!" She exclaimed, finally breaking out of her trance and hugging him.

Frankie pulled away abruptly and looked at her. "You're pregnant?"

Rose smiled happily. "Yes. Eight and a half months."

He shook his head in disbelief, "Wow."

Ruth interrupted the reunion. "You picked the perfect time to come back! Everyone's here. Oh your grandmother is going to be beside herself!"

Frankie exchanged amused looks with his sisters. "Well, lets go see 'em."


Later that evening, everyone gathered in the dining room for Christmas dinner. Having been attacked by his family, Frankie had yet to have a real conversation with Rose. What was his baby sister doing having a baby at eighteen? Who was the father? The answer was one he wasn't ready for.


Watching Rose curiously, he was very surprised to see Jack Dawson pull out her chair and help her sit down. Maybe the father of the baby took off, leaving her to fend for herself and Jack felt sorry for her? Even more shockingly, Jack sat next to her, saying something he couldn't make out. This made Rose giggle and give him a peck on the cheek. What he did not see was their intertwined hands under the table.


"So, Frances, how long do you plan on staying around here?" Joseph asked, giving his eldest child a cold, but not completely unpleasant smile.

Frankie glanced nervously around the table before answering. "For awhile, I suppose. Maybe until next term starts."

"And when is that?"

"January fifteenth."

Joseph nodded. "Last I heard you transferred from Yale. Where are you attending now?"

Frankie sighed. His father had been upset with his college choice ever since he turned down the scholarship to Harvard. He wasn't going to like this new development. "Right now I'm at NYU. I should be graduating in June."

"New York University?"

Ruth placed a hand on her husbands arm. "Joe, please. Lets not discuss this now. Its Christmas," she said quietly.

Joseph's face softened when he looked at his wife. "All right. You'll be staying here or a hotel?"

"I was hoping I could stay here. If not, I can find somewhere else."

"Nonsense. You're more then welcome to stay here. Its Christmas and you should be with your family." Ruth said, nudging Joseph who managed a small smile.

"Of course. Its Christmas."

Frankie shot his mother a grateful smile. The rest of dinner was ate in silence.


"So you finally decided to come home, huh?" Frankie's childhood best friend, Jessica Dawson said, coming up behind him.

Frankie turned and smiled. "Yeah. I thought it was about time to face my father. Mom kept him calm tonight, but once the holiday is over, he's going to be all over me."

Jessica shook her head. "I don't get it."

"He wanted me to be just like him. Go to Harvard, go to law school. But because I didn't, I'm a failure in his eyes."

"Dang. You'd think he'd lighten up. At least one of his kids are following in his footsteps."

Frankie looked at her in confusion. "Who?"

"Rose. After she has the baby, of course."

He smiled at the mention of his favorite sister. "Good. Speaking of her, do you know where she ran off too? I haven't been able to talk to her all night."

"Knowing them, she and Jack are probably hiding out somewhere."

"What's the deal with them anyway? When I left, they were at each others throats and now its like they're best friends."

Jessica giggled. "Things have really changed the past six years, I can tell you that. The fighting stopped last year. Now they've got a townhouse together and expecting a baby..."

"Hold up," Frankie interrupted. "Are you saying Jack is the father of her baby?"

"Their baby." Jessica corrected. "Yes. They've been together for over a year now. Its not the first time she got pregnant either."

"She has another kid?"

Jessica shook her head. "No. She was in a fight with Jack's ex-girlfriend the day she found out. Krista pushed her and she lost it."

Frankie stared at her, wide eyed. "Poor Rose. But dang...the two of them? Isn't that impossible?"

"We all thought so at first too. But if you saw them together...there wouldn't be a doubt in your mind that they're meant to be together. They love each other so much...its so romantic."

"Wow. So they live together?"

"Yeah. They got a nice place in Minneapolis. They'll be heading out to Boston this summer though."

"Shit. I never would've...I should kill him, you know that, right? Getting my baby sister pregnant."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Both of our parents have already lectured them to no end. But what's done is done. Now they're all excited about being grandparents."

"Jess?" A young man said, coming up to the two.

Jessica smiled. "You're finally here! James, this is my oldest friend in the world, Frankie. Frankie, this is my boyfriend, James."

James extended his hand and Frankie took it. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too."

Jessica nodded to Frankie. "I'll talk to you later."

"All right. See Ya, Jess."


"Jack! What has gotten into you!?" Rose exclaimed, pushing him away playfully.

Jack gave her a goofy grin, the one she'd said turned her on, pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. "I can't help it, its what you do to me. Driving me wild, sitting there so gorgeous."

Rush pushed him away again. "You know if our parents catch us in here like this, we're going to get it."

"Ah, let them yell. I need you." Jack replied, once again pulling her back to him.

Rose sighed and gave up, settling herself into his embrace. "You are impossible, Mr. Dawson."

"Mmmhmm." He murmured, kissing her neck, his hands coming around her waist and resting on her stomach.

Rose threw her head back, kissing him with her entire being. "I need you, too." She whispered.

Something inside Jack snapped, and he dragged Rose out into the sunroom on the back of the house. "Here. Now."

Rose glanced at him. "Here? Are you--" She was interrupted by his kiss and she moaned in his mouth as he hitched up the skirt of her dress...


Frankie stared in complete astonishment as his sister sat in Jacks lap, in the sunroom, making out. He could tell they'd just finished doing a little more then that. Rose's dress was up around her thighs, Jack's shirt was untucked and both of their face were incredibly flushed. Feeling a bit awkward, he stepped back into the house and left them alone.

Chapter Fifteen